
It’s Him

Its been two weeks since I started working here, and its been good, my colleagues have been really accommodating and helpful and I also didn't miss the pitiful look they give me once in a while and my instincts tell me its because I'm working for Mr. Basma.

He couldn't be that bad, nah

He's only human, right?


Today's the day I meet my supposedly devilish boss, I'm both anxious and terrified at the same time. To be honest, I can't help but dislike him a little, from the way people talk about him and also my little experience from working for him. You must be wondering how I've been working for him without seeing him for two weeks. Well, he's been assigning me duties through the Deputy Manager.


"We are going to have to start the meeting without him". One of the high ranked managers spoke up.

"No, we can't, you know how he gets when things are not done the way they're supposed to, and he's never late". One of the shareholders said to the manager.

It went on like this for a while. All the managers and shareholders trying to get each other from starting without 'him'. As, they were talking a really handsome man entered and the whole place became really silent that you could hear if a pin drops. I already thought it was Mr.Basma until he announced.

"The C.E.O, MR.Basma, and his personal assistant". Immediately he said it, I was both confused and anxious.

His P.A is with him?

Then, what am I?

I was lost in my thoughts but the watchful eyes of everyone in this board meeting brought me back to reality, and I was asking myself 'why exactly are all this people looking at me?'.

"Miss Lackley?". The handsome guy called.

"That's me". I answered, terribly nervous.

"Aren't you Mr.Basma's PA?". He asked and right now I feel so stupid but I caught on and went out the back door to enter with Mr. Basma. I got out and headed for the front door of the board room when I saw 'him'. OMG, I'm really gonna faint right now, I feel like I should run away but from what? Its not like I did anything wrong, but I'm so shy I could really faint right now.

"Are you just going to stand there gawking at me or are we gonna attend thus meeting?". He said with a deep voice that I kinda liked, I am angry right now, he really thought I was gawking at him? Ugh is there anything to gawk at?

Yeah, his handsome face.

Or his hot and sexy body.

Or his taunting kissable lips

Or... Okay I need to stop now.

"Let's head in then". I replied after collecting myself, we walked in and the meeting lasted an hour. When he said an hour, I was thinking there was gonna be an additional minute but not even a second was wasted as he immediately got up after an hour and I had to run to jeep up with him as he was a pole compared to me.

We got to 'our' office. Well, the door to mine is inside his office, so as soon as we entered, I practically flew into my office as I felt really uncomfortable being with him.

I can't believe that the first guy I had sex with is my boss.

Way to go, Trina.

The intercom suddenly buzzed and I answered, knowing fully well who it is from.

"I need you in my office, right now". He demanded and cit the call before I could even respond. Rude, no please? Ugh. I already hate working here and its just the first day I'm working with him.

I walked into Hus office to find his sleeves rolled up and files in his hand with one sexy a** glass really focusing on what he is doing on his laptop. If that's supposed to get to me I'm sorry Mr Basma but that ain't gonna affect me.

"You needed me Sir?". I asked and he lifted his eyes from the laptop he was so engrossed in and said.

"Yes, take a seat". And I sat, waiting for what he wanted to ask or 'demand' me to do.

Its over 30 minutes now and he has not said anything, still typing away in his laptop, its so quiet and boring here that I cannot help but doze off.

I woke up to his face just above mine, he didn't even move or make an attempt to move, so I stood up and straightened myself up.

"I'm sorry, Sir". I said, fidgeting but I masked it as I was already scared he'd fire me.

"Its fine, I liked watching you sleep, its cute". He said, grabbing my hand as I yanked it out of his grasp.

"I'll be in my office if you need me Sir". I said as I walked away, feeling his gaze burning holes in my back, but I didn't turn back.


Its already time to close and I concluded my work, bringing out my mirror to check my face, I wore no makeup but didn't wanna look like a rat cause whenever I get worked up, I look really bad.

"Hey, I could drive you home". Mr. Basma proposes.

"I'm fine thank you". I answered, keeping my words as short as I could cause being close to him brings some really unofficial memories.

Then I turned and headed to wards the door but one I got to the elevator, he grabbed by hand, and to be honest I really don't know where he came from.

"Yes, Sir". I asked, removing my hand once again from his grasp but he took my hand again and said the words u never expected I'd hear.

"I missed you". He said, staring straight into my eyes, compelling me not to look away but once I found my voice, I asked.

"Excuse me?". I asked trying to convince myself that what I just heard was a mistake, he couldn't actually have missed me. It was just a one night stand, something he should have forgotten about, something I hoped he'd have forgotten the second I found out he was my boss.

"I said, I missed you and I mean it. I did". The words rang in my head, a part of me is happy that the first time I had a one night stand, the guy remembered, but another part of me is really not happy that personal issues are getting in the way of work

I missed you', He Said.