
It's good to be back

At the top of the mountain a dimensional hole suddenly appear swirling from small until it became big and a faint young man came out He looks like he's twenty years old, his hair is dark red and wearing a black modern clothes that looks like Dante from devil may cry he wore a dark red ring with a ancient words from it.

"Aaaah it's good to be back how long has it been? five years? anyways I've got the ten ancient swords from ten universe it took me five years to conquer them all I took a lot more time than I expected jeez." Depressed and looked from his surroundings and everything he saw was a bunch of trees.

"Gotta look for the nearest town I missed a lot the food in my planet" He suddenly vanished without a trace from first it looks like he teleported but for real he's just too fast to follow by naked eye.


He came at the nearest town shocked "I thought this town destroyed 5 years ago but they stood up again" before he went to other universe the beast siege destroyed his only town and everthing feels end to him.

Feels melacholic and remembered how he lived in this town when he was young. "Don't worry I killed all of the universes deva's their bloods and bones are paid for all of your lives I hope all of you to be happy there from heaven"

Afterall he changed his goldcoins from the nearest pawnshop and ate from mcdonalds when he's walking from streets he saw a bunch of people from a military base talking from officers.

"I want to join the military please I want to avenge my family from those monster please!"

"Sir I want to join too let me kill those bastard who killed my son!"


"Sir let me join! I'll kill them all!"

"Ok all of you just shut up and fill it up if you want to join!!" The officer shouted and they starting to fill up the documents. He saw the man with red hair looking at him and shout

" Hey brat! what are you looking at?"

Pondered for a while and said "Can I join too? sir? "

(What a brave boy) " Boy what's your name?" the officer like those youngsters who want to join the military even though in the end they'll all die.

"I'm Zeke" (sounds like "sick")

"Then Zeke fill this up and once you're done then come to me" The officer walked away and entered the room, seems very busy from the recruitment.


"What was that!?" The people was scared by the powerful shockwave and it made a huge earthquake that mankind had ever seen.

Weeng Weeng Weeng

"God grade beast has appeared this is the first time we've encounter this quick please call the reinforcements and inform this from other countries this threat can eradicate the whole mankind!" Another officer shouting to the phone while shaking his hands and feet.

(We're all going to die) The people and officer had the same thoughts and lost all hope they bring down all of their guns and katanas.

( The beast still attacking us? but why? I killed their deva's what they're up to? Don't tell me they're from other planet?)

"Sir? Can I borrow your katana?" Zeke look at the officer that's also came out and daze from a far he also lost his hope didn't even believe that there's a beast this strong.

"You're really a brave boy here this is my katana it is all yours my predecessors pass this until my father died this is my only inheritance since I have no child" Feels emotional while giving his katana to the brave boy.

"It's ok sir I'll give it to you after ten seconds and Do you also promise me that whatever you saw right now you'll never tell anyone?"Zeke get the sword from officer hands.

Dazed for a moment and smiled "Haha why give it to me? I just give it to you so it's yours now and what to tell anyone? what's that? haha" he never thought at a time like this, this teenager boy could still joke around.

"Haha I'm serious sir" Smiled and laugh a bit seems like he's also joking.

"Ok then I promise haha" The officer laugh it's ok to die atleast you're happy before you die.

The monster is 50 km afar and when it jumped It suddenly close to them and only 1km apart from the military base. It looks like the monster's target is the military base and when destroyed it'll slaughter the people next.

They all suddenly give a fright. How come the monster jumped that far when it's colossus like a hundred floor building with the width ten colliseum just how big it is?, It looks like malphite from League of Legends but there's more rock on it's body and its eye radiating red.


The new recruits all slumped into the ground with a paled face some pee from their pants from fear, some lost conscoiusness while the soldiers was in daze and their feet are trembling they all know that it is all meaningless even when they fight back looking at those rock limbs and body they know that they couldn't damage that monster.

While talking to Zeke the officer also dazed at the monster and scared "We're all done boy" and slumped into the ground.

"Oh it's bronze F sword not bad just wait for me sir." Zeke tapped the shoulder of the officer and said lightly "Ten seconds" the officer did hear what he said but ignored it and just dazed from the monster.


Walking from infront of the monster


Unsheathing the katana




(After this where should I live?)


(Oh i'll just pawn my gold coins)


(and find an apartment small enough for me)


(and buy a computer and also internet fast enough for my game wait do I need internet for that game?)


(My god it's been years since I last play a game)


Swing a sword (I should practice again some games)


Sheathe the katana and gave the katana to the officer but still in dazed so he put it on the ground " Thank you sir" (GTA san andreas I'll wreck havoc into that game with so many police with a cheat code bringiton: a cheat were your wanted stars are full and the government will hunt you down:)

The monster also attacked at full force it looks like an energy ball from Dragonball and clashed from the unknown projectile.



The wind blows by extreme fast speed it looks like a whole earth is fan by itself and cut the monster continuesly to pieces until it became dust. The atmosphere is also cutted seeing the night sky outside the earth staying for 5 seconds and slowly getting fix by itself.

There's no damage in the building nearby except the damage from the monster when it jumped.

"Huh? What happened?" The police officer who slumped into the ground looked at his katana then looked at his surroundings to find the boy but he's gone.

"Am I dreaming?"The officer couldn't believe what he saw and what he knew.

This is my first time writing a novel hope you give me more ideas and how to improve myself :)

IronBeancreators' thoughts