
Chapter 26: Upgrading into ???

As she was about to bite a large chunk out of the struggling fae, something else caught her attention, closing her mouth. She took off running away from Tobca as the smell of blood drew her towards the injured monster or human. She could really careless as of the moment, as she quickly made her way towards the battle.

Dyllis current Stats:

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Low-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 20


Strength: 261

Speed: 261

Defence: 283

Magic Pool: 52,350/52,350

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 93

Arriving at the scene, it looked like a whole massacre had happened, a bunch of humans and elves in army wear. They all laid still not moving a signal inch, some of the bodies were missing a few limbs, the faces of the soldiers were either stuck in pure rage or terror.

Dyllis couldn't really care as she dug into the feast, ripping meat off the bones. Devouring each body one by one, they haven't been dead for a long time, base on how they haven't died from blood loss. and that the killing blow had small little golden needles puncture right into the heart or into their throat.

Even in her hunger state, she found this strange that someone put mana onto these needles, lucky for her they shouldn't work even, base on the runes on the small needles they are meant to instakill any living being it hit. After finishing everything she can eat buffaye, she stunk a bit to her normal size.

Blinking wildly she looked around her only to notice the bones all around her, She had no memory of what just happen nor does she remember she tried to eat her lover. She felt something prick her hand, opening her palm. Ten golden needles lay there, narrowing her eyes she could barely see the small runes in grave into them.

"System what are these?" she couldn't help but ask, The system spoke "Those are life-sucking needles, it can add more life to the one who uses them and they only affect live things. Since you are dead, host you don't need to worry" The system spoke without stuttering for once. She nodded her head in understatement before another thought came to her head "Where am I system?" the system took a few seconds to answer "You are in the devil's forest, there is a cave about 300 pastes away from where you stand" The system spoke.

Stretching a bit before breaking into a sprint she got to the cave in no time, Tobca pointed a sword at Dyllis "don't come any closer!" she snarled at the wendigo, Dyllis titled her head confused by her reaction. Opening her mouth to speak, a water bullet came right at her, she dodges the bullet as it only grazes her cheek.

"Looks like you have gotten stronger babe," Dyllis said with a disgusting smile, that froze the water fae in place "You c-can talk normally now? How?" Tobca stuttered completely dumbfounded before when she talked in her hunger state she thought it was just her mimicking she had heard before.

"Well I hit a certain category and that allowed me to speak, also I should be evolving soon," Dyllis said sheepishly, Tobca just blinked at the younger female. Overwhelm by everything that had happened in the short amount of time "You are evolving again? you are really something else" she said before putting her water sword away.

Laughing sheepishly she itches the back of her head in nervousness, "The first one was just one of my skills evolving, this time I am evolving" She tried her best to explain without mention her system. Taking a step closer to Tobca "Your not gonna try eating me this time right?" Tobca asks in worry, this made Dyllis stop in her tracks.

"Again? Did I try eating you while I was..." Everything seemed to freeze in place as a crestfallen look appeared on the cannibal's face. Looking at the wendigo's expression she realizes Dyllis probably couldn't remember a thing while in that state.

Tobca felt some of her anger disappear "I am deeply sorry" Dyllis said in deep despair, horrified that she almost ate the one she loves the most in the world. Tobca came closer to the wendigo and gave her a big hug and rub her back "It is fine I forgive you Dyllis you weren't in the right state of mind" She said softly.

From the corner of Dyllis eye, a small timer was counting down right above it said 'Remaining time till evolution' at some time ago while in her eating frenzy she had gone over the experience she needed, then the timer appeared.

Putting on a false smile she got out of the water fae arms "You should go do some hunting for a bit" Dyllis said with a sad smile. Tobca catch the hint and left Dyllis alone, no monster or beast alike enjoyed others see them evolved because at that time they will be their weakest.

Sorry for that short chapter ^_^

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts