
New Discovery

"I was a rejuvenated 34-year-old man who felt like he was 17 again. Anyhow, it dropped me when it was done and that is when I turned to get their name, but they had vanished. So I ran to you and the rest you know."

"I think we should get some sleep. This is too much excitement for one day," says Debby, convinced he must have bumped his head along the way home.

They went through the night with their regular routine. Watch television, eat, wash up, and read the first part of a few books to be finished later.

That night started with him in a restless sleep. He kept stirring in bed.

Debby on the other hand slept great.

A little after midnight he finally found a little comfort. Unbeknownst to him, he began sleeping on the ceiling. When he slept there he had the best sleep of his life, but then he woke up.

"Help! Deb, help me get down from here please? Debby Mai! " He screams repeatedly at the top of his lungs.

She was in the shower blasting her music and couldn't hear any of his screams.

Then it appeared that the mystical stranger was now in the window. This being was really impossible. How could someone possibly levitate off the ground and why would they do such a thing in broad daylight and not care. Syn began to worry about the consequences. What if his neighbors saw it. Especially Mr. Jenkins, the poor man was incredibly old and he didn't think his heart could take the excitement.

The stranger waved a finger and snap Syn Rya fell from the ceiling causing a big thump. "ugh", he groaned as he got up. After collecting his bearings he went to the window, but the stranger was gone.

"Ugh, who do they think they are Houdini? Why not introduce yourself? I mean do they think they have to observe me in such a creepy way? I am not a bad guy. I can keep a secret."

"Shit! Why am I sitting here talking to myself? It's not like they can hear me? This is frustrating I was definitely floating just then. Maybe if I get the hang of it I can fly" After the initial frustration subsided he became giddy with anticipation.

He began testing out his theory going around the house trying to see the fluctuation of matter, feeling the energy in the air, yoga, lifting items of varying weight, and aggressively jumping in the air.

Debby was as forgetful as a chimpanzee when it came to some things so much so that her husband's ramblings of the previous had mostly been forgotten. Yet, she made sure to schedule an online visit with a physician last night just in case.

So when his wife exited the shower she'd experienced in her opinion, paranormal activity but in all actuality, it was a miracle.

She saw her husband in the kitchen cooking: Bacon, eggs, grilled cheese toast, sausage, grits. There was even freshly squeezed orange juice.

Baffled she says, "Well, slather me with butter and call me a biscuit. You are actually cooking, and I didn't have to ask you or anything. Well, I'll be, what did I do for this? Wow, you must have really bumped your head."

"Haha. You've got jokes. Sweets listen, I know I may have scared you last night but this has been a rollercoaster for me too. I understand you want me to go to the hospital but I'm as fit as a fiddle. I can guarantee that. I even did an experiment I can lift all kinds of objects without using much strength, I'm extremely flexible, I can even sense the energy in the air. I was shocked when I woke up on the ceiling but it seems I'm not advanced enough to do it on command. "

"You know it's impolite to tease people even if I started it first. I'm supposed to believe you slept on the ceiling." She says unable to believe the words coming out of her mouth.

"Wife, please focus. I can do so many great things now and you can only doubt me. I'm wounded." He put on a pitiful presence his performance was quite good actually.

"ah, stop with the faces I get it. Continue explaining I'll pay closer attention to this momentous occasion." She knew that she had teased him enough and that he was serious since he rarely if ever reprimands her.