
Sword of Kasemire

My name instilled fear in all 12 kingdoms. In just 20 years, I rose from a farmer to a baron with a province. Until my enemies took it all away from me. They killed my father, my mother, my friends, the wife I dreamed of. They didn't even spare the children. They wanted to erase every memory of my rule. Everything because my allies betrayed me, in their filthy desire get my wealth. In moments of death, the spirit of vengeance consumed my being. I delved deeper and deeper until I found myself in the body of a frail twenty-year-old boy. A frail boy? Really? A ex strongest warrior, with body this weak!

MakimaIncelDog · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Sword of Kasemire

I wish I could see the green fields of my homeland once again.

I wish I could swing my sword one more time, while hearing my father's cheering cry.

I wish to see her, and her red hair. Oh, how many times I've imagined our children.

Damn you all!

Never... I will never forgive them, .

Never... not in a hundred years, not for all eternity.

Mother, father, comrades... did they have to kill even the children?

I no longer feel it... I don't feel my blade, my best friend... please... let my spirit of revenge rage within you and after my death, let your blade be a fear in them, even when it breaks, let its dull edge spill their blood. My blade, my vengeance.

Blood... everything smells of blood, of blood and urine.

The screams are getting quieter and quieter... Move, my body, hear the cries of your people, move... cursed be you.

Yet... everything is quieter and quieter.

The sound of people is no longer heard, I only see darkness.


They say that before death, you hear your loved ones calling you, that you relive your whole life.

Then why do I hear the wind?

The wind that's blows stronger and stronger.

And just like before dawn, when rays of sun reach your eyelid, I see it.

Slowly, I see the light, it seems this is the end.

My enemies will kill the women and children of my country, the name of my family will disappear, they will rape women, and my beloved, as long as they are alive, then they will murder them.

They will take the children into slavery.

Someone else will work my land, someone else will drink from my water source, someone else's cattle will graze my pastures...

No... I cannot accept such an end.

I will exterminate them all... Eradicate them from root to branch... From the youngest to the oldest. I will not find rest until I carry out my sentence.


They are lowlifes, that don't deserve privilege of living.

Move...Move damned you...MOVE!

I can not let this be the end.

Aghhh... down... I must go deeper.

No matter how much it hurts, remember the pain of your family.

And the land, and the women, and the children.


The dark-haired young man was out of breath, as if he had been under water five minutes ago, he breathed quickly, with deep breaths and short exhales, as if he were fighting for breath.

The man with black hair, of large build, square-headed, who looked like a true picture of a man, ran to see what happened to the young man.

He lifted him with his large, strong hands, and hit him on the chest, manly, so that he coughed even more.

Are you okay? he asked.

The young man seemed bewildered, except that it seemed as if he were choking, he appeared to be about to die, his skin was blue like that of a corpse, there was no color in him.

However, only one thing could be heard from his lips:

Where am I, wh... where am I? Young man asked.

The man with black hair told him he was in the mine, smiling.

Yet his laughter was interrupted by the gaze of the young man, a gaze as cold as ice, devoid of any trace of humanity."

The man with black hair paused for a moment, feeling unsettled by the young man's strange gaze, then took a water flask from his bag and poured water over the young man, hoping it would bring him back to reality.

As he waited for the young man to rise, the man with black hair looked around nervously, glancing towards the exit, as if expecting someone to come, somewhat apprehensively, like a small animal hiding from predators.

The mine they were in was enormous, with stalactites hanging from the ceiling emitting a blue light that illuminated the miners.

The man with black hair couldn't wait any longer, so he lifted the young man onto his back with his enormous hands. But the young man seemed to lack the strength to live, as if all reality had collapsed upon him, unable to move even the slightest part of his body.

Out of nowhere, a figure of 2.5 meters approached the two miners silently, unnoticed by them - it was the guard.

What's wrong with him? The guard asked, looking at the young man's pale face.

I don't know... The man with black hair didn't finish his sentence, and a monstrous aura enveloped the entire mine, halting work and instilling a general fear in every being, yet somehow focusing on the guard.

Sweat dripped from the guard's face; he felt as if his existence would vanish from the face of the earth in the next moments, unable to sustain himself, he knelt on his knees.

The elf then knelt before the man, as if he were a servant, a lower form of life.

That's a sight, a human could not even think of, even in their wildest fantasies.

In the elven world, height symbolized pride, signifying that they were a superior race, that was the greatest insult to an elf, to be beneath any race, especially a human one.

Soon after, like a comet, two arrows flew, aiming for the young man's knees.

At that moment, the young man screamed, and the unpleasant feeling vanished from the mine.

The guard leaned against the rock beside him and slowly stood up.

A furious grimace appeared on his face; he turned in a second, and with his left foot, which sounded as if it were breaking the sound barrier, he kicked the young man in the stomach. Then, as the young man's head fell, he placed his foot over him, intending to suffocate him in the dirt.

All present looked away; the man with black hair remained motionless, as if battling himself.

The guard's heel on the young man's skull gradually pressed down more and more.

And just as it seemed the young man would be killed, the words of the other elf echoed through the mine.

Stop, the echo resounded.
