
Finding X

3rd Person POV

"Yes I did". Lawrence replied and raised his head up from a paper he was reading.

"I told him you were attacked yesterday, and to tighten security". Lawrence continued, as he said this Trina was already on edge as Lawrence's brother was the least person she suspected so she decided to ask another question to confirm her suspicions.

"Was that all you told him?". She asked, already picking at her nails which is one thing she does when nervous. Her gut, telling her that something was very wrong here but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Yes, that's all I told him". Lawrence replied and if there was any color on her face, it just drained as she felt her blood run cold. Lawrence's brothers room was just a few doors from hers and if he was the one after her life, it wouldn't be too hard to do that as that man has skills when it comes to combat.

It doesn't make any sense that it's him, I mean we get along, right?