
Woman's wrath.

Elaine's Point of View

How dare he say that I am pregnant.

How dare HE that Damon, all this time I had thought that I was dying from an unknown sickness, and now he says that I am pregnant and that he fathers the child.

Right now as I sat in his car, up in the front, while he is driving, all I want to do is strangle him and push him out of his side. And my good for nothing brother insisted that I go with this man, for all I know, this man is planning on murdering me and hide my body somewhere or yet throw off to sea.

not liking the silence anymore, I confronted him.

"tell me the truth, why do say that you are the father of this child, clearly we just met this evening."

He did not answer, only side glance me, the audacity of this male, he might be a prime male, but no one especially him can just ignore me. Seeing that he will not give me the answers I seek, I adjusted my seat and kicked hard at his side. The car revered for a bit and crashed on a tree upfront. I took this chance to get out of the car, while he moaned for his aching side. I removed my heels and run into the forest on the side road. My dress snagged from branches and my feet throbbing from the sharp rocks. Soon I heard voices calling out my name. It seems Damon guy called my brother, I can hear Heron and Shea shouting. Since I heard Shea farther from the others, I decided to go to her.

She was oblivious of my presence, So I decided to grab her and covered her mouth.

"Shhh...Shhh, Shea, it's me, help me get out of here."

" Sure thing, first let me tell the others-"

"no don't tell the others just tell Heron, tell him that the "usual" he would know what it means, come on let's go. He'll meet us at home" I said with finality. Shea just nodded and contacted Heron.


After we escaped from the search party we arrived back home, I immediately went up to my room and changed my ruined dress into a much more comfortable hoodie and short shorts. I went down and brought my ruined dress to be dealt with later. Since that dress was just an imitation of my original dress. I knew something is up, it is a good thing that I wore my prototype dress.

I saw heron arriving on our front porch, Shea greeted him and I just smiled at them. I went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat since I emptied my stomach earlier. Settling for a simple sandwich and green tea

Soon Heron walked in with Shea, offering them coffee.

"So how did you managed to escape the search?" I asked Heron who was happily drinking his cup of joe.

"I simply told them that You are fine And won't be showing anytime soon if ever they continue, but boy that Damon is scary, not easy to fool"

"I guess that is acceptable, I doubt that no one can fool him, I am done, you two should head to bed soon. I bet Jonah will be visiting us early this morning."

Anger still boiling inside me, I started a plan to get back at him, that surely HE will not be able to endure. And he will know why no one dares to cross my path, that no one wants to be on my bad side.

"Just you wait Damon Tempest, you will feel a real woman's wrath."