
Chapter 71 – Feedback

"Yes," Shang answered as he slowly stood up.

Shang had always wanted an evaluation from a neutral party. After all, he could evaluate himself only to a certain degree.

And on top of that, Shang had already been given some feedback just now.

His headwound was proof of that.

'I didn't notice such a huge vase coming towards my head. Now that I think back, I can remember hearing the column shake, but I simply filtered it out as irrelevant information.'

'I guess that's the Vice-Dean's way of showing me that I ignored my surroundings. I can get why that is a bad habit on a battlefield.'

"Alright," Soran said as he sat back down in his chair. "Then, let's talk about your sword techniques first. Mervin?" Soran asked as he looked at the older man beside him.

Mervin nodded and looked at Shang.



Shang was waiting for more, but nothing more came. "Could you elaborate?" Shang asked.