
Chapter 1007 – Experience

The Event Horizon Empire turned into a brutal battlefield.


Every existence in the Ninth Realm was battling.


The last time something like this had happened was when the beasts had been killed by the combined forces of humanity.


When Lucius had grown powerful, there had never been such a great battle. Lucius had killed all the other Emperors in duels individually.


No matter what came of the battle, the entire world would be changed forever.


As soon as the Emperors clashed, every living being in a radius of a million kilometers died, except for the Mage Kings.


The Mage Kings could still defend, but the weaker beings couldn't.


For a radius of two million kilometers, everything below the Fourth Realm died.


The destruction only stopped at a radius of three million kilometers.


This was already brutal, but one had to remember how big Aterium was.
