

The sword of dragons, is a very peculiar sword, it gives who ever wields it enormous power of the dragons and help them control what ever power they might have. The sword is buried in a cave and protected by the great dragon with grey scale called Kika, not anyone can wield it, but one with power and a just heart, and is rumoured of being in Amorion. King Cirius, a very evil Emperor who took the throne by brutally murdering his predecessor; Gilhelm, with the help of an enormous dark power, who finds pleasure in killing, but he never got satisfied with power, he was greedy with power, bringing other Empires to their knees, and turning many to slaves, but he couldn't get one Empire, and it was the Amorion Empire, protected by a magical barrier, with lightning passing through it, not letting strangers or people with evil intention in, if they should try to get in, it incinerate them instantly. Starius, a white fur werewolf with the power of lightning, he is from a poor home and province called Pamos in the empire Amorion, but his prophesied to wield the Sword of dragon and save the Empires from Cirius.

Samuel_Monday_4847 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Assassination Plot

"We believe it's time my lord, the horn have being blown for the third time", a soldier reported to a man sitting on a huge Stallion.

" No going back I guess, today marks a new day for Mardadus", 

an evil smile appeared on King Cirius face,

"FOR POWER AND GLORY" King Cirius yelled, raising his sword up high.

"FOR POWER AND GLORY" his men yelled back and they charged the city gate of Oatos.


"Sire, the city is being attacked" a soldier ran over to Emperor Gilhelm to report, but slumped to the floor.

shocked, Emperor Gilhelm looked up from the, now dead soldier with an arrow sticking out his back, and immediately cut glimpse of an hooded figure in the arena, with a bow and arrow aiming at him.

"ARREST HIM" Emperor Gilhelm yelled, standing up with his family to retreat back to the castle for protection.


"Well, the guard wasn't my fault" Terror thought to himself out loud.

Everywhere is in chaos as people scattered running from the ring. The guards opened up the gates, and they all swarmed into the arena.

"Freeze" the head captain of the soldier yelled.

"ok it seems you've got me" Terror smiled with fangs sticking out his mouth, and his nails elongated to that of a claw, and his eyes glowing blue, but slightly cause of the sun's reflection. 

The soldiers are a bit afraid of the monster in their front. Terror seized this opportunity to strike first. he was to fast, punched the first soldier spin around and kicked the one besides him so hard he flew 30 paces back

Their captain Kirk, a very muscular man, and he is very huge. he was seeing his men in front of his eyes get beaten up, without putting up much of a fight. and Terror is unscathed from the mini battle.

"SHOT THE GATE", he yelled to the soldiers in charge of the gates to the arena.

"No one's leaving here until that brat is dead" and yes captain Kirk is not a man that gives up easily.


Dandier, stood atop a ridge and manipulating the battle at a far and safe distance. Avi, A village in the lowland, which is under the protection of the Emperor, a stronghold, and the birth place of the Emperor's mother, who died a long time ago.

The Emperor's men are holding their ground but the Nanakies don't seem to run dry on men. 

The Emperor put a few of his best soldiers to look after Avi, not necessarily believing anyone will attack this backwood village.

"So this is where you are hiding old man" one of the Nanaki soldier said running towards Dandier with his sword ready to thrust, at that very instance Dandier turned around and stretched out his hands and out came a fireball, blasting the soldier and incinerating him at that very instance,

"Next time you won't call me old, you low life wench"Dandier spat out the words with disgust, but at that very instance his eye caught the glimpse of a pendant, the soldier was wearing, and it was the pendant that bore the oat of of the Third battalion, which is controlled by no other than the province Mardadus

"I knew the Nanaki clan are not capable of large scale attacks such as this, which means this is a setup, so what are you up to Cirius" Dandier soliloquies.


Dandier ran down the cliff towards general Grim, who fights valiantly, and was no match for any of the Nanaki soldiers. As he went he shot out wild flames from his hands, killing 12 men at that very instant, others making way for him, not daring to attack the druid

"Grim, it is a setup" he said, standing by general Grim's side, still spraying out flames from his hands like it is a flamethrower, the fire was enormous, causing a stir, the Nanaki soldiers kept themselves at armlength from Dandier.

"What do you mean", Grim asked while pulling his sword from the belly of a now dead soldier,

"It is not only Nanaki attacking, I believe Mardadus have a hand in the attack", Dandier said, now shooting flameballs from his hands.

"Well, I knew Nanaki couldn't have done all this alone, But what will Mardadus gain in the attack of a poor village like this" Grim replied, block off an attack with his sword.

"Unless this is just a diversion from their real objective" general Grim thought out loud.

"Which makes me to believe, this is just a ruse to attack Oatos while we are away, we have to leave at once back to Oatos to protect our hometown" Dandier said, still shooting out his fireballs.

"How are we going to leave, they still have more men than us" general Grim said, tackling a soldier to the floor, and drove his sword into his neck killing him instantly.

"they got us surrounded" he said

"Maybe not all of us can make it, go Grim and keep our city safe, i will make a way for you" immediately after saying those words to Grim, he started chanting in an ancient language of the druids, immediately a great storm and hurricane erupted, it was so great it lifted more than three hundred men up to the sky.

immediately general Grim signalled few of his men, and they ran to a cliff, far corner outside the village, from there they took their horses and jolted off to Oatos.

An Hailstorm occured with lightening, carrying men and big boulders up , crushing all the Nanaki soldiers. after all this, Dandier fell to his kneels, being very weak after wasting all his energy and mana on that spell.

"Haha, now we have him" said general Aidan laughing out loud. "but was it really worth it loosing more than three thousand men, for a diversion" Aidan thought to himself.

Aidan and his men have been hiding in the bushes watching the battle, for as long as they could remember and it was getting tiring. but now their plan have fell into place, with the druid out of the way, taking Oatos won't be too difficult.

"well men it's time" came the stern voice of Aidan, they went to the battleground, and picked up the now weak Druid, and put him in a metal carriage that deflect and weaken magic. "our job here is done".


Still in the arena, Terror has taking out scores of the Oatos soldiers, he has clawed many down, and was too fast for them to act a killing blow, but his problem was captain Kirk, he seemed strong and he was a skilled soldier who doesn't want to back down easily

"all I have to do is take out all of his men and attack him solely" he thought to himself. with the help of his heightened senses, he heard and immediately dodged an arrow flying his way, he even caught it mid air, surprising the soldiers with his speed, and he used the tip of the arrow and drove it deep into a soldier's throat, squinting with blood, the soldier passed out.

Now only a dozen men left out of a hundred that came down to the arena, they were wornout and tired some of them even injured. The next they all heard a thud, turning their head they saw the caged Sculk, trying to break down the iron gates off the cage holding it back.

**A Sculk; a beast part lion, part tiger, have a huge wings, it is rumoured it got it's wings from eating a demon, it's is a beast of great size which is as huge as a royal carriage, but is shockingly fast for it's size.**

Tearing down it's cage, out came the Sculk. it first course of action was to jump over and grab the first soldier closer to him, it bit down on the soldiers throat tearing out his gullet, with blood oozing out of the soldiers throat, killing him instantly. It picked up the soldier with it's big jaw and fling him towards the rest , some soldiers tried to run away but it was fast. it flew above their head, then came down on the one closest to the metal gate leading out of the arena, and chomp down on his head with it's massive jaw. then it felt a javelin hit it's hide and bounced off.

"Bad mistake, this things hide, is strong I suppose", Kirk spoke out loud to the Soldier that threw the javelin towards the beast. "on no account should any one let this ravaging beast out of here".Kirk yelled to the soldiers mounting the gate

"Seems you have no conscience, maybe you want to die here but do your men wish to die here too" Terror asked Kirk, with his always creepy smile on his face.

"It is not my fault, we wouldn't be here if you hadn't have tried to murder the Emperor" Kirk shot back.

"so if this wouldn't have happened then it will be we the gladiators that would have been killed by this monster" Terror said starting to get pissed 

"No one says you guys should choose money over your life" Kirk looking furious tired of arguing against this creep.

"See why I choose killing for a profession, because it's gives me peace killing pricks like you, so you are telling me you didn't realize some are slaves, while some are poor. They do not have a CHOICE."Terror took his dagger out, looking at Kirk with a new found rage he didn't know existed in him.

"so now you blame me, you have forgotten we now share a common enemy" Kirk said pointing at the beast, which was tearing down the last of his men. 

"let's end this"Terror said running towards Kirk but he immediately stopped in his track as the beast descended in between him and Kirk, and looking at Kirk.

Kirk in a fighting stance with his sword in front of him, he charged towards the beast with much valor and bravery, he swing his sword, but the beast was fast it flew up and the sword strikes nothing but air, then the beast came down with force, with it's claws sticking out, but Kirk was fast performing a somersault, he rolled head first on the floor away from where the Sculk claws strikes, missing the claws by an inch, the claws strikes the floor, causing a bit of a spark. Enraged, the Skulk landed on the floor and started chasing Kirk whose a bit afraid and regretting his actions of telling the soldiers to lock them in.


Meanwhile, Terror has reached the top of the tower, killing the six guards responsible for the gates, trying to turn the gear, that raises the gates up but with no luck, what is this made off, then an idea came to his head. He immediately collected the sword of one of the now dead soldier and strike the chains holding the gates up, strikes again and again until a snap was heard, breaking the chains, and immediately the gates fell with a loud and thunderous thud.

"Well thank God for that, I get another chance at life", Terror said out loud to himself as he jumped down the tower that has the height of twenty people. Unscathed he ran out the gates leading into the city, unbeknownst to him the Sculk got tired fighting with Kirk, and flew out the gates following behind.

Kirk on his feet tired of fighting, "oh no, what have you done" he slumped to the floor breathing hard to catch his breath.


King Cirius outside Gully the capital of Oatos. There is a great battle going on in Gully, Cirius was strong and wasn't just a man of words but of action to. He swings his sword with great strength, slashing the throat of two men at once, but the number was too much he wasted most off his men against Dandier. Now his attacking the city with only 1200 men who are now reducing, and they were still outnumbered 3 to 1, which was a big gap, between the two.But yet he couldn't show any weakness, he just keeps a smile on his face like he know what his doing in order not to kill the spirit or morale of his men.

"Aidan where are you, now is the time for backup" King Cirius thought to himself.

Oatos soldiers had more advantage, and the Emperor has put the sum of 4000 men expecting a battle, but there was chaos in Gully, dead bodies scattered everywhere, thing were burning and people running.

But with great strength Cirius kept slashing his way through untill he reached the gates

"RELEASE", Cirius yelled and immediately a big boulder shot from a very big cannon from the cliffs, towards the gates creating a crater in the gates "AGAIN" he still screamed, again the cannon shot another big boulder, creating a way through the gates.

King Cirius ran in, with his great sword hacked down many soldiers running his way, he exerted much strength while swinging his sword and blocking arrows coming from the archers up in the tower, with his shield. he didn't back down he kept fighting untill he reached a point where he felt his moves slowing down, he was getting tired.

He ran into the city, with a dozen men by his side. leaving the raging battle by the gates. it has taking hours, and he had passed many buildings and tavern which was completely empty, reaching the center of Gully, he saw a Sculk tearing down the homes of people, dragging them out and devouring them, the whole of Gully was in wreckage.