
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 1: Horned-Green Wolves

Pit, pat, pi. The sound of my shoes are making, while me and the rest of my teammates explore this gate.

It's dark and clustered, all I can see are rocks and the smell of monster's blood in the cave-like structure makes me want to throw up.

Not only that but the only light I have is the light from the C- ranked magician in the guild.

Worst of all is that the light barely reaches 3 meters in front of us .

Anyways, the situation I'm in is difficult to explain, trying talk to my teammate I reach out to my guild by saying, " I don't think this is a good idea, this is a high level gate. For A-ranks and up, you're all only mid-rank fighters and I'm low-ranked...! We can easily be killed!"

But they just respond back saying, "Come on Hiroto, be a man! Yes, this dungeon is for high-rankers, I'll give you that, and yes, we don't fit the criteria, but I'm a B-rank, and 3 others are C-rank!"

Another one joins in, "Yeah! There's no need to be scared at all!" "....." There's a soft silence.

I look at them as if they were either the most optimistic people in the world, or just dumb as hell.

I turn back and sigh. "haaa". I've been in this situation twice already.

From my previous life, to now. I feel like I should be the leader of this guild with all my basic knowledge.

Knowing the future outcomes and all that.

But I can't just go out and say, "I was reincarnated 13 years into the past after I died in a high ranking dungeon with you guys, after you abandoned me there. So you should believe me, make the right move and walk out of this gate"

They'd all think something is wrong with my head.

But, I know that in about 10 minutes, a "Horned-green wolf", a high-ranking monster that looks like a wolf, with a sharp horn on his head and is, well, obviously green, will appear.

It might sound basic but no, it's strength is extreme, their speed is insane and they can use hidden skills from humans, along with their own skills and magic including their heightened sense of hearing.

This is the opponent they left me to die along last time I was here.

It hurts to know how naive I could be trusting these people considering they're previous actions but if I die here, "I'll drag them all down with me no matter what", is what I'd say if I had the strength to do so.


As we walk deeper inside the gate I stop.

Other than my low combat and magic affinity, I have one of the best senses for smell and hearing compared to other adventurers.

As I stop to listen to the sounds and echoes of the narrow cave, my group notices my halt. "What's wrong, Hiroto?"

I give him the signal to stay quiet.

As I listen better, I can hear the Wolves in front of us, the only issue with that is that they're 300 meters away.

If they were normal wolves, it would take them around under 40 seconds to get to our position, giving us enough time to run, or for our magician to prepare one of his many spells to take the wolf out.

However, 1 our magician isn't the B-ranker, it was our leader, which means our magician is not going to have a lot of skills that have a strong effect on the wolf, and number 2, fuck, I don't really think this needs any explanation but,

the wolves are extremely fast, like, E.X.T.R.E.M.E.L.Y…

So if we're caught from their hearing, they will be here in less than 10 seconds and then I'll be left to die.

Look reader, yes you! The person who is reading this book, don't think I don't know you can read my inner monologue.

Look, It's not like I don't want to die, perhaps I actually would like to die and stay in a black void forever, with no meat-headed idiots and people clouded with greed and is just around for the money,

it's that the process of the way I died last time was gruesome.

Just close your eyes and picture this, the most disgustingly painful death you can think of.

Maybe, just maybe it's being abandoned by people in a dark cave, as a mad man pack of wolves starts to bite into your limbs, as you scream,

as you are fully awake and present as it's happening.

And continuing that, you can feel the pain as your hands get torn off, and the feeling of weakness as blood starts rushing out of your body.

The wolves start tearing your neck, your torso and trying to eat your face.

As you can't feel your legs anymore, because, uhmm, well, sorry to break it to you pal but, YOU DON"T HAVE LEGS ANYMORE.

Lots, and lots and LOTS of tearing, huh?

Well, that's how I died. And I would like to die a painless death. Anyways, enough of the side story,

I alerted the magician first, knowing he was the most calm, understanding and most prepared for these kinds of situations.

I whisper. "Magic-guy."

"Huh?" He looks to his back and looks at me. "What is it Hiroto? And please don't call me 'Magic-guy' . The name is Sam"

"Ah! Yes, sorry Sam. Please forgive me, however, this is urgent. In front of us there are a pack of Horned-green wolves. Prepare your quickest and most precise magic please, but be extremely quiet when you do. The wolves' sense of hearing is immensely sensitive"

His eyes were wide open.

But he remained calm, he nodded his head and started preparing the magic.

Alright. Part 1 of the plan is complete!

I silently pray for our survival, however, the next part is the hardest.

The leader and the 2 other C-rankers probably have some kind of mental issue, because whatever they do, they're just too good at making it ear-bleedingly loud.

And the issue here is, if they make it ear-bleedingly loud, the only

Even so, not doing anything is also bad, because it's not like my team will just stand still, at some point a monster will find us and the Horned-green wolf is the weakest of the High-ranking monsters in the gate!

I gathered up all my courage, preparing for the worst, then tapped the shoulder of the leader.

"Uhmm, leader?" I whispered.

Before he responded, I spoke, well, whispered first.

"Don't shout. There is a pack of Horned-green wolves in front of us." He looked at me with disbelief, preparing to shout, he opened his mouth wide.

However, i think he understood the situation as he realized what would happen, closing his mouth, he replied in the quietest I've ever heard him. " I understand, tell me what to do as leader"

Hehehe. I'm starting to like this muscly, buff guy who makes the insecurities of my skinny body grow even more! (forget i said that please)

I whispered back,

"Alright, thank you leader, tell the other two C-rankers the issue. I got the magician to start casting some spells to fend off the wolves if they spot us earlier."

I walked back to the magician, Sam as he was done doing the spells. So now, you the reader might be thinking, well, what now?

Well, my plan is to slowly back away as quietly as possible. To a point where the wolves can't hear us.

As everything seemed to be going right, everything went wrong.


I jumped from the sudden yelling.

The leader started freaking out from the C-ranks yell. "YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO YELL!" He screams.

"Everyone! Be quiet!" Magician Sam says.

But the issue here is not the screaming anymore, it's the blood thirsty pack of wolves that are going to be here in less than 10 seconds….

This is my first Webnovel! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as this will probably become to be a longer series as I am constantly planning more of the chapters ahead of time. So please share this to friends and family, review the chapters and give advice. Thank you!

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