
System reboot

A wise man once said that revenge is to move on happily and let karma do the rest, but how can I move on when those evil doers are still out there living happily without any remorse or punishments for the harm their actions caused,if it's best to leave leave them to karma then I shall be the karma that does the justice. Ding [The gods has heard your cries and seen your pain,they have decided to give you the power to crush those who have wronged you] [Quest: Remove the corrupt leaders of the holy temple] [Reward:Your sister's life and the end of the rifts] -------- Li wei is a below the average highschool student since he never received a blessing,he often works trying hard to provide for his sister who he sees having a better life than him because she has a high blessing of the gods. It didn't matter that he was always bullied for being weak, It didn't matter that he had to skip a couple of meals and work various part time jobs everything was fine as long as she was happy. So why was he standing Infront of a stone cold body that was said to be his sister. The son of one of the Celestial saints had killed her for rejecting him and he was released without any retribution. Now, blessed by the gods and filled with power that will enable him to take revenge he goes on a killing spree, punishing those who have wronged him and destroy the corrupt temple that was meant to protect the people. After all the system could use a little rebooting

Roxanne_Writes · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

Selena sighed in annoyance did this kid have hearing problems or was he just an idiot

"I said- 

"No, I heard you the first time I'm just wondering how can you say something like that"

"Look kid everything that happened to your sister was an accident which could have been avoided if she accepted his love, my son didn't mean to kill her so please just let me compensate you and forget about this whole thing I'm already late for my meeting"

Li Wei couldn't believe his ears how dare this woman and her son try to do this to him killing his sister because he got rejected and trying to bury it not on his watch.

Without thinking Li Wei jumped up ready to tackle the bitch and pummel her and her son to the ground but something was wrong why couldn't he breathe, why couldn't he feel the floor beneath his feet.

He looked down and saw that he was levitating and an invincible force was holding him up from his neck blocking the only source of air for him.

"Did you really think that you could attack me? I'm a celestial saint and you are just a weak nobody! How dare you try to lay your hands on me"

He was suddenly thrown across the room hitting his head against the wall harshly but he didn't care about the pain nor the blood running down his face. He stood up on shaky legs and tried to attack her again he would get revenge for his sister even if it kills him

"Damn pest if you want to join your sister so badly I guess I have no other choice than to help you do that"

Again he was slammed into the wall,his vision now blurry and his head throbbing in pain. Selena scoffed at the pitiful state she had left the boy in oh well it wasn't her fault if he hadn't tried to attack her none of this would have happened.

"Come on Alex let's go drop your friends at home"

".....you happy"

Urgh was that kid really still alive

"What do you want now kid"

"Are you happy now that you've killed an innocent child and her brother"

He heard someone come closer to him and all of a sudden his head was forced to look up at someone. Through his blurry vision he could make out who it was it was the bastard who killed his sister

"Look sir it's not my fault really that bitch should have just given me her number instead of playing hard to get and this whole issue would have never happened so if you want to blame anyone blame your whore of a sister"

His whole body screamed with fatigue and his bones felt like they would break at any second from now but at that moment Li Wei found enough energy to move his hands and punch the bastard in the face. Hard.

Maybe he shouldn't have done that but who the fuck cares he was going to jump off a building if he survived this so a hole the size of a fist in his abdomen really didn't matter now.

His vision was fading rather quickly but he could see the doctor screaming something at the bitch and the gang of assholes. He looked at his sister one last time and tears gathered in his eyes at the sight of her pale colour so much different from the vibrant colours that he had associated with her

' I'm sorry Hui Ying I failed to protect you please forgive me when I see you again"

He gave one last sigh as everything around him faded to black and the cold embrace of death welcomed him.

"Wake up young mortal"

Huh what was that

"Young mortal it is time for you to wake up"

Was someone calling him, who was that mysterious voice calling out for him

"I know you can hear me so GET UP!"

He shot up from his slumber. and saw a woman staring at him. She had blonde hair and red eyes as well as a belt wrapped around her head wait was that who he thought it was? He looked around and sure enough, he was at the fabled holy summit a place rumoured to be the peak of the heavens and the very same place where gods communicated with the saints.

"How long are you going to stay on the floor and look around with your mouth open when you are in the presence of the gods"


"Leave him be Angelica he must be in shock I mean it's not every day you're summoned to the holy summit"

Li Wei turned around to where the voice spoke from and a beautiful lady sat on a golden throne with a smile on her face. She had hair as dark as the night and eyes as bright as the moon. Who was she

"Who are you, where am I, aren't I supposed to be dead?"

He had to clear his head from this frustrating confusion it had been thrown into

"My my for a small human you sure do ask a lot of questions don't you well for your information I am Nyx, Goddess of the night and the daughter of chaos and I am here to ask for your help"

Huh, help?


The Gods of the system need your help

Help them YES or NO

reward for accepting the quest: The favour of the gods.

reward for denying the quest:Move on to the other side peacefully

Huh!? was that the system notification bar? He had never been able to communicate with the system before as he had no blessings and so was not in the system

"Well it's rude to keep a lady waiting you know"

Nyx said as she got up from her throne and walked towards him. She held his chin and forced him to make eye contact with her smiling down at him

"So what will your choice be"
