
Sword of Atonement: The Transmigrated Yuuto Kiba

A situation occurs when a man from our world transmigrates into Yuuto Kiba's body one year before the canon story starts. Will he survive the outcome, or will he achieve what lies beyond the limits? #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 11: The Strongest Swordsman

Kiba, shirtless, was doing pull-ups on a bar. His body had grown more muscular, and his hair had turned fully white after his spar with Sirzechs.

(Image here)

He stopped and stretched his shoulders. The Sabertooth X-Gene had turned him into a relentless training machine, partially removing his fatigue toxins.

Grabbing his shirt from the ground, he teleported to the familiar forest.

Activating Boosted Gear, he summoned Sparda and Yamato, then stabbed himself with the swords.

They fused with his body, releasing a burst of power that terrified any supernatural beings sensing it.

Something was amiss—there were now two Kibas. One in a devil's body and one in a homo superior's body.

Both of them laughed at each other.

"So, are we gonna fight or not?" the mutant version of Kiba asked.

"No, we're not stupid like Vergil," the devil version of Kiba replied. "Because I know you'll win and understand why we need to fuse back."

"Why do you say I'll win?" the mutant Kiba asked.

"You have insane regeneration while I only have demonic power. And we can't even use our Sacred Gear because it's been split apart," Devil Trigger Kiba said. "I'm underpowered compared to you."

"You're right. Let's fuse back," the mutant Kiba said, extending his hand.

"Yeah," Devil Kiba agreed, shaking his hand.

As they merged back into one, an even greater burst of power erupted.

Kiba took a deep breath and released it. "I'm fully Sparda now," he declared.

He began creating a sword that would grant the same power to Sentry, naming it the Sentry Sword. The beast within him yearned to fight, but he maintained control.

"It's not yet time," Kiba reminded himself.

Regretting the Sabertooth Gene in his body, he struggled to control it but persevered. He sat down to meditate, calming the beast inside.

As time passed, he subconsciously entered Sage Mode, which further calmed the beast.

Opening his eyes, he mused, "Since when did I enter Sage Mode? Hmm, I guess it works to calm the beast down."

Deactivating Sage Mode, he no longer felt the urge to fight. "Let's head home," he said, teleporting back to his room.

After a bath, he saw a stack of client papers that needed his attention. He dressed nicely and began attending to his clients.

At his first client's house, the housewife Hayasaka seemed more attractive than before. "You look handsome, Kiba-kun. You look good with the new dye," she complimented him.

"Thanks," Kiba replied, feeling uncomfortable, though his feelings suggested otherwise.

'What's happening?' Kiba wondered, struggling.

[The beast inside you wants to devour the female,] Ddraig said.

"What?!" Kiba exclaimed.

[I've seen this before. You need to control it or release it elsewhere. Otherwise, you might attack a civilian,] Ddraig warned.

"Is something wrong, Kiba-san?" Hayasaka asked innocently.

"Nothing, it's fine," Kiba said, trying to hide his emotions.

"You seem uncomfortable, Kiba-san. Are you okay?" Hayasaka asked again.

"I'm fine, just a little stomachache. What do you need help with?" Kiba asked, forcing a smile.

"Just the usual massage," Hayasaka replied.

"Okay, lie down then, Hayasaka-san," Kiba said.

As he massaged her, he felt something rising within him. He tried to use Sage Mode, but his beast nature overtook him.

'I can't even concentrate,' Kiba thought.

His hands began massaging Hayasaka's thighs. Struggling to hold back, he made her fall asleep and teleported to a nearby forest.

"How does Sabertooth handle this?" Kiba wondered.

He quickly activated his sword that could control emotions, blocking his lust instantly. Sighing with relief, he muttered, "I nearly raped an innocent woman."

[Be careful next time. As a Devil and Beast, your lust is intensified. One wrong move, and you might do something you'll regret,] Ddraig cautioned.

Kiba understood and felt a sense of freedom and safety. He handled his remaining clients without any problems.

Afterward, he teleported to the ORC and collapsed on the sofa, mentally exhausted.

He took a short nap before the others arrived, initially failing to recognize him due to his new appearance.

"Good to see you guys," Kiba greeted them.

"What's with the new style?" Akeno asked.

"Do you like it?" Kiba inquired.

"Yeah," Akeno replied honestly, flashing a flirty smile.

"Is something wrong?" Rias asked.

"Yeah, but I handled it," Kiba said. "So, don't worry."

"What about the training with my brother?" Rias inquired.

"It was great but a bit exhausting," Kiba admitted.

"If that's the case, great. But what about your clients?" Rias asked, remembering the papers she'd placed on his table.

"I already handled all of them," Kiba replied. "Now, I just need a nap. See you guys."

"Bye," Rias, Koneko, and Akeno said in unison, waving at him.

Kiba teleported away.

"Rias, I think he's hiding something from us," Akeno said.

"Let's not think too deeply about it. Maybe it's just a normal boy's secret," Rias suggested.

"Agreed," Koneko added.

'I feel like there's something more,' Akeno thought, her heart telling her otherwise.

When Kiba arrived in his room, he went straight to sleep. He awoke in a white, endless room with a huge red dragon before him.

"Yo, Ddraig," Kiba greeted, sitting up.

"Yo," Ddraig replied.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kiba noticed several past users, cloaked and with their faces hidden.

"You okay, Kiba?" Ddraig asked, sensing Kiba's inner conflict after what had almost happened.

"I'm fine, but thanks for asking," Kiba said. "Is there something you want to discuss?"

"It's about Albion," Ddraig said.

"Oh, the destined fight? Don't worry about it, I'll win," Kiba said confidently.

"You're quite confident. Why do you think that?" Ddraig asked.

"Because I have time to get stronger than him," Kiba replied. "Even if I lose, I have other ways to beat him."

There were many ways for Kiba to gain power, but most would result in a hideous body, loss of humanity, or insanity. These were only last resorts if he desperately needed quick power, potentially destroying the world and himself in the process.

"Don't worry too much. I'll show you that I'm your best partner in all the world and the strongest. This is my promise. Mark my words," Kiba declared.

"I'd like to see that," Ddraig said.

Kiba smiled.

Far away, two shadowy figures observed them.

"I hope he keeps his word," a man's voice said.

"Hope so," a woman's voice replied.

"But one thing, I respect him for having more self-control compared to previous users," the man said.

"He's one of a kind," the woman agreed.

With this, the strongest swordsman will soon be born. Will he claim that title, or will he surpass it and achieve even greater heights?

Next time on Sword of Atonement

Advanced chapter at: +5


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