
Chapter 13: Before School

They stood still for 5 seconds (Sunny counted). Then Michael attacked, running straight for him. He was impatient, so he naturally went for the attack straight away. Eader waited because he needed to see his specialities and weaknesses.

Good, he attacked first.

He jabbed and Eader dodged it, but a surprise kick came hitting him on the side of his body. It firmly pushed him back.

Then Eader ran for a right hook, and Michael dodged it with his footwork. Eader saw that but got distracted and he countered with a straight in southpaw stance (boxing stance).

That surprised him, as he could feel the impact of the punch even with the helmet on, hurting him.

What strength.

Eader reacted by punching with another right hook to his punching arm, confusing Michael and Eader closed the distance immediately and went for a gut punch, actually hitting him.


However, it did not even flinch him, he moved back, instinctively.

Why did that not push him back?

Michael laughed, then he punched his stomach. He was hitting his abs.

So that's why it did not go well.

His abs were refined at six, no, eight packs, which would make any girl drool.

While he was thinking, Michael closed the gap between them instantly, and doing what Eader did to, just much more stronger, making Eader spit out, and making him fall on the floor.

"Michael wins round one!" Gramps screamed, enthusiastically.

What have I gotten myself into?

The explosion shook the whole building, but what made the detective mad was that he should have stopped it.

I could have stopped it, that man, wait…

He stated in shock as his colleague was injured, "Hey, are you ok?" he was in a bad situation. He saw what damage was done and was horrified.

He looked like swiss cheese, holes everywhere and he even saw his intestines.

No no, too much blood is running out.

"Help, help!" he yelled frantically.

"Looks like this is the end," a weak voice came from the constable, his face was unrecognisable. "Hey, don't say stuff like that, you can make it," he said scarcely.

"You know and I know this is the end, here is one request from a dying man."

He nodded, clenching his hand and kneeling beside him, "Go catch those *****," he quietly requested. Life lost his eyes, a tear ran from his eyes and he closed his friends.

He looked around the place.

First guy to ever speak to me and treat me normal, huh.

He stood up but noticed his arm was bleeding, he shielded himself with his sword, but it catapulted him away. Then he looked outside the whole that was made, people all stared, but he kept looking for the suspicious person. He noticed a person running.

That's him.

He rushed after him, full speed, he could not find his sword but it did not matter to him.

Come on, come on.

The person turned a corner making the cloak they were wearing turn right.

It could be him.

He felt his sword disappear from the area and summoned it here. A glistening light emulated from his hand, hypnotising the people looking.

The light turned dark and pinker until it turned purple. The person crossed the road in front of a mobile car, it braked, the person inside cursed.

The detective jumped on the front to the hood, jumped and threw his sword, the sword was an amazing shine of purple giving a trail of a similar colour but lighter, like magenta.

It hit the cloak of the man, no woman, wearing clean and tight clothes- but what gave it away was the breasts, distracting him and he fell; getting up to chase the girl, then she turned, then he turned and saw nobody.

****, how dare that hoe do something like...

He calmed down and remembered her. She had short hair and tight clothes, giving her away …

Oh my god, she was…

He shook it off, his friend died, he clenched his fist, and walked back, perplexed by what emotion he was feeling.


Eader lost every single match against him. Ten losses were exact, the last one was when Eader tried to kick but he blocked and retaliated. Sword fighters should not only be good with swords but also fists.

They can sometimes be a handicap, especially for pros in long fights, like Mr Tyson. His sword weighs a lot, 10kg (because of how durable it is).

But Michael was fine with the outcome, he was picking up a good fight, especially against a pro. Gramps stood up from his chair and stretched since the last match took a while.

"This is the final match, I want you both to be pleased and give it your all," he looked like was waiting for something, scratching his beard.

Eader stood up again his arms were fairly sore from Michael's impacts. Then a thought transcended through his head.

Could these be handicapping me?

He stood up and looked at the cuffs, his helmet was full of sweat, he took it off, dropping it on the floor. Michael stared at him. He uncuffed the arm cuffs, and took off the body plate, "are you sure you want to do that?"

Gramps smiled, "if he wants to, leave. ''

He took everything off, his shirt was drenched in sweat, and took it off, revealing a suttle six-pack.


"So you have any bandages?"

Gramps nodded his head, still with a grin.

Sunny got up, grabbed them from the table, throwing them at Eader. He wrapped his hands with them, but what befuddled Michael was he, in addition, wrapped around the midsection of his body, covering his rib cage and belly, but still having large gaps in between.

"Ok," dropping on the floor in the process, "now I am ready."

Eader got in a fighting stance, the same one as Michael, which flattered him. "three!" he shouted menacingly.



Both tensed up.

With a great roar, he exclaimed "Go!!!"

Michael moved forward, however, Eader moved backwards. Sunny saw what he did and was curious, so she closed her book and watched him, probably get decimated.

That bewildered him so he ran faster. In that instant he struck, right when ran faster, he sprang at him, striking the bottom of his chin, making him turn his head up. This astounded the people watching, leaving their mouths hanging.

This strike would have left most normal people knocked out, but Michael was not normal. Of course, the punch did something to him, making him stagger backwards, but he was still standing, not surprising the small person the slightest.

He moved back, with the same stance as Michael's, however, Michael's was depleting. All the matches today of the hour made him sloppy. Could not take it any further waiting, he rushed at him screaming like a bull.

He ran all compacted together making him look thick like a bull and pointing his head out like a bull, sticking his arm out and giving a powerful, secure and robust straight, like a bull's horn. Eader dodged but at the same time counter-subtle, the same technique he used on him.

Waiting for the strike and the kick just under his rib cage- hitting the liver. He winced in pain then dropped onto the grassy terrain, but he was not done yet. He rolled and got back, but he then barricaded with punches from Eader, all hitting his right arm, while he was blocking. Then another vigorous left hook hit Eader, making him lose track of the grotesque pain. Then returning a herd of punches, Eader quickly blocked but the pain was a lot to bear.

Crap, how do I stop this?

Then he glanced and thought of something, when he used his left arm he would counter with his right leg, so he did. Despite this, he missed the target.

Making his leg go over the arm, but his momentum made his whole body go over the arm. He instinctively thought of a grapple and done it, making his whole body go on his left arm pinning him down to the grass.

Yes, I got him.

Both Sunny and Gramps were glued to the animalistic fight. Even Sunny, who saw him always lose, was impressed by how he was doing, but she still knew Michael would win. Gramps was trying to anticipate his move.

Oh, a nice Jujutsu grapple from Eader, what's Michael gonna do?

Michael lifted his left arm and banged him onto the floor. He let go, moving back. But Michael was too slow to stand up, so Eader volleyed him with punches again but mainly to his right arm.

Then the exact moment, before Michael could retaliate, he saw the light that pointed him to this.

His right arm was a bit behind his left, but Eader left looked it with a strong force making his left side empty, gracefully turning into an orthodox stance and right hooking him onto the chin; startled by both attacks, Michael did nothing, and Eader rushed at him, tucking his head in like a rock, headbutting full on his stomach, and throwing him into the air, just to land down and get elbowed by Eader again, but he was already unconscious.