
System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests

Jacob awakens to find himself in the body of Şehzade Alaeddin soon he links the system and plans to use his knowledge to build an immortal ottoman state to stand the winds of time... follow as our protagonist builds his empire as well as fills the rooms of his harem with royal woman and beautiful enigmas of the times! Not my book cover. Just love the art. If it's yours, all credit to you. Please comment if you want it removed. Discord for chat and things: https://discord.gg/dU4QA8Gu

Jubong · ย้อนยุค
62 Chs

Chapter 61: Making a statement

After giving my speech I was surprised for a second by the response I received from the crowd… only to then realize my grasp of this language is tenuous at best.

But luckily the people in the room are highly educated in this era. Leading them to connect the dots and grasp my meaning in a few brief seconds.

Then their reaction was clear! They will not lay down to a foreign horde they will rather fight it out… This makes sense as giving up their families lands and their position of power without even fighting for it is just cowardice to these men.

But before the murderous crowd could get to riled up… I threw more kindling into the fire this time speaking in Greek, as to leave no misunderstandings.

I raised my voice this time " I want to be sure you all understand. Continuing this farce without any raised armies and a small number of household troops is suicide and not to mention no one will leave this room unless you are my subordinate."

I looked to my right and without even speaking my assassin shocked everyone. He placed a crossbow bolt into the eyeball of the gentleman who rudely spoke when we first arrived…

Quickly leading to the mans untimely demise. To which the crowd erupted into outrage pulling their weapons from their waists wether that be daggers or short swords they were now ready to fight.

Luckily for me, not a single noble in this coalition was willing to submit to being my subject. So without remorse I allowed my soldiers to do their duty.

To everyone in the rooms surprise I was fully able to back up my outlandish statements. When 40 heavily armored axe wielding men burst into the room, first moving me, the queen , and my assassin escourts to the rear this allowing us to exit the room.

Then they began the slaughter of these foolish nobles who never in a million years would have believed a foreigner would attempt to take over their castle without a siege but by walking into their own trap. Diplomacy only works when both sides need a compromise or benefits of cooperation are greater than being at odds.

But in this situation they just never understood my intentions, as I truly have not secured all the lands I have rode my armies through. Most of the lands are run by a few officers with minimal training and understand of governance in general.

So with this information, and the fact we didn't declare war but defended against their aggression they may have believed we were willing to compromise until our situation is under control. But instead I would rather annex all of Serbia and Bulgaria, taking all the possessions and lands of the nobles and highest class aristocrats in the process.

Now this will lead to a set back in quality leadership, but will also allow me to gain full control over these lands without fighting against the corrupt schemes of ancient families. Which is a major flaw the ottomans In history just could never seem to solve.

By our estimates before the war, we will take approximately two years to clear these squatters or nobles from these lands. And during the two years we will also be able to train many bureaucrats, filling in the gaps of leadership and our basic level of governance for 80% of the settlements.

Leaving the other 20% as unimportant villages and hard to reach areas. We will stick in our Sipahi as leaders of these areas securing our armies strength in the region for years to come.

***3rd person

Alaeddin whispers aloud "damn, caught in my own thoughts again! One take the queen to meet her children… though you may have to put her to sleep first."

The queen hearing such whispers and watching the scene before is clearly desperate and anxious. She attempted to pull a small weapon but unfortunately she was dealing with experienced and trained killers, who easily knocked her out and carried out their given task.

Soon the sultan was walking through the now bloodied castle. He seemed to be enjoying the view as he waltzed through the castle hearing low screams and desperate yelps for help.

Soon he reached the entrance he previously entered through, and exited the fortress and mounted his horse wasting no time. Swiftly he rode with his guard now in tow before arriving in the town square where his army now held full control.

The scene was ghastly for anyone still holding hope for their newly formed empire. A foreign army held their former defenders captive and the others bodies still strewn about the area and in the distance blood dripped from the flags that previously flown proudly off the walls.

And now during all the confusion a towering man who seems to be the leader of this army arrived riding a regal and large horse directly through the beleaguered crowd of local denizens. Quickly the man rears his horse catching everyone's attention including the now imprisoned soldiers.

Adding to the dramatic entrance drums began to play and men in the army formation chanted for their leader in a language foreign to the locals. The crowd now scared stood still silent not willing to risk their lives to even utter a quiet prayer.

The mighty leader now in the center of the square began to bark orders to his men still in a foreign language. Until he eventually turned toward the crowd of denizens, making one quick announcement they all understood "GO HOME!"

Leaving without a second thought the crowd who never before worked together was somehow able to leave in the most orderly manner possible in such situations.

Now the control of the city and its defenders were now firmly in the sultans control he decided to settle down for the day… allowing the city to calm, as martial law was imposed on its occupants.