
Chapter 92: Simps and Body Doubles, Part 3

Alright, already.

I'm having enough of those simps that are infesting this establishment like cockroaches.

We're going home early.

After bidding goodbye to the bartender, we quickly head back towards our apartment.

I'm pretty sure that Zach has plans for those simps he hates without infringing on their right to drop by the place he built.

The next day.

After the usual morning rituals, we have nothing to do, practically.

At least we still get to cook, considering our restocked food pantry and all.

After that scrumptious lunch, which is composed of roast beef pizza, carbonara, mojo potatoes, and matcha milk tea…

We go ahead and decide to watch a movie showing on satellite TV just to pass the time.

The title of the film is Jack and Coleen TRX, and it's a buddy cop action film.

We're at the point where the titular duo is just bored out of their minds, which is pretty much the state we're in.

Jack whispers to Coleen, "The best way to kill an afternoon is just to get drunk."