
SWTOR Reincarnation: Warrior

A small group of friends decide to come back to Star Wars: The Old Republic and all make new characters... Only as they finish their character creation they are transported into the world of Star Wars! May the Force be with them.. This will follow the Warrior's story and be from his point of view. The Story will follow the class missions pretty linearly for a good while until I get more comfortable writing... I obviously don't own Star Wars: The Old Republic so all rights for Star Wars: The Old Republic goes to Bioware and their Overlord, Electronic Arts Inc. alongside Disney and Lucasfilm. Releases will be Monday with two chapters and Friday with three chapters around 2:00 Pacific Standard Time

Edgy_Elite · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs

Worry for his Family, To Korriban

The Dinner ended shortly after that for Kadon. He quickly excused himself from the table after eating his fill and returned to his bedroom. He opened the door, the mirror showing a Sith Pureblood filled with rage, and slammed the door, almost breaking the reinforced door due to his strength.

[That stupid man! I'm the only one keeping this family together! If I am to disappear...]

Kadon looks into the mirror, seeing a face too similar to his father's. He see's his bulging muscles, his rage within his orange-red eyes, just like back then with his father...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kadon and his father is in the training courtyard, Kadon barely ten swinging a wooden sword half-heartedly.

"Again. Again. Again." His father repeats, giving a second of delay but not opening his eyes to see Kadon.

[This father of mine.. He's not at all like my Father back on Earth... I wonder if he is even paying attention to me. I should just stop this useless swinging of a sword.]

Kadon stops his swinging, and getting ready to sit down silently.

"Again. Again." His father drones on, like he had thought. But quickly it turns silent.

[Strange.. Is father still talking..?]

Kadon turns to his Father, there.. he sees wrath...

Kelruin stares at his son, his arms raised in a threatening manner, his biceps bulging and several veins popping out. His face sculpted into the very embodiment of rage, his eyes burning red, the color of wrath.

Seeing it, Kadon feels an instinctual fear, the kind of fear he felt back on Earth when he had done wrong and was caught by his father. The fear a son felt when their Father was angry at them.

"I-I, Father..." Kadon stuttered, his fear making him unable to make complete statements.

"Boy." Kelruin states, walking to Kadon. His voice showing a hint of anger, unlike all other times Kadon can remember him speaking. While walking, he force-grabs the wooden sword out of Kadon's hands, ripping it out of his grasp and continuing walking towards Kadon.

[I.. I need to move.. He will do something bad..]

But Kadon's body refuses to move, whether it be of fear or another instinctual feeling is unknown.

Finally, Kelruin arrives before Kadon, his figure towering over the young boy. "Let me show you.. Let me show you how to properly swing." Kelruin says, then prepares an overhead swing like Kadon was doing seconds ago. He swings, an sinister and destructive aura surrounding the blade as it falls down on Kadon, meeting his arms that he put overhead in an attempt to protect yourself. And *craaaack*, the blade hits Kadon's arms shattering the bones on impact but not going further. Kadon falls on a whimper, and his father turns his back to him.

Tears form in Kadon's eyes and he is about to cry but his Father's voice rings out.

"Do not cry. You are a Sith Warrior! Your arms will heal, get back up and start swinging!" Kelruin shouts, then goes back to his spot, leaving the wooden sword before Kadon and he starts saying the same thing as the start. "Again. Again. Again."

[This crazy old man.. He won't even let me go heal my arms... Ouch! I can't even raise my arms, let alone swing a Sword!]

Kelruin stops, seeing his son not moving. He then grabs a similar sword around the wall, and starts swinging it, the same rhythm as his 'again'.

He then talks, "Use your rage.. your hatred against me and bind your arm using the Force. Work through the pain, and swing. Again!"

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Upon realizing, Kadon controls himself.

[I must not become my father. I am better than him. I.. I am Jamie, the Family-loving earthling, not Kadon, the Sith Warrior..]

Kadon, puts his hand on the Rune for Passion right underneath his right man-breast.

[Passion.. Never forget my passion.. Passion to defend, not to destroy...]

He pictures his family, his young siblings all below ten. The twins Salem and Horus, Solem, the second-born of the family, his sister Haven, and even his Father's bastard Solev...

The Tattoo pulsates with Raw Dark-Side Energy.

[For them... For them I will be a harbinger of death. For them I do not care. But I will not be him. He craves for others to feel pain. For our family to become nothing but a battlefield, when it should be a hearth.]

Suddenly, Kadon has an idea. He looks through his notebook on his desk, searching for a blank page. He passes his notes, most of it just whatever he could remember of his past. Some being notes of the future tellings of the SWTOR game. Finally, he gets to the few remaining empty pages and he starts to write instructions for his Younger Brother Solem. As he is writing, reminisces.

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"Solem," Kadon says in an admonishing tone, "Even if that servant did anything, did striking her really help solve the problem?"

Solem, around seven years old, is looking down, "No... Not really... B-but.. Father said-"

"Father." Kadon says distastefully, "Father is never here. And when he is, he rules everyone by fear. Everyone shakes around him and is afraid to even move around him. Do you really want to be like him? To beat your brothers and sisters? To almost rip your younger brother Horus's ear off? Your not even one year old brother?"

"N-no.. I would never!" Solem shouts, but then looks down, "B-but Brother.. It.. It felt so good... The Force.. The force seemed to say it was good too..." Solem confesses, feeling slightly shameful.

"Haah.. Who taught you about the for-, never mind. Brother, be very careful with the Force. The Dark Side.." Kadon falters for a second, "The Dark Side of the Force will make you do terrible things if you let it control you. It will even make you kill your Family if you listen to it too much. Never listen to it. Never let it control you. It is a weapon, just like the Wooden Swords we use while Sparring. Useless without us."

"Useless without us..." Solem murmurs wide-eyed, then shakes his head, his curly hair shaking wildly, and runs off. A smile appears on Kadon's face, before his face contorts in pain. Near his right man-breast area a symbol glows on his skin, painfully tattooing his body. A dark, kinetic energy also enters his body, settling around his heart, and extending like a web to the newly formed tattoo. Seeing it, Kadon rips his shirt off his body, and sees a symbol he immediately recognizes as Ancient Sith Writing. The Symbol for Passion.

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Nice change instead of Lightning, Kadon inherently gets the Kinetic Dark Side Energy. It won't be used outside of his body, save for a few circumstances, and will primarily be used for physical enhancements.

Nice chapter :P

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I value your opinions greatly, and it means the world to me for you to voice them to me using both the comments and by rating the novel <3

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