
Chapter 91: Eader's and Pyra's Bonding Time

Pyra and Eader were in a rush. They had to get that camera. For Pyra's dignity for Eader, he had no reason to be doing it. Gramps was surprisingly fast for his age, which made Eader wonder.

Was the old man holding back?

He was three metres from him. He jogged at him, getting outmanoeuvred by him through a tree-like pole. He crashed onto the soft floor and answered his question.

Yes, the son of a ***** was holding back at me.

Eader was not mad or raged. He was glad. Then he realised that if he just sped out to him with his full speed he could maybe catch him. Pyra broke his train of thought when she screamed," stop staring into space! WE HAVE TO CATCH HIM!"

The neighbour could hear that. He nodded but Pyra immediately stopped him. Puzzled, he asked," are we meant to be fast or what?" She shook her head. "Listen, do you know what is on the line?" Eader tried thinking but got blank.

How could I forget it, he literally told us a few minutes ago.

"Hey, you gonna catch me?"