
Sword Of Snow

Support my other work 'Valis of the Forgotten' ~~~~~ The firmament isn’t exactly a specific place, it ruptures at random locations in the free realm releasing essence and monsters born of essence and can also suck in some things and people from the free realm, The rupturing can be in small scale which ends up releasing small beasts or in some cases can be large scale which can suck in a whole person, once a person gets sucked in and as somehow made it out they are said to have stared into the abyss. Essence can be seen as a form of energy that’s alive and stares into your deepest uncontrollable desires, it basically sees you bare and stripped of any excesses just as the desire that makes you human and manifests to the outside world based on that and since it’s a life force on its own it enhances the persons lifespan and physical capabilities. It’s a connection to the void, the void itself is less of a place and more of a being, think of essence as a part of the void and the void is constantly trying to get it back which is why it ruptures from time to time but that rupturing takes in but also gives out hence there will always be essence in the free realm, whenever there is a high concentration of essence in one location then a large scale rupture occurs which is why two pillars should never be in the same geographical location, the price for using essence itself isn’t free as the moment you start you’ve stepped on a path of agony, sadness and betrayal. It blurs the line between right and wrong as you ascend to divinity forgoing your humanity. It is the path of the damned, but it’s the only path they've come to know, watch as Icarus battles through the madness and monsters in a hope to survive.

Lazy_Advert · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

The Rights of the Strong

Staring at the giant bat like creature, Icarus could feel the wave of goosebumps that ran through his body before whispering to himself

"We're all going to fucking die....."

Focusing his attention back to the surroundings

Adrian, Icarus, Inez and Dracon stayed at a corner of the arena

"Something's not right, why would they release a monster like that on us, did they honestly expect us to slay that thing?"

Adrian wondered.

"Our numbers have been drastically reduced and we don't even know the whereabouts of our men"

Dracon said.

"They were aware of the chance that they would lose their lives, I bear no guilt for the death of the weak" Adrian said.

"Uh…now you're just starting to scare me" Dracon said.

"The rules of this match was very vague, the instructor just told us to survive but he didn't say how long" Inez pondered as she tried to decipher the conditions given to them.

"Hey, that just means if we probably hide behind the fallen soldiers we might stand a chance" Inez suggested.

"Do you seriously expect me to cower in fear behind the body of my dead comrades?"

Dracon said as he gripped his spear.

"I don't believe the north is that spineless"

Dracon rushed out towards the beast that has been feasting on the other knights running around.

"This guy is insane"

Inez said in complete shock

Icarus laughed and smiled in excitement.

"Yeah he is…I like him already"

Icarus followed after dracon.

"Can't be helped can it"

Adrian followed.

"Seriously…I'm surrounded by idiot, Inez said

Dracon charged towards the beast that didn't notice his presence.

"So what's the plan" Icarus asked.

"We kill that thing…That's the plan" Dracon replied.

Icarus chuckled.

"I knew you were an interesting guy"

Icarus said as they both attacked the beast. The monster which was about five times their size sensed the both of them coming and immediately charged at them with lightening speed.

Dracon immediately pushed Icarus to the side and narrowly dodged the monsters lightening fast attack

"Damn…This thing is awfully fast for its size"

The monster circled back to attack them again, that's why it didn't sense Adrian that leaped in the air and landed a blow on the head of the beast driving it into the ground.

"huhh…no fair that was our kill", Dracon said

The blow seemed to have only minimal effect as the beast just got back up again with a bloodcurdling screech

"Tch…this thing's tough"

Adrian said as he jumped back to create distance between him and the beast

"Tch…The sled dogs are still alive huh?"

Cassie said as she approached the group fighting the beast.

"Cassie, you're still alive" Dracon said excitedly.

"Like I'd die before you do" Cassie replied as she pulled out the two daggers she was carrying.

"Huhh…looks like something interesting's about to happen here"

Reagan approached them too.

"Hey it's the book guy" Icarus yelled

"We never finished our conversation"

"Ha…how about we kill this thing first", Reagan said staring at the beast.

The beast rose from the rubble and glanced at each of them one by one.

"This thing…It's awfully resistant to our essence enforced blows" Inez explained as she drew her sword.

"Fighting it is going to be an idiotic move"

"and what do you suggest we do" Icarus asked.

Inez chuckled at the fact that he even bothered to ask that question.

"Does it matter what I suggest…I'm surrounded by idiots"

She said as they all charged at the beast.

The monster looked at all of them and spread its wings

"It's coming!"

Dracon yelled as he slid on his knee narrowly dodging the monsters attack, he immediately picked himself back up and thrusted his spear at the beast.

It pierced the back of its head, but the wound was only shallow.

"Shit…this thing has a tough skin"

The monster grounded itself and charged at them on all fours, its speed still being a problem even on land.

"Leave this thing to me you sled dogs"

Cassie said as she charged at the beast with her daggers.

She managed to dodge all the beasts attacks. She moved with such grace and finesse, her speed also being a challenge for the beast.

Her slashes and thrusts were all connecting leaving wounds on the beasts' body although they all did minimal damage.

She couldn't keep this movement for long as she slipped on the blood of a dead comrade.

The beast growled at her and charged towards her, but a mighty stab in the side of the head by Inez who launched herself towards it to maximize damage stopped it in its tracks

"I don't need help from sled dogs" Cassie complained

"Yet here we are"

Inez said as she immediately hit the hilt of the blade the blade thrusting it deeper into the beast head.

The beast screeched in pain and tossed Inez to the side. Its movement became haphazard. It spread out its wings to take off again.

Icarus immediately made a beeline towards the beast running without the slightest fear in mind.

He jumped a few meters in the air and landed on the back of the beast as it took off.

He held on to Dracons' spear and thrusted it deeper into the head of the beast.

The beast let out a screech of agony and tried to shake him off but Icarus let out a shout of desperation as he enforced his strength with all the essence he had driving the spear deeper and deeper into the skull of the beast.

The monster crashed to the ground with a force that was enough to break Icarus' stamina.

It crawled on the ground trying hard to regain its balance.

"You've killed a lot of my men, this is where it ends for you"

Adrian looking at the beast approaching said.

He clenched his fists and walked towards it, he immediately landed a punch using the imperial martial art of the kingdom, instantly stopping the beast in its tracks.

The whole floor beneath them was destroyed as the skull of the beast was cracked even more as the damage dealt by dracon's spear in icarus hands wasn't little.

"It's finally over" Inez said as she fell to her knees.

"Ha…you're way more crazier than I am" Dracon stated as he slapped Icarus on the back

Adrian turned to approach his surviving men when the beast rose up with a howl like a phoenix rising from the dead. It was covered in blood and its eyes had been destroyed but it was still alive and kicking.

"Are you serious…this thing's from hell"

Inez said in frustration.

"Is there no end to this thing" Adrian said in surprise as he witnessed the beast he thought he had finished off rise from the dead.

"hmm…of course there is", Reagan approached. It seemed like the pages of the book was flipping all on its own.

"It's a Lychen…you were focusing on the head all along…"

The man smirked as a large concentration of essence started to form in front of him like a golden ball.

The air around him got dense and gusts of wind started moving towards him. He stretched his hands and aimed for the chest of the beast.

"To kill a lychen…you aim for the heart" He said as he launched the attack towards the beast at explosive speed. The entire ground of the arena was shattered by this attack.

When the smoke cleared, a large hole was evident on the wall of the arena that perfectly resembled the large hole that was created the beasts' chest, the attack had completely gone through the beast and even went through the arena.

The beasts' lifeless body fell to the ground and never rose up again.

The surviving soldiers were speechless, no one had ever seen an attack like this before.

Icarus stared in awe at the man who at first just piqued his interests a little because he seemed strange…that was honestly it.

He was genuinely dumbfounded that a human this strong even existed. He finally snapped out of his hypnosis and asked him.

"Who are you"

The man smiled and looked at him

"I'm Cyrus dawn…Heir to the throne of Dawn".

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