
Primitive minds

When I first transmigrated into this world I had to immediately test the healing power limits of Avalon as it turns out my change from random human 19 into me while randomly sprouting out swords from my body and healing in a golden light scared the shit out of my tribe. Not only was the process of getting UBW painful but so was the rocks that the scared barbarians used to beat me before I could get my bearings.

Whatever I never liked those guys anyways apparently as before my transmigration I was a scrawny little guy that was considered a weakling. Well, guess who is laughing now as I've got the appearances and physical build of Sung Jin-Woo and the power of a servant coursing through my body. If D rank strength is more than enough to easily crush a human skull imagine A rank strength augmented by reinforcement magecraft can do these mongrels are beneath me. I AM THE GOD OF THE NEW WORLD.

Okay, I've gotten that out of my system the first thing I did after finally getting the bunch of animals off of me I killed the guys who were beating me up with some nameless sword. Oh, they are actually prostrating now in fear of me now. I also got like 50 points for killing all five of them. I hope they weren't the ancestors of somebody important. (Say goodbye Hitler and Gandhi (not really))

Opening the system I purchase a set of maps for 1 point however these are out of date by about 52,000 years early so it won't be perfect but It will be close enough. Tracing a nice little noble phantasm that when thrown at a map shows your current location I've got myself a location and a destination. seeing as I'm in Mesopotamia I've got a lot of ground to cover which should take me a couple of years. It also seems that despite their fear of me they now follow me for god knows what reason as I can barely communicate with them. Not that they have really hammered out a spoken language yet however I'm going to teach the young ones so spending 4 points I buy a couple of teaching items to teach the young ones both English and Japanese.

I've got everyone packing up the important shit and ready to move because it is thankfully early I trace a bow and get us some wild game that I can spot with Hawkeye. It doesn't take long to pack everything up so I quickly use my inventory to store everything and we get moving as we will be traveling for the next few years. Hopefully, someone will learn enough language to have a spoken conversation with me at that time if not I might consider spending points on something that can let me transfer memories and knowledge but I'll have to find something that can do it.