
Chapter 603 – Back

Shang flew back to his branch and arrived a couple of minutes later. Since he was back within the range of the Keeper's Spirit Sense, he didn't need to avoid all manners of beasts anymore. He could just directly travel to the branch in a nearly straight line.

Eventually, Shang reached the Yellow Sunbreaker. At first glance, it didn't seem any different than usual, but Shang knew that this wasn't true.

The Yellow Sunbreaker was currently in a state of slumber.

Shang had heard the Keeper tell him that she was going to receive Mosuma, which meant that she had to leave the Yellow Sunbreaker for a while. Obviously, she couldn't just leave it awake. Without her there, it could crush the entire branch with its roots.

Some seconds later, Shang landed in front of the entrance root, but he wasn't alone.

"Welcome back," the Keeper told Shang from her spot in front of the root.