
Sword Saint's Path

A former assassin who lived as a shadow is reborn in another world as a young noble with a unique bloodline that allows him to use sword magic. He follows the sword saint’s path, which consists of three stages: Sword Initiation, Sword Mastery, and Sword Enlightenment, and strives to become the ultimate sword master in this world.

Guillermo_Arenas · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

Orion Blackthorn opened his eyes and felt a gentle breeze on his face. He looked around and saw that he was lying on a bed in a spacious room. The room was decorated with elegant furniture and paintings, and had a large window that overlooked a beautiful garden. He could hear the birds singing and the flowers blooming outside.

He blinked his eyes and tried to make sense of his situation. He remembered that he had been reincarnated by the System in another world, but he did not know anything else about this world or himself.

He got up from the bed and walked towards the window. He looked at his reflection on the glass and saw that he had changed drastically from his previous life. He was no longer a grown man with a scarred face and a muscular body, but a young boy with a handsome face and a slender body. He had black hair that reached his shoulders, and blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants that fit him well.

He touched his face and felt that it was smooth and soft. He touched his chest and felt that it was intact and healthy. He touched his heart and felt that it was beating strongly and steadily.

He smiled slightly and thought that this was not bad at all.

He heard a knock on the door and turned around to see who it was.

"Master Orion, are you awake?" A female voice asked from outside.

Orion recognized the voice as belonging to one of the maids who served him in this mansion. He remembered that he had been reincarnated as the son of a noble family that had fallen into ruin due to some reason he did not know yet. His name was Orion Blackthorn, the same as his previous life, but with a different surname.

He walked towards the door and opened it slightly. He saw a young woman standing outside with a tray in her hands. She had brown hair tied in a bun, and green eyes that showed kindness and respect. She was wearing a simple but neat maid uniform that accentuated her curves.

She bowed slightly and said:

"Good morning, Master Orion. I have brought you your breakfast. May I come in?"

Orion nodded and opened the door wider. He invited the maid to enter his room and place the tray on the table. He thanked her and asked her name.

"My name is Lily, Master Orion. I have been serving you since you were born." She said with a smile.

Orion smiled back and said:

"Nice to meet you, Lily. You can call me Orion, if you don't mind."

Lily blushed and said:

"Of course, Master Orion. I mean, Orion. As you wish."

Orion felt a warm feeling in his chest and thought that Lily was a nice person. He wondered if he had any other friends or acquaintances in this world, or if he was alone like in his previous life.