
System Leader

System+Invincible+Clan+Call+Sign in+Kill decisively+All Heaven and Boundaries

DaoistV2xDsl · ตะวันออก
1 Chs

Get two places to turn into gods

Southern Wilderness


Great Zhou Dynasty

Burial Mountain

Here, the mountains stand high, and the flat ground stands at the same level with the clouds. Standing on the top of the mountain, the sea of clouds is within reach, and the scenery is quite beautiful, and the aura is so rich that it seems that you can touch it with your hands. If there is a monk here, you will be shocked: isn't this a forbidden area? How can Reiki be so abundant!

On the top of a mountain.

At this time, a man in white was looking Looking at the magnificent and ancient buildings on the mountains in front of me, my face changed, and I couldn't help shouting abuse.


"Dog system!"

"You give me back the Immortal King Xiuwei!"

[Ding, please don't give up on yourself, cheer up and believe in light! "]

The system is totally depraved, persuading the man in white.

Step on the horse!

["Ding, the Zongmen system is bound successfully. As long as the host makes the Zongmen bigger and stronger, the Immortal King will soon be able to dream... to cultivate it!"].

Hearing the voice in his mind, the man in white was even more stunned. What about the accomplishments of a good man?

Now, do you want to make a binding for me?

Is this for me to work for you?

"System, are you sure you are the strongest system in the heavens?"

"What's the use of giving me a villa on the top of the mountain?"

I want to be the Great Emperor, I want to be the Immortal Emperor, I want to be arbitrary forever Ah! Dog system!

["Ding, Kunlun Sect, the site of the sect has completed its embryonic form. Please recruit disciples within three days! Note: Every time the host receives a talented disciple You can obtain a random calling card. Note: The calling card can summon the strong in the sky! Fixed reward for improving the residence of the sect once! "]

The voice in his mind ignored him and directly forced a wave of very silver tasks.


Lu Chen looked at the Dabie wild face in front of him and was worried. He had just passed through the fantasy world a day ago and signed in with the Immortal King Xiuwei. But before he could be happy, he was taken back by the dog system.

Now he is also forced to bind a sect to him and let him recruit disciples within three days.

Step on the horse! Lu Chen looks unhappy and scolds the system.

Fortunately, this system is still a bit silvery. It doesn't do everything completely. At least it doesn't say that it will be punished if it doesn't finish the task.

["Ding, it is detected that there is a genius in front of the Zongmen. Please go to the income Zongmen as soon as possible"!]

Kunlun Sect, in front of the Clan Gate at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yun looked at the words Kunlun carved on the two ancient stone pillars at the end of the straight cloud in front of him. His face suddenly changed and he could not help exclaiming.

"This buried fairy mountain is a forbidden area!"

"Is there any other sect?"

"Shall I go up and have a look..."

Just as Lin Yun was thinking, a voice From the ladder behind the stone pillar

Lu Chen, dressed in white, came down with his hands down.

"Young man, I think you have a wonderful bone, excellent physique, and the gift of God King. The future of the Great Emperor can be expected, and you can join our Kunlun Sect."

Lu Chen looked at Lin Yun with a bland face, and said with a look of peerless strength

Lin Yun was stunned.

Unusual constitution? Can the Emperor expect it? Then my people also scold me for being unable to open up the spiritual waste and expel me from the family?

Kunlun Sect?

"I originally came to bury the fairy mountains to find the opportunity Luck, it seems that the Kunlun Sect is not simple. The sect is actually in the forbidden area. "

Lin Yun thought to himself.

At this time, Lu Chen looks at Lin Yun, who looks suspicious. He is extremely panic and anxious and thinks that you should promise soon!

As long as you can accept a gifted disciple, you can get a calling card. When you call a great emperor, you will walk across the world!

"Well... please, what are the strong ones in your sect?" Lin Yun asked weakly.

Although he is a waste in the family, no sect is willing to accept him, but the person in front of him is either the God King or the Great Emperor, OK As if he had seen it before, how loud it is!

"There are countless strong people in our Kunlun Sect, and they are incomparably powerful. If you join our Kunlun Sect, you will be taught by the strong one by one to help you become a peerless strong person!"

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Lu Chen immediately blew the calf and said with a serious face.

Hey hey, I have read so many novels of the red hair monster in my previous life. What god, the Great Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, didn't blow his mouth.


Lin Yun can't believe looking at Lu Chen, who is the most powerful one to one? Even the Holy Land dare not say that, let alone he can't open up spiritual channels! "Naturally, if it weren't for your extraordinary physique, you wouldn't be qualified to enter Kunlun!" Lu Chen said frankly


Hearing what Lu Chen said, Lin Yun thought it might be better to try. Anyway, no sect would accept him as a useless man who could not open up spiritual channels, and he was also abandoned by the family. Maybe joining the Kunlun Sect could help him open up spiritual channels.

["Ding, congratulations on the host's success in receiving a gifted disciple, activating the strongest sect system in the heavens, obtaining a primary calling card, a cultivation card, and a fixed reward for the sect disciple's successful attic improvement!"]

Just after Lin Yun's voice fell, Lu Chen I received the reward from the system. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to shout out, I want to take off!

Lu Chen's previous life was the last generation of clan leader of Bluestar's family who buried his love in the 21st century. The reason was that the Chaomen were changed into chili powder by plotting lime when dancing, and died of respiratory infection. It is despicable to be a strong dancer!

Even people and souls were brought to the world by the system and were bound and saved by the system. Now they have been taken back.

What's more ridiculous is that now, the dog system directly forces him to arrange a wave, and directly gives him a whole seat door.

If it weren't for his strong ability to cheat, the boy would have left early! "My lord, is Kunlun on the top of the mountain?" Lin Yun asked as he looked at the direction of the ladder to the top of the mountain.

"That's right. Let's go with me!"


Lu Chen stood with his hands down, and said faintly.

Then he turned around and walked smartly up the ladder. Seeing this, Lin Yun quickly followed.

Inside the Zongmen.

Lin Yun's eyes were wide open. Looking at the old lofts towering into the clouds in front of him, he was shocked. The main city didn't deceive me!

"I always feel that there is something missing, although it is arrogant Incomparable! " Lin Yun wondered.

"But... no, no popularity!" Lin Yun immediately exclaimed.


The main hall of the sect.

"System, quick, use the repair card!"

Lu Chen rubbed his hands excitedly in the same place and said hurriedly.

["Ding, the cultivation card has been successfully used. Congratulations to the host for his millennium cultivation!]

When the sound of the system in the mind just falls.

A powerful force suddenly appeared in Lu Chen's body, and this force immediately filled Lu Chen The whole body, from bottom to top, through the five meridians and eight meridians, opens the five great treasures of the human body.

"Sleeping slot!"

"It's so cool..."

Lu Chen couldn't help shouting.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt the strength in his body suddenly rose, and a Taoist temple appeared behind him, with runes flowing on it, emitting an ancient flavor. He saw a virtual figure like Lu Chenchang sitting in the Taoist temple.


Behind him, the shadow of the Taoist Palace gradually melted into Lu Chen's body and disappeared in a flash.

"Turn the spirit into reality!"Lu Chen felt the powerful power in his body and looked happy.

Although the Immortal King's accomplishments were taken back by the system before they were experienced, at least there are accomplishments now!

"Now we have the ability to protect ourselves."

Lu Chen's eyes flashed a fine light.

According to the information given to him by the system, he also knew that the world was a vast land called Xianwu, which was vast and vast. The strong were respected, and there were numerous Zongmen dynasties. More powerful people move mountains and fill the sea, split the sky and the earth, and there are countless powerful powers when waving! The realm of Xianwu mainland is: building body, gathering qi, spiritual pulse, spiritual sea, divine treasure, Taoist temple, transforming spirit, hole void, heavenly king, sage, great saint, divine king, quasi emperor, great emperor!

There are six major regions in Xianwu mainland. Lu Chen is now in the southern wasteland of Qingzhou, the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the forbidden area of buried immortals in the mountains.

"Leader, leader! Proud... not popular!"

As Lu Chen was thinking, a loud cry came from outside the main hall.

Looking up, I saw Lin Yun running in.

"Lin Yun, what's the matter? It's in the Zongmen Hall It's embarrassing to be so flustered! " Lu Chen looked at Lin Yun and said, "This boy can't be a ghost!"!

"Lord, why... why can't I see others in the sect!"

Lin Yun is very upset at the moment. It is reasonable to say that there is no one in this huge sect, even a dog!

What about the strong man who taught me to practice?
