
Sweetest Scandal With You

Ghea Laurensia, beautiful and also lucky. Maybe those two words are suitable to be pinned on her. Lucky words became more attached to her when Ghea officially became a lawyer at one of the well-known law firms. Law firm Bagaskara and Associates.  But who would have thought that Ghea's entry into the firm was the turning point of the beautiful woman. Ghea who initially only made her husband as her happy axis is now no longer since the presence of Malik Bagaskara.  All that was in Malik was more than enough for Ghea to tarnish her sacred promise with Haris Setiawan.

ALWA1196 · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

First Day Of Work

"Ghea!"The call from Haris made Ghea stop for a moment. Her activities are preparing for her needs to start working tomorrow.

Ghea also can't deny that he has a little objection to the decision of the law firm Bagaskara and colleagues, but she should not complain because what she has gained so far may be a dream for the unemployed out there.

"Yes, Honey." Ghea replied and crawled up into the whirlpool of the bed taking the most comfortable position next to the husband. She left her clothes in front of her closet.

"Remember you work just to get rid of your loneliness. You can't stress. I'm not forcing you to give me a child now. But your pregnancy program still needs to be done. Got it?" asked Haris, full of emphasis in every word. And the submissive who is currently resting his head on the chest of the field of the husband can only nod.

"Uh ... those clothes Why don't you put them in order?" Haris asked when he heard the snoring from Ghea. Whether this woman is really asleep or just acting. But one thing is certain that Haris is the one who most upholds cleanliness.

If this is the case, he is the one who has to go down the mountain to just clean up what was left by Ghea.

"Ghea, I know you're just pretending to sleep." But what was ejected from Haris's mouth did not receive any response from Ghea.

"What's so hard to keep clean, honey?" asked Haris, who is still trying to rearrange Ghea's clothes to be neat, even though she knows that it will not last long.

"I am a person who cannot maintain cleanliness, because all I know is to keep my love for you in order to keep blooming from time to time."  Haris is just shaking his head, the assumption is true that Ghea is not asleep.

"Crap," said Haris as he twisted his lazy eyes.

That is how Ghea and Haris are two people who Perfect each other. Like currencies that have different sides as well as Haris and Ghea. Don't look for the perfect one, but look for the one that covers your flaws. So that with his presence you feel perfect.


Today should be a happy day for Ghea because soon she will start her new life in a new law firm and with a higher position than ever. But her smile was no longer on her lips when she realized that her husband had left for work and would return in five days.

This time Ghea had to leave alone for the office.

"Cheers, Ghe! It's too early for you to complain." That's how Ghea encourages itself.

With half-grumbling Ghea finally came down from her bed to immediately take a shower. She must not be late, let alone from Suci night as if unsaturated to warn Ghea to come on time to the office. You can come fast, but you can't be late. Perhaps this is also the reason why Ghea chose to make his gadget in airplane mode.

Suci in the eyes of Ghea for now is like a running alarm, which silences. It's worth avoiding. Thirty minutes passed now and Ghea already looked neat.

A fanta-colored long-sleeved shirt, a knee-length skirt in black, and a black blazer also wrap around her beautiful body. Anyone who sees Ghea at this time will surely be bewitched with its charm.

After she felt everything was ready, now Ghea took her steps to go down stairs after stairs to get to the ground floor of her house.

The woman who started today officially served as a young Partner and was in the same team with the boss who was none other than Malik Bagaskara brought her two eye beads to glance at the clock that circled around her wrist at this time. There are still 45 minutes left before the clock enters the office.

Ghea's intention to leave the house immediately, was simply put away when he saw that there was a lunch box on the living room table. No need to ask who the mastermind is of course the king who is now enthroned very sweetly in Ghea's heart today, who else if not Haris' benefactor.

Why should he put his lunch box in the living room, why not the kitchen? Perhaps the easiest answer to digest is because the living room is definitely passed by Ghea when going to the office.

A big smile came back on Ghea's red lips just because of the box of supplies Haris made for her. Haris knows best how to melt Ghea's heart even with simple treatment, but it can make Ghea feel very loved.

"Thank you, Honey!" says Ghea sincerely.

Now Ghea is really getting ready to go through her day. 20 minutes through the streets of the capital, Ghea finally arrived at the place where he would be scavenging for some time to come.

"Bagaskara I'm coming!" Ghea then solidified his steps to enter the building which according to her search in cyberspace has 5 floors.

"Excuse Me, Ma'am. I, Ghea Laurensia, " said Ghea with a friendly smile at the receptionist who was right in front of her now.

The same thing is done by a woman who may be two years older than her. "Who is in the same team as Mr. Malik, right?" asked the woman who has the name Nurul Ramadhani.

Ghea only answered the receptionist's question through a head up and down movement as justification.

"You can wait there, because the officials have not yet come," said Nurul with a tone as polite as possible.

"Higher?" repeat Ghea with stammering. Her whole body suddenly trembled when he heard the sacred word.

"Mr. Malik, Mr. Akbar and also Mrs. Suci." Ghea can breathe a sigh of relief when she knows one of the people he knows well enough so far, namely Suci Indah Lestari.

"Oh ... then I'll just wait for them there."

Ghea sat on a sofa in the lobby of the law firm Bagaskara and colleagues. Fifteen minutes passed and not one of the officials of this law firm in question showed the bridge of her nose. Ghea really wanted to take his oath, but it was broken because of the distance of 5 meters, her two eye beads.