
Synapse Sovereignty Framework: Custom Made Demon Queen

In a thrilling twist on "Custom Made Demon King," "Synapse Sovereignty Framework: Custom Made Demon Queen" unfolds an enthralling saga of Roxana, who, upon her demise, is resurrected not as a human, but as a captivating demon embodying the mythical fox's essence. This narrative takes us into a realm brimming with danger and enchantment, where Roxana emerges as a remarkable deviation from the norm. In this gripping adventure, Roxana's path is fraught with challenges that test the limits of the heart and spirit. This story intricately weaves together elements of dark desires, forbidden pleasures, and warfare, all while narrating an uplifting journey of perseverance and triumph. With a rich tapestry of themes including #FemaleLead, #StraightMC, #Romance and #OPMC (Overpowered Main Character), Roxana is determined to navigate the treacherous landscapes of demonic pacts and intrigue, asserting her dominance and forging her own destiny in a world where magic and mayhem reign supreme.

Ex_Author · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Facade and Folly: The Doctor's Delayed Revelation

The next day, the tranquility of the Muzan household was pierced by the arrival of a letter that brought news both unexpected and unwelcome. The letter, written by Dr. Akiyama explained that his journey to the Muzan residence would be delayed by a fortnight.

The path he had intended to travel was rife with bandits, making it perilous and forcing him to take a longer, safer route. This news cast a shadow over the household, dampening the spirits that had been lifted by the promise of his visit and the potential treatments he was bringing.

Last night at dinner Roxana had utilized her magic to influence the emotions of Muzan's parents, convincing them that the flower Dr. Akiyama was set to provide would act as a catalyst for her to harness her demonic powers and cure Muzan.

However, Roxana privately believed that, in line with the story's original narrative, the herb alone would be sufficient to cure Muzan, allowing her to merely ride the wave of this belief without actually doing anything.

It was during this moment of disappointment that Muzan saw an opportunity to voice a suggestion that had been forming in his heart, fueled by the complex emotions Roxana had awakened within him. "Then, it would be beneficial for Roxana to extend her stay with us until Dr. Akiyama arrives. Her presence has been... a comfort, not just to me but to us all."

His parents exchanged surprised glances, noting the uncharacteristic vulnerability in Muzan's voice.

It was clear that his request was not just out of concern for his health but stemmed from an infatuation that had taken root in his heart, an infatuation with the enigmatic Roxana, whose mere presence had transformed their lives in ways they could never have anticipated.

Roxana agreed to the request, seeing it as an opportunity. There was still one experiment she had yet to conduct, and since she needed to wait for the doctor's arrival anyway, she thought it wise to make the best of her time there.

"Why not enjoy the process and see where it leads?"

Roxana maintained her habit of nightly strolls, and as a consequence, the city began to buzz with a newfound vibrancy. With each day, the streets grew safer, as wrongdoers mysteriously dwindled, almost as if being picked off by an unseen force.

To the city's residents, Roxana's presence was less like that of a demon and more akin to a guardian angel, coming to deliver them from evil.

Observing these changes, Muzan's parents saw Roxana's arrival as a beacon of hope, a sign that their long-standing troubles might finally be coming to an end. Unbeknownst to them, a gentle thread of Roxana's manipulation subtly guided their perceptions, reinforcing their belief in her as their savior.

In the kitchen, Roxana moved with a grace that belied her strength, her hands deftly chopping vegetables as she prepared dinner. Muzan's mother, Mrs. Katsuragi, watched her, a look of amusement on her face.

"Roxana dear, I must admit, I was skeptical at first," Mrs. Katsuragi began, breaking the comfortable silence. "But the way you've blended into our home, it's as if you've always been a part of it."

Roxana smiled, her focus still on the task at hand. "Thank you, Mrs. Katsuragi. I believe food has a way of bridging gaps between people, of healing. It's more than just sustenance."

Muzan's father entered, drawn by the aroma. "What's cooking? It smells delightful," he remarked, a genuine smile lighting up his face for the first time in what seemed like ages.

"Just a little something Roxana suggested. It's a recipe from her studies," Mrs. Katsuragi replied, her tone warm.

The dinner table was a testament to the changes within the household. Muzan, although still carrying an air of detachment, showed signs of warming up. The meals Roxana prepared brought them together in ways conversation and conventional medicine had failed.

"This is exquisite, Roxana," Muzan admitted, his voice softening. "I can't remember the last time we all dined together like this... peacefully."

Roxana met his gaze, a twinkle of satisfaction in her eyes. "Food does more than fill the stomach, Muzan. It nurtures the soul."

The days passed, and Roxana's influence grew, her presence becoming a cornerstone of the household. Muzan's parents found themselves confiding in her, sharing stories of Muzan's childhood, their hopes, and their failures. They began to see her not as a demon, but as a young woman with an extraordinary gift.

One evening, as the sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, Mrs. Katsuragi suggested a trip to the market. "Roxana, would you accompany me? We need some fresh ingredients for tomorrow's meal."

"I'd love to, Mrs. Katsuragi. It'll be nice to see the market at this hour," Roxana replied, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.

The market was bustling with life, vendors calling out their wares, the air filled with the scent of spices and fresh produce. Roxana and Mrs. Katsuragi moved through the stalls, picking out ingredients, sharing laughter and stories.

"It's been a long time since I've enjoyed coming to the market like this," Mrs. Katsuragi confessed. "You've brought a lot of changes to our home, Roxana. I... we are grateful."

Roxana smiled, touched by her words. "I'm happy to be here, to be able to help."

As Roxana and Mrs. Katsuragi returned from the market, laden with bags of fresh ingredients, there was an electrifying air of anticipation. As soon as they stepped into the household, news came in that 'Dr. Akiyama would arrive the following day'. All around the household, there was an air of expectation.

The next day dawned bright and clear, a fitting backdrop for Dr. Akiyama's much-anticipated arrival. As Dr. Akiyama's carriage approached the Muzan home, Roxana couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement.

The doctor's arrival marked an important moment, as for Roxana, keeping up her act around the family had been exhausting. Pretending to be someone she wasn't, always being careful with her words and actions, had taken a lot out of her. Watching the carriage, Roxana thought to herself, "Finally, it's hard to keep a facade all the time."

Dr. Akiyama stepped out, a figure of scholarly esteem, his eyes bright with the promise of healing. The family greeted him with a mix of reverence and relief, ushering him into their home with open arms.

"Dr. Akiyama, it is an honor to have you here at last," Muzan's father began, his voice thick with emotion. "We've awaited your arrival with great hope."

"Thank you, Mr. Katsuragi. The journey was long, but knowing the difference we might make here has spurred me onward," Dr. Akiyama replied, his gaze then shifting to Roxana. "And you must be?"

Roxana stepped forward, her expression a mask of professional warmth. "I am Roxana, Dr. Akiyama. I've been assisting the family in your absence, studying under a mentor with deep respect for your work. I hope to learn from you and aid in any way I can."

Dr. Akiyama nodded, a look of interest flickering across his face. "Ah, an associate then. Your help will be invaluable, I'm sure."

Dinner that evening was an affair filled with quiet tension and expectancy. The family and Dr. Akiyama gathered around the table, the air thick with the unsaid. It was Muzan who finally voiced the question on everyone's minds.

"Akiyama, about that flower you were supposed to bring," Muzan started, his voice dripping with a blend of impatience and presumption. "Now that you're finally here, let's not dally any further.

Roxana has had to endure enough because of your delay. We're expecting you to start treating with the flower's properties right away. The time for waiting has passed."

Dr. Akiyama, fork midway to his mouth, paused, looking genuinely perplexed. "Flower? I'm afraid there might be some misunderstanding. My treatments are based on a combination of traditional medicines and herbs, but there's no specific 'miracle flower,' if that's what you're referring to."

A heavy silence fell over the room, the words hanging like a thick fog.

Roxana couldn't help but be amused by the turn of events. "Well, this certainly took an unexpected turn," she thought, her mind calm and not a trace of worry in sight.

"Luckily, I've already mixed some sedatives into the food," she mused to herself, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. "This is getting fun."

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