
System Of Gene Apocalypse

It is the story of Jack, a scientist. He was in the central prison of Gettykark, for killing his girlfriend. In this prison, a new prisoner came after 2 years named Stanik Mever. He was a time traveller, who had come from the past, not from the future. He explained to Jack the concept of timeline which was completely different than Jack had thought. But Stanik came to that jail to meet, Jack and his girlfriend Jasmin. Because jasmine and Jack together can make the machine that will save the earth from the apocalypse in the past. That destruction was the reason why dinosaurs died and not only that so many advanced civilizations had destroyed completely. Stanik was one of them, they had that advanced technology for time travelling and they came to know that after millions of years later, 2 scientists named Jack and Jasmin become successful in designing the machine that will save the earth from this destruction. But Stanik came to know that Jack had killed his girlfriend Jasmin. Jack will explain the reason which bound him to do so. But the problem is, the device Stanik was using for time travelling, can help only one person to teleport in time. Even after facing so many problems. Can they find their way to save the earth without the help of Jasmin? Or Jasmine will arise again? A new world of gene apocalypse. An alien gene !

Aniket_Mandal · ไซไฟ
8 Chs

Arrival of the change

The prison of Gettykark also had a name, everybody calls it 'THE GAEEL' the gate of hell. The bars of the prisoners room opens twice a day. One, in the morning 7 am and another in the evening 7pm. And left open only for an hour. During that time, prisoners have to work for the prison, cleanliness and maintenance of the prison.

"Hey! Jack, Won't you come out? " Derek screamed from outside.

Derek is the most kind and the only kind person for Jack.

" You lost the watch given by your girlfriend.

But my father killed my mother and killed my father ". Derek added something in drunken voice.

" I have seen my whole family, get killed before my eyes, everything left scattered before me" Derek said by wiping his tears with is long outfitted sleeve.

" right now, I have no one with me!

I am still living right?"

"I do not hide myself from this world, because it seems to me and all of us that we are here, even if there was a reason behind our crime, because we are helpless.

No one is an intentional killer! "

Derek moved away from Jack's room.

Jack generally remains closed in the bars. Because the cell incharge consider him as the most intelligent prisoner.

So, he has chances that he can escape the prison easily. Once in a week, he has the permission to step out of his room.

But the only thing he allows to do when he stepped out of the room is to sit. Anyone can talk to him but he is not allowed to do anything in the prison.

Jack had not eaten anything from the last two days. He lost the only emblem of Jasmin he had. Squeezing himself in the corner of his room, he lost in the thoughts of Jasmin and his old days.

Someone knocked the bars of his cage. It was Tom. The big boss of all the prisoners. More than 80% of prisoners are like his slave. This huge man had killer over 70 peoples in his life. Everybody was waiting for his death sentence but he was politically very powerful. His death sentence gets suspended every time.

" hey! You son of a bitch!

The old broken watch of you girlfriend ". He laughed. " I peed over it".

The fire of anger was inflating inside Jack but still, he kept mum. Because even after saying thousand bad words to Tom, the pain inside his heart will remains the same. And this not the right time. He can wait and he will wait!

Suddenly, the sound of a huge crowd was coming from the ground floor. Although it's not new matter in THE GAEEL but it has mostly two reason.

It may be because of a fight in between two prisoners or a new face arrived in the prison to hoin us.

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