
SWTOR Reincarnation: Warrior

A small group of friends decide to come back to Star Wars: The Old Republic and all make new characters... Only as they finish their character creation they are transported into the world of Star Wars! May the Force be with them.. This will follow the Warrior's story and be from his point of view. The Story will follow the class missions pretty linearly for a good while until I get more comfortable writing... I obviously don't own Star Wars: The Old Republic so all rights for Star Wars: The Old Republic goes to Bioware and their Overlord, Electronic Arts Inc. alongside Disney and Lucasfilm. Releases will be Monday with two chapters and Friday with three chapters around 2:00 Pacific Standard Time

Edgy_Elite · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs

Birth into House Sothis

I woke up later after an indiscriminate amount of time. I was floating. It felt back like when I was diving with my cousins before I left to the mainland. At that time, while I was underwater my cousin pushed me, flipping me a few times while underwater. After the flipping stopped, I had no idea which way was up. My cousin was out of sight, and I was almost out of breath. At that time, the only way to know which way was up was the reef. But now... Everything is black. In fact.. I don't think I can even open my eyes...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Kadon. Open your eyes." A voice shouted.

Kadon opened his eyes, seeing his younger brother hold out his empty hand to him, his other grasping a wooden stick.

"Ha ha! Sedom, that was a good blow! You got me good there." Kadon replied enthusiastically, sticking his hand out and grasping Sedom's. Sedom pulls Kadon's burly body up.

"Now then, one more round before dinner Sedom? You still need some work on the Shii-Cho¹ form alongside the Sun Mo² move."

"Y-yes brother!" Sedom, the young ten year old Sith Pureblood shouted, nodding his head vigorously, "I would love for more pra-" He continues, but is interrupted by a old Human male in servant clothing,

"The Young Masters, The Mistress would like it if you all would join the table for supper on time.." The man states, his eyes looking down, a mix of fear and anxiety present in them.

Hearing the servant interrupt him, Sedom is furious. He starts to say something, taking a step forward towards the servant but is stopped by a hand on his chest from Kadon.

"I see. Thank you Mark." Kadon states, then turns to Sedom, "It seems we must be done with our sparring early. Mother never complains about arriving on time for Dinner so something must be up. Clean up, and arrive early, I have a feeling Father might have arrived at home."

[Father has not been home for quite a long time, being a member of the Council usually occupies his time. I worry what will become of my siblings... He was.. harsh on me and I would rather they not have to go through his tirades...]

With that, Kadon excuses himself and goes into the Family Estate. He slowly walks up to his room on the second floor, saying hello to the various servants that pass his way, even fist-bumping a servant who did him a favor when no one else was looking. Finally, he arrives to his room. The door wooden and built similar to how Earth's doors are. He opens the door, and arrives in his room. The room small, around twelve feet by twenty. A big, queen sized bed taking up more than half of the space, and a desk with a open paper journal alongside several drawers with clothes to the side of it and a mirror opposite of the door.

Kadon closes the door, and takes off his clothes, then looks at the mirror. Within the mirror is a bulky Sith Pureblood with a military-cut hairdo, orange-red eyes, and a more human-like face despite his skin being a crimson red.

[It's been sixteen years since I reincarnated here. Since I was born into House Sothis. Sixteen years since I was last called Jamie...] Kadon's eyes harden, [Sixteen years of that bastard of a father trying to put a wedge in our family.]

Kadon puts on a new set of clothes, and go to the dinner table.

Kadon arrives at the supper table. A tall Pureblood Sith sits at the position of the Host, Kadon's mother, another pureblood sith sits to his left. His right, open. The rest of the table sits Kadon's many siblings, all sitting in a peculiar way. Kadon seeing this, frowns before fixing a smile on his face.

[So he's back to placing everyone based on strength... This bastard...]

Kadon walks forward, toward his seat.

"Ah, just barely on time, son." Kadon's father Kelruin states, his voice unreadable.


Kadon straighten's his face into a smile, "Why yes Father, I apologize. I had spent a bit more time training than I had thought."

"Ah. I see.. Then, sit." Kelruin says, gesturing to the empty seat next to him.

"Yes Father." Kadon replied, sitting down quietly.

The table then went quiet. Kelruin's aura as a Sith Lord making everyone, even the children quiet.

Soon, food is served. A meat-based meals with few vegetables. All of various types of food, some meat charred, some almost raw. No one dares however to grab food, not yet.

"Now then." Kelruin says, as the food finally is on the table, "Soon enough, my oldest son, Kadon will be off to Korriban."

"Yes Father, it is only two months now until the new Acolytes will be brought in." Kadon replied, adapting his father's countenance instinctually.

"Hmm. That will not do." Kelruin states, "I have contacted an Overseer loyal to our Family, Tremel. He will bring you in early and administer the Trials early for you. I need you to become a Darth's apprentice."

"Kel, are you sure that is wise?" Kadon's mother states, her tone lacking emotion.

"It is not. But it must be done. Darth Baras wishes for a apprentice, and he plans for some mud-blooded fool to become his Apprentice! Utterly foolish!" Kelruin states, turning to Kadon, "You will go in one week to Korriban, and become Darth Baras's apprentice to preserve the sanctity of our Sith Order. Do you understand, boy?"

[Wow.. The story is progressing quickly... With this my idea of this being during the game Star Wars The Old Republic is all but confirmed. But how to go through this bull crap... I'd rather not become Darth Baras's apprentice and eventually become betrayed... Haaah, I need to create some plan in the Academy on how to do this..]

Kadon brings his hand underneath his right man breast, right where the mark of passion showed, and responds to his father, "Yes Father. Anything for House Sothis."

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¹:The Shii-Cho form is a first Lightsaber form, and the most commonly used one, often going towards disarming the opponents and is the one most oftenly fallen back upon.

²: The Sun Mo move is a derivative move of the Shii-Cho form. It is a disarming move, meant to force the opponent to drop their weapon or to dismember their hand and render the opponent defenseless.

Trying something different by skipping Kadon's birth and trying to explain things through character interaction.. Let me know how it turned out!

Let me know any criticisms in the comments below, and please rate the novel with your honest opinions!

I value your opinions greatly, and it means the world to me for you to voice them to me using both the comments and by rating the novel <3

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