
Chapter 23: A Fight Confirmed

The detective gave a puzzled look.


"Yes, Changer," he said with so much seriousness, that Charlotte was laughing, trying to keep it in.

"Ok... Do you know who the leader of your group is?" He asked, pressing his hand down on the wall on top of him. This looked like the detective was trying to seduce him and Charlotte died.

The detective just ignored her death, and repeated the question, "Do you know who the leader is?"

He shook his head, "nobody knows, only the really higher-ups, and who knows where they are, I am only the small guy, if you apprehend our boss then you will find more."

Him saying apprehend sounded wrong to his ears, "and your boss is the changer, correct?"

He nodded his head obediently.

The detective sighed and looked at Charlotte, who was resurrected.

"Put him back," she said in a snappy voice.

"This kinda helps, at least we know who we have to take down," he said in a negative outlook.

"Hey doesn't sweat about it, it's not like you to be pessimistic, I will search the whole place for DNA and the corpses," the final clause she said in a slower voice.

"Do that and I am going to bed, have work tomorrow, then tell me when you find something else from the guys and for the kid."

He then walked away like a business agent straight to his car.


Eader woke up on his bed. He was unscathed from the rowdy and dangerous ride at home, luckily he has not overslept and is not late.

He then got up for his second day of school. He then realised that today he hd to train with Gramps and he just sighed in annoyance.

He got up and went down the stairs and got ready for school.

When he left te train, he wanted to go to the cafe again, but got startled by somebody. He was in a tube tunnel which was directly connected to the school. Many different years were here so it was fairly crowded and most shops were filled with children.

He got a tap and," BOOO!!!"

He jumped in to the air, almost cubic collapsing on to the floor, when turning, he saw Emilia. His face depleted but he still was angry. "Why did you do that!?"

She giggled a bit, smiling with the devils face. He shuddered from this as it was a bit dark inside the tube. She took a breath which he felt blowing on to his face. The sweet scent was a bit refreshing, but he held back because of who he was talking to.

She said, "Mythra wanted me to tell you, not to tell anybody that we have scouted you, if you tell anybody, she will make you look like a fool."

The last part he did not like so he agreed, she accepted it and made her way to meet some there people. She went into the cafe, where he wanted to grab some tea.

Despite this, after what he heard from there mouths, he lost his thirst. While walking, he saw the girl from earlier.

He turned his head quickly but she still made eye contact. She made a sleazy comedic face to him but he just smiled with hopelessness. She stopped after seeing his face.

When he entered class, Samuel was already there, immediately making a conversation with him. He Smiled and took out this phone to add him on his contacts.

There was another girl, staring at him with her translucent eyes. She as a pretty girl with a selfish body position. She was talking to her friends, "so this and that and blah blab blah."

She heard it constantly.

Please be quiet, I just want to find that guy.

She hated the fact that they were talking when they were meant to find the guy, who Mythra had transferred. It would be the only opportunity to become friends with her.

Oh, Mythra, I am sorry I have incompetent friends like this. If only I had people which had the same goal in mind as you. Maybe Adam could help me.

She was Adams girlfriend and this was proven in front of Eader's own eyes. The man on the stage walked in, he strode his feet, trying to look majestic but it looked a bit weird.

"Hey, Jennifer," he greeted. He got the attention of the room, which he adored. Eader didn't care, he really just payed attention to Pyra when she was on stage.

She really doesn't like short people, maybe?

He though about it while talking to Samuel, who was talking about Adam.

Eader, not realising that the person who was talking to Jennifer was Adam, said, "that Adam guy, who is he again?"

Strike one. Adam clenched his fist. When Samuel explained it to him, Eader looked confused. "That's it?"

Strike two. His breathing started to fume like a bull. Jennifer was getting scared. In the area which Eader was talking, a few guys over heard, "Hey man, you don't want to start a fight, are you crazy?"

Eader replied, "I don't see what's so good about Adam, I mean shouldn't he tell me himself."

There was a bit silence. It echoed in the room and Samuel was freaking out. His careless attitude made him whisper, "do you want to fight him?"

He replied, "no," confused by the huge silence.

Samuel moved once again close yo his head, "because he is-"

He got cut of by the person who was angriest in the room.

Strike three. The man is dead.

"So, you want me to tell you? huh."

Eader looked at him, realising the situation he screamed in his mind, making him leave a plain expression. Adam felt offended again and said, "you really shouldn't speak like that to me, or-"

He made a slit motion with his finger.

Eader gulped, but for some odd reason, he switched.

"You still here, just stop and go back to the girl, if you really even care," his face was dark, his glare was dead, like he had enough and was depressed.

Adam moved back and motioned walking out of the room, scared like he is against a predator. He spoke these words, not showing his emotions like a professional, "you will regret this, I will, one day, pummel you, get ready," his voice had depend.

A deadly glare manifested onto him but Eader shrugged. His body was not listen to his mind telling him to apologise to him, like a robot given orders overruling his.

What is wrong?

Word had spread but at that point Eader was already on the train to gramps

Eader explained the situation, which confused him that he made a robot analogue.

"He is the fifth-best swordsman at school, so I should beat him."

Gramps laughed, "Ok then, I will be teaching you the handling of a sword."

"What do you mean handling?"

A confused Eader looked at him waiting for an answer but he sighed, looking at him as if he had done something stupid.

"Handling is the way you use a sword, like how flexible your finger use is or when to add the right amount of strength, you are gonna learn the basics," he said while walking to the concrete land, in the centre of the grass.

"Take your socks off," he commanded.

"What? On the concrete field," but Gramps gave him a stare and he did as said.

"What you have to do first is, when I strike you block and stay in the same position until I strike again," he monologues while he grabs another sword, but in a different colour, a blue instead of the usual natural colour of the wood.

Eader gets curious and asks, "What is that sword?"

Gramps grabs it and turns around, "this is a new type of sword that I created, since I have money so I could afford it so I am trying to find new material to create the best wooden sword," he said with great pride.

"Now let's do this," he was smiling as if a crazy scientist was experimenting on his new toy.

"Then what are we gonna do next?"

Eader had to calculate how long he would have to do this.

"Ok, I will tell you," putting his sword down.

"As mentioned, first we are gonna do that weird smack block drill, then you are gonna spin your a pole, or stick or whatever," Eader nodded confirming he understood everything.

"Then you are gonna practice smacking a testing dummy, and if you are good at that I will get a punching machine where you have to hit it at the right amount of force to pass, if not you get shot by a baseball."

Eader then just looked concerned at the man," ok then, I will just do the smack hitting pole one," he said.

"No I never gave you a decision, you are gonna do that thing," giving a misleading smile.

"Is there anything else I have to do?" he said, still in the same position, Gramps told him to be.

"So you want more, ok," he said cheerfully," The last thing you are gonna do is... Run around the field while you hold your sword, and while you are running… Baseballs are getting lofted at you by the machine," he likes the thought of that, but since he came up with it on the spot.

OK, that's fine all I have to do is master this handling and then I am full way to beat that idiot, Adam.

He smiled at the thought of it but was surprised and attacked by gramps, Eader was on the floor.

Should take a few days.