

"What are you doing in here" she heard a cold angry voice in the small dark room."w-w- who is there " she stuttred looking around to see who is it, and 'click' the lights came on, her eyes widened in horror on realizing the locker room she ran into. She tried hard not to drool on his shirtless sweaty body and tatoo's,cause she ran away from a dog only to end up in a lions den. Such bad luck."a..a ..a"she said trying to find the right words." Am sorry I'll leave immediately" she said trying to bolt out of there but her arm was held in a firm grip. His dark eyes starring down at her with a sinister smile. "You wanna go just like that"he asked and tilt his head, her heart dropped into her stomach. She just got into a more bigger trouble. Jasmin snow a simple carefree girl,daughter of a multi billionaire who craves for a new environment, a new life a new highschool,where no one knows her as the billionaires daughter,she wanna have true friends.her wish finally came true as her family of three moved to new York ,and there she begins a new life in a new school,she thought she could finally have peace,but everything changed when she came across the wolves. Who are the wolves ? Will she find the peace she desires or will she be entangled in the games of love deception and lust. Find out in this interesting ride of teen highschool love

pixie_dust16 · สมัยใหม่
52 Chs

chapter forty eight

Brianna felt her heart skipped 2 beats when her boss held her arms and pushed her into the room,shutting the door with his long legs.

she swallowed hard,wondering why the large room is suddenly stuffy,she wonder what her boss wants in her room.

She immediately wiggled out of his hold and stepped back,giving enough space between the both of them.

"How-c-can I help y-you sir" she stammered her eyes looking everywhere but him.

Is it her,or is he looking at her differently today,the sexual tension is thick in the air,she hopes he isn't the kind of boss who takes ladies on business trip just to sleep with them.

The thought of that made her realize just how exposed she is,standing before him in short shorts and a crop shirt.

"Sit Brianna,I have something I want to discuss with you" Brianna sighed in relief when he finally took his eyes off her,and took a sit on the couch.

The way he was staring at her earlier,made her feel naked under his gaze.she took a sit at the edge of the bed,which was quite some distance to the couch where he sat.

He took her off guard when he stood up and dragged a chair by the dressing mirror closer to the bed and sat on it.

Brianna was breathing raggedly,the feeling of their knees touching is doing things to her body.

" Brianna,I-umm...I love you" he said looking deep into her green eyes as if he could see her soul.

Brianna suddenly felt her world spinning.

"What!" She gasped and made to stand up but he held her hands in his.

"Look I know this may sound surprising and shocking to you,but believe me its the truth.since the first time you walked into my office,I knew I was in trouble cause of how your presence affects me.

I tried to fight it,but I can't anymore.

I love you,I want you to be my woman,you don't have to say anything now,I wanna give you some time to think about it by the time we get back to America then I'll have your response"

Brianna couldn't believe her ears.her boss who always acts as if her presence irritates him,now professing his love to her,this must be some big joke. and her heart is beating so widely as if it would burst out of her ribcage.

The way he was caressing her hands and starring into her eyes made heat pooled in her stomach.

Jason was a little bit nervous.But he's sure of his feeling for her,so why continue pretending he doesn't like her.

He could see various emotions swirling in her eyes.so he decided not to rush her.

He's a very bold lover.she might faint if he moved further.so he gave her a span of

two days to think about it.

He stood and swiftly left the room.her presence is really affecting him in ways he can't imagine.if he stays one more minute there,he'll scare her.

Brianna place her hands on her chest.

Gosh,is this really happening.

For the first time in 27 years of her life,the person she has a crush on like her and even confessed his feelings to her,and that person is freaking Jason SNOW!!.

She frowned when it downed on her,will he still have this feelings for her,after finding out about Britney?.

She sighed and lay on her bed.

What a proud man.

Even his confession is full of ego,geez.

Now how's she gonna face him tomorrow.

The driver drove into the Lee residence which made teddy hiss in irritation.

"Why did you bring me here?" asked Teddy irritation evident in his eyes.

"Carl wants to see you" stated Mr Lee.

Teddy furrowed his brow in confusion before realization dawned on him and he fisted his hands in anger.

"What the heck is Carl doing here!"

He yelled.

"'Here' is his fathers house Teddy,Carl is my son!" Mr Lee gritted his teeth,trying to keep his temper in check.

"I don't want my brother near that woman!" Teddy yelled.

"That woman is my wife".

Teddy gave his father a dirty look before turning to face the window.

"Can you hear yourself. My mother would turn in her grave hearing this right now.

You f*king married her best friend just two months after her burial.

Her best friend dad.

You couldn't even mourn her for a year!" Tears clouded Teddy's eyes.his hands fisted in anger. a stubborn tear slipped down his cheek and he angrily opened the door and left.

Mr Lee sighed rubbing his temple in exasperation.

Why won't teddy understand him.

He wants to make it right with his son.he wants Teddy to look at him and smile like old days.

If divorcing his wife will make it happen.he'll do it.

Levi felt his phone buzzing in his pocket,he removed the phone from his pocket,raising his brow when he saw a new number. He slide his fingers against the green icon and placed the phone against his ear.


Judith who was on the other side of the phone blushed red when she heard his deep rich voice.

"Hi,umm its Judith,Jasmine's sister"

"Oh hi Judy how are you" she hated how his tone changed as if he's talking to a six year old. She's freaking fifteen..

"Umm am at this party at a friend house.jasmine said she'll pick me up and her number isn't going through.she said She'll be at the wolves.so I was wondering if you're close by and could pass the phone to her"

Levi furrowed his brow and looked over to where jasmine and Brandon were analizing their plans along with Neha and Tristan.

"Jasmine is kind of busy now,send me the address let me pick you up"

Judy's eyes widened the size of saucers when she heard he's coming.she wasted no time in sending him the address.

She only waited for ten minutes outside her friends apartment when she saw a car approaching.

The red car pulled over right infront of her.she squealed silently excited over driving a sports car.

"Get in" he waved at her and she immediately got in,her cheeks turning red with the scent of his manly cologne.

"What party is this" he asked starting the car.

"Well... just some girls night out.its supposed to be a sleepover,but I just wanna go home"

"Guess am driving you home then"

The car pulled over at the SNOW mansion.

"thank you very much Levi" Judy thanked him with a smile.

"You're welcome"he smiled back revealing his tiny dimples.

She was about to open the door but paused and turned to look at him.

Levi gave her a 'are you forgetting something look'

"Umm I may not be bold enough to tell you this some other day Levi..but I like you,I like like you,I know you think am too small and little. But my feelings are genuine" she confessed.

Levi froze on his spot.her confession catching him off guard.he was totally transfixed and became speechless.he watched her moved closer.and gave him a simple kiss on his lips before she unlocked the doors and ran off into the mansion.

Levi felt as if he's been striked with lightening when she kissed him.

He scoff in disbelief and started the car.

"What the f*ck just happened" he muttered underneath his breath.