

She gulped, her legs wobbling, "I'm so sorry, Bruce, I had no choice." She said, tears in her eyes. His eyes were already red with fury. "Where is Elisabeth?" he asked, grabbing her arm. She gulped, "She... she ran away." A tear slid down her cheek. He looked dazed, blinking confused. "Ran away?" he repeated. "Yes, she ran away and asked me to take her place." She broke down in tears. He was surprised, wondering to himself, "Why did she run away?" "I don't know," she replied, the tears she had been trying to hold back pouring down in torrents. - - - Marian is forced to replace her sister, who runs away with her lover on her wedding day. Bruce, her new husband, is angry and dejected, neither touching her nor having anything to do with her. But on one fateful night, he mistakes her for Marian's sister and sleeps with her, leading to her pregnancy. Marian informs him, but he files for divorce. Years later, she returns as a powerful woman seeking revenge. What will Bruce's reaction be? What happens when he tries to claim his children back? Will Marian forgive him and let bygones be bygones?

Scarlet_Carmichael · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Her mother helped her get into the car that was waiting for them. The women seemed so happy, but Marian was slowly losing it. Her insides were in great turmoil. She tried so hard to comfort herself in front of her mother and the rest, or they'd know something was off. She regretted not stopping her sister and going to tell her mother; now she was already in a mess.

The car soon arrived at the church. The wedding was being held in the Catholic church. The media was outside waiting for the bride's car. As soon as Marian stepped out of the car, they began to flash their cameras at her.

 She almost fell, as she was not used to bright flashing cameras. Her mother quickly held her arm, "Take it easy, dear." She nodded; her father came to meet her, "You look beautiful, my darling daughter." He grinned, "You're about to make us proud." She bit her lips; make them proud? Her heart raced all the more; they would be disappointed to find her at the altar and more disappointed in her because she couldn't stop her sister from running away.

She tried holding the tears that were threatening to fall. No one should notice she was crying yet.

 Her father stretched out his arm, and she took it; it was her dream for her father to walk her down the aisle to meet her husband, but today he was walking her down the aisle to meet her sister's supposed husband instead, her supposed brother-in-law. She walked steadily behind him, trying very hard to mind her steps. All eyes were on her; they began to murmur, and she felt her strength slowly leaving her legs, so she held onto her father's arm tighter.

He led her to the altar where Bruce was waiting for her. He had a very wide grin on his face. Her heart weakened when she saw him looking so happy; she was one hundred percent sure his smile would disappear when he found out she wasn't Elisabeth. She gulped, preparing herself for the worst. She exhaled and walked to the altar and stood opposite him. 

"Wow, Lizzy, you look extremely charming." He smiled. Her heart skipped; she raised her head to look at him through her veil. He was looking so handsome in a Navy blue tuxedo; his hair was gelled back. He had blueberry eyes, a pointed nose, and rosy pink lips. He was truly a beauty. She sighed and only nodded.

"Bruce Anderson, do you take Elisabeth Green to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer and poorer till death do you part?" "Yes, I do." He grinned. 

"Elisabeth Green, do you take Bruce Anderson to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer and poorer till death do you part?" She hesitated; she was about to speak! Her heart pounded in her chest; what was she going to do? She was not that good at mimicking voices.

Bruce frowned a little, "Come on, Lizzy, answer him." He said quietly. Everyone present began to murmur. She remembered that the media was also there and would definitely start making up stories. She quickly responded, "I do." The priest nodded, "Let us bless the rings." He blessed the rings and told the couples to exchange them.

 Bruce went first, took Marian's hand in his, and arched his brows; her hand felt somehow different. He shoved it aside and slid the ring on her finger. Marian's eyes were welling up with tears; she never wanted this and wanted to scream and end it all. She was given the ring, took it with shaky hands, and slid it on his finger, with her heart crying inside.

The congregation clapped and cheered on, saying they made a very beautiful couple. Some were already taking pictures of them. "If there's any reason these two should not be joined together in matrimony, speak now or be silent forever." 

No one spoke from the congregation; Marian wished someone would just come in and stop the wedding. "I now declare you..." Her breath ceased at that moment; her legs wobbled, and she trembled. "...Husband and wife!" The congregation cheered on louder. Marian sniffed; the moment she dreaded most was now before her. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest said. Her heart dropped to her stomach; Bruce would finally open her veil and see who was behind it.

He reached out for her veil and slowly opened it. He widened his eyes in surprise; this wasn't the woman he was supposed to marry! He opened his mouth to say something, but words seemed to have disappeared from his mouth. Everyone still watched on, remembering his reputation might be at stake if he hesitated; he kissed her, but it was not a passionate kiss, as he didn't want to kiss the woman who was supposed to be his sister-in-law! Their parents had noticed the change but kept quiet about it.

 They were quite surprised, as Marian was the bride instead of Elisabeth.

He pulled away from her; anger was visible in his eyes, but he couldn't express it, at least not now. The priest finally concluded the wedding ceremony. 

The newlywed couple processed out of the church. Everyone congratulated them as they processed out of the church. Marian felt so guilty inside; she feared what would happen when she was finally alone with Bruce . The procession continued until they were outside. 

They took some photographs with their friends and family. All through the paparazzi, Marian avoided her parents' eyes; she couldn't dare look them in the eye. That was over, and the couples were finally led to a room where they could at least catch their breaths. 

Bruce closed the door and faced her with anger in his eyes,"What the hell have you done?" He yelled.