
System Of Gene Apocalypse

It is the story of Jack, a scientist. He was in the central prison of Gettykark, for killing his girlfriend. In this prison, a new prisoner came after 2 years named Stanik Mever. He was a time traveller, who had come from the past, not from the future. He explained to Jack the concept of timeline which was completely different than Jack had thought. But Stanik came to that jail to meet, Jack and his girlfriend Jasmin. Because jasmine and Jack together can make the machine that will save the earth from the apocalypse in the past. That destruction was the reason why dinosaurs died and not only that so many advanced civilizations had destroyed completely. Stanik was one of them, they had that advanced technology for time travelling and they came to know that after millions of years later, 2 scientists named Jack and Jasmin become successful in designing the machine that will save the earth from this destruction. But Stanik came to know that Jack had killed his girlfriend Jasmin. Jack will explain the reason which bound him to do so. But the problem is, the device Stanik was using for time travelling, can help only one person to teleport in time. Even after facing so many problems. Can they find their way to save the earth without the help of Jasmin? Or Jasmine will arise again? A new world of gene apocalypse. An alien gene !

Aniket_Mandal · ไซไฟ
8 Chs

Coffee or a tea?

It was 7 in the evening. Every prisoner came out of their cell for the evening snacks.

The incident of Stanik was in everybody's mouth. The sort of discussion was him.

Tom was burning in the fire of revenge, but he was planning and waiting for the right time.

The most trending guy of THE GAEEL.

Although Stanik sat alone in a corner with his coffee cup.

Apart from all, there was another discussion was going on between Derek and Jack.

"That man, Stanik!

Wow, what a star.

Have you looked at the face of Tom,

He was shivering", said Derek by holding a laughing face.

"Don't say that you missed his moves? " asked Derek.

" No, I have seen everything but I have seen something which others had missed ". Responded Jack.

"Okay, tell me what I'll bring for you?

Coffee or tea?" asked Derek.

" I don't drink tea, you know this Derek.

Please buy me a coffee ". said, Jack.

Suddenly Jack called Derek from the back and said, " listen Derek, not a coffee this time.

" Then, what do you like to take?" asked Derek.

Jack again dive back to the memories he had with jasmine when she asked him for a coffee for the first time.

That day, the physics professor was so lost in his process of explaining the concepts that he didn't notice that most of the students are sleeping in the class.

Except for me and Jasmin. Jasmin has submerged herself in the concept of what our physics professor was explaining. While I was lost in her beauty.

Our physics professor was so strict that most of the students don't attend his classes. I too sometimes avoided attending them. But when I notice Jasmin being the regular attendee. I started being regular. Of course, the reason is mostly Jasmin.

The whole class I used to watch her from behind. I lose myself in her beautifully crafted face.

All of a sudden she turned back to me. I was looking at her so immediately I draw my eyes away, with a blush.

"Keep your eyes glued to the blackboard, not at me," she said making a funny gesture.

We both hide our laughter by keeping palms over it.

When the class over. She came to.

" Why are you staring at me? " she asked.

I didn't understand what to answer. So I kept mum. And withdrawing eye contact.

Jasmin hold my chin up and said, " come with me".

I followed her. We moved to a huge library. I generally don't prefer to go to a library for studies. But I'm following her this time!

She issued 2-3 books and came out of the library.

" Are you not going to study in the library?" I asked

" Yeah, but not today," she said with a smile on her face.

" Now, follow me", she again added.

I helped her to hold the books and we both started walking.

" Where are we going? " Jack asked.

" Do you have any girlfriend?" She asked by ignoring my question.

Although I was blushing, I answered, " No!"

"Why?" She again added.

" I lost my parents when I was 12years old in a car accident. I left whole life studying so hard to achieve something to make them feel proud, it does not matter where they are", Jack answered by controlling his tears.

" I understand what it is, growing up alone! " Jasmin continued.

"My parents left me in a dustbin when I bornt. I very kind man passing by that area picked me up from there and give me this beautiful name JASMINE". She wiped her tears and again added

" I call him Angel and he calls me Jasmine, I can never pay the price of what he had done for me and what he is still doing for me"

" I haven't seen my angel from last 1year, he sent me here for completing my studies.

Every month he sends me money without thinking once for himself, for my studies and livelihood. But I again send the money back "

"And what do tell him?" Jack interrupt in between.

" I tell him that I'm doing an internship here and he doesn't need to take stress for me, still every month he sends me the amount with a message," she took a healthy pause.

"What is that? " asked Jack.

"My daughter!

"You are my only reason to live, be safe!"

"I'm waiting for you! " she answered. Fine drops of tears sliding down her eyes.

Jack slowly hold her hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder. They crossed so many alleys. Then we stopped before a small old rented house.

" This is where I live!" She gave the most appealing smile.

" Would you like to join me tonight, in studying?" She asked all of a sudden.

That was huge a proposal for Jack. He was amazed at first but he ready to stay at the end.

They stepped inside. Although it was not that beautiful from the inside yet clean and organized.

" Would you like to take coffee or tea? " asked Jasmine.

" coffee please, I don't drink tea". Jack gave a gentle smile to answer.

" Okay! Let me make some tasty coffee for you and tea for me", Jasmin stepped to the kitchen.

Jack was thinking about the life she was living. And found lots of similarities in both their lives. He was feeling really good after a long year. He found some who understand the pain he had experienced in his life.

He started loving Jasmine. His first love.

" Please do taste! And tell me how is it?" Jasmine put the cup of coffee, on the table in front of Jack.

" yes of course " Jack was blushing. He took some sip and he found the taste of the tea was awesome!

" wow! It is the best tea I have ever had", Jack claimed with grace on his face.

" So sweet Jack, would you like to take some cookies? ", asked Jasmin.

" Yeah sure".

Jasmine moves to the kitchen for some cookies. Then Jack found the cup of tea, which jasmine had made for herself. But she had already taken a sip from that.

Jack kept his coffee cup aside and picked up the teacup and gave a gentle kiss to the mouth of the cup. Though he doesn't like tea, still with intense love he started sipping tea from it.

"Hey, you said you don't like tea" Jasmine catch him while doing so.

Jack was fumbling with his tongue as if he had done something unknowingly. But from inside his heart, he was praying for something else.

Jasmine came close to him, closer and a bit more closely.

They are submerged in each other's eyes. Their tongue met each other softly tasting and licking. So also the lips!

Now, Jasmine too got the chance to taste the coffee from jack's tongue.

They were licking each other's intensely, forgetting about the rest of the world.

" would you like to drink coffee or tea?" asked Jasmin.

" no, tea please" Jack replied and started kissing down her neck. Licking down slowly.

And Jasmine unbuttoned the shirt of Jack one by one. They were madly entangled with each other. Jack could feel her warm breathing. Jasmin's mouth kissed all over his body. They both discovered and explore them. Unknowing every corner of the body. These are non-erasable memories they had. Being in each other 's arm the night spend with comfort and intense love.

All these memories are still fresh in Jack's mind, in a loud voice Derek asked again.

"Tell me quick Jack?

Would you like to take tea or coffee?"

"One cup of tea please " Jack replied with a light smile.

Derek was amazed when Jack sudden changed his drink. Because Jack doesn't like tea.

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