
Sweet Waters Throne

The prince of Maldonia, Prince Artemis of House Arteides, the bear killer, the slayer of the elves is crowned King when his father Luca King Arteides dies. Aurora is a seer and a powerful witch who has yet to aknowledge her powers, only Artemis knows of it. Lucian Mithandir is in exile recruiting an army to fight Prince Castellan of house Taelin for the throne of Prophis. Artemis wants no parts of this war, but he is very aware whoever wins the war will later turn to Maldonia. Artemis has no clue that a bigger war is coming which will set out kingdoms on fire, Aurora has seen it in her dreams and it's for the Sweet Waters Throne in Maldonia. The end is uncertain but the ways are clearer, who will sit on the throne after the war to end all wars. The Bastard who's been denied his true claim to the Sweet Waters throne with the mighties fleet in the world and King Artemis of Maldonia who has Aurora and dragons breathing fire. ~ Excerpt Scene ~ "Are you ready? A dragon is not a horse my love" Aurora expressed her concerns. "The dragons are ready to be claimed, Your Grace. I think it’s the perfect time for Artodo to take the skies and be claimed. He and the King have great relationship. He just needs to understand the words that’s all. "Torgo explained while looking at both Aurora and Artemis. "I understand the words." Said Artemis. "Incendio for fire and Valar for him to fly. I know some Low Moor too." It seemed Aurora wasn’t easily convinced, "Knowing the language of our ancestors doesn’t mean you can hang on to the dragon and take to the skies, especially since you are not just practicing. You are taking the dragon to the Mines, in clear daylight." "Exactly, that is the only way we can silence Lord Leoric. I cannot let him take advantage of my sister, I have to try…" Visera interrupted. "He’s ready, I can see it in his eyes." She said with a smirk. Aurora ordered Torgo. "Bring him outside," in Low Moor. Torgo nodded and walked inside the darkened cave with a fire torch. All five dragons were inside the cave perfectly chained. He went after Artodo, the biggest of them all. The black beast, standing at forty feet from head to tail with a wingspan of twenty feet. A terrifying beast to even stare at. Artemis took two deep breaths. "According to my ancestors history, the youngest dragon rider to ever took the skies was ten years old. You’ll be fine." Aurora teased Artemis after she noticed how nervous he was. The dragon keepers placed a saddle on Artodo’s back and two strong handles made of iron and wood for Artemis to hang on to. Then, finally Aurora walked to Artodo — the black beast. She pulled in Artemis and they both touched the dragon’s right eye, soothing him before the take off. "This is your rider now Artodo, you are to obey him from this day forward to the last, as your mother commands." Aurora said this is Low Moor while the dragon hissed slowly. The dragon hissed and Aurora took it a sign that Artodo understood him. She took a step back and let Artemis take over. These two weren’t strangers to one another. Artemis’s touch wasn’t strange to Artodo and he silently lowered his left wingspan for Artemis to climb up. Carefully and slowly, Artemis mounted the black beast. It was no secret that he was scared. When he was on top of the dragon, Artemis smiled looking down and he suddenly exclaimed. "You all look like tiny bees from up here!" Aurora, Visera, Torgo and the dragon keepers laughed. Aurora walked to him and they looked at each other. Their dream finally came true; "Promise me, you’ll come back alive." Said Aurora. "I promise." "And that you will not burn the Mines to the ground. If she disagrees with you, perhaps it’s time to let her go." This was what Artemis truly needed to hear so he may stop his obsession with saving his sister. When he was ready, he shouted to Artodo. "Valar Artodo," and right there the dragon’s feet pounded the ground heavy as it prepared for takeoff.

Ami_Young · แฟนตาซี
279 Chs

Chapter 37

It turns out Katarina needn't worry about the decision to wed off Princess Thelma. The next day, King Castellan called out his sister inside the throne room. He sent his king's guards to summon the princess. Castellan posed an image of a conqueror sitting on the Silver Throne with his sword on his right hand. His eyebrows and eyelashes dark from the k'ohl as per Prophisian tradition, and his thick black hairs fell down effortlessly.

Not every day Castellan embraced his nature as a Prophisian. But when he did, he really went all the way and resembled his father. Princess Thelma walked inside the throne room and the guards walked outside and closed the door. She was suspicious that there was something wrong. She started to ask herself questions. Could it be that Katarina had told her husband of her theory regarding who slit their father's throat? Or could it be just her brother wanted to see her, since it's been a week ever since the coronation ceremony and they haven't seen each other.

Princess Thelma took a few steps towards the throne. "You summon for me, brother?" she said cheerfully.

"Indeed sister. I was starting to fear that you were avoiding me."

Thelma stuttered, "Avoiding you? Why would I, Your Grace?"

Castellan smiled and stood up. He didn't show any sign of being wroth or holding grudges towards his sister. After all, there was nothing she could do even if she had theories about the king's murder. He stood so close to Thelma in such a way that it made her uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down on her. "You have come of age, and you must wed." He said. "Lucky for you, I have a perfect match. Lord Lothar of House Taelin in Loni." Castellan finished and then he distanced himself from Thelma, awaiting to see her reaction.

"Lord Lothar, our uncle's son?" Thelma was shocked.

"He's our cousin of course. He has pure Taelin blood and a union with him will not only solidify our claim to the throne, but his father has an army, in case we need it. You will be doing service to the crown." 

Thelma clapped back. "An army of fishermen and sailors?" she said and that's because Loni was a small island surrounded by fishermen and merchants. 

There was a silent moment between Castellan and Princess Thelma. One of them was the king and in charge of all decisions made. While the other one, an oppressed princess who couldn't decide for herself.

"What is it sister? I thought you'd be charmed."

Thelma scoffed. "Charmed? By the fact that you want to send me hundreds of miles from home?" small drop of tears started to form on princess Thelma's eyes.

"It is your duty to —"

"To be sold off like sweetmeats so you can get your army? Is that right?"

"This is more than you and me sister. This is about the realm and I being its protector, I have to protect it. Lucian Mithandir is marching to Maldonia, recruiting men along the way and the next thing we know, he's on our gates with over two hundred thousand men. What will we do afterwards?"

"Maybe he can finally sit on his rightful place." Thelma gasped when she realized what she just said.

To speak ill of the king and have suspicious thoughts that he may not be the rightful heir to the throne was treason in Prophis. The punishment for such crime was death. And if Princess Thelma never heard of what happened to the people who spread rumors about her father's illegality to the throne, then she was so mistaken to say such things to her brother.

Castellan remained calm after what his sister said. Thelma pleaded, "I didn't mean to —" she was suddenly stopped by a hand raised in the air by Castellan. Then, Castellan walked back to the silver throne and sat comfortably. His face was reddish and that usually happens whenever he is angry. "You will sail to Loni on the morrow at first light. I have already sent word to uncle regarding the union between you and our cousin, Lord Lothar Taelin. You are set to leave at once by the order of your king. Servants will accompany you to Loni and if you may need any sort of assistance, I will gladly provide. You are not set to return to Prophis until you have provided an heir for Lord Lothar and breed a pure Taelin blood. Do you understand?"

Princess Thelma felt vulnerable and weak against Castellan. She obeyed and just settled with, "Yes, Your Grace," and walked outside of the throne room with tears running down between her cheeks. Along the way to her chambers, Prince Ambrose bumped into his sister. He was shocked seeing her in tears and he was anxious to know what happened.

Princess Thelma kept running, she would rather be alone than showing everyone what's really inside her soul. She clearly noticed it how much she hated her brother. She hated how proud he was, how controlling he can be all the times and what's worse was that, he was king now.

"Sister, sister open the door." Prince Ambrose knocked on Princess Thelma's chambers but all he heard was his sister's chocking voice and the agony in that voice.

It was no secret Thelma was inside the throne room earlier, and her coming out weeping left one thing suspicious to Prince Ambrose and he knew his brother must have either said something to their sister which was heartbreaking or he'd done something. Was it a head or a tail?

Prince Ambrose didn't wait to find out when he sprinted towards the throne room and quickly barged inside. Four king's guards were standing in front of him guarding King Castellan. "What did you do?" Prince Ambrose shouted at his brother. "I am asking you, what did you do to our sister?" Ambrose attempted to get over to Castellan who was sitting on the silver throne comfortably. However, he was intervened by four swords from the king's guards ready to pierce his heart if he dared to make another move.

Prince Ambrose continued barking. "This is how you hide from me? Putting your king's guards on the front? You've always been a coward!"

"Careful brother. You will address me as "Your Grace" or I'll have my king's guards cut out your tongue." Castellan shouted back and stood up, he was wroth with his brother.

"These king's guards of yours don't scare me, Castellan. If you hurt her, I swear on our father's grave —"

Ambrose didn't even finish before Castellan lashed out. "What will you do brother?" he asked arrogantly. "I stand the highest. Higher than everyone else in the kingdom. I'm the King!" He finished with a loud voice.

"A king who tortures his siblings and his sister?" Prince Ambrose shook his head in disappointed. He turned to him. "You are just like father. The reason why our three brothers deserted the kingdom was because he never cared for us. I thought you'd be different when you ascended the throne. But it's clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Well brother, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Prince Ambrose shook his head again and walked away from the throne room disappointed and angry with his brother's attitude. He went straight to Thelma's chambers and opened the door, he found Thelma weeping in her pillow. These two talked for a while and Thelma told Ambrose of her theory, and the fact that Castellan could be the one who slit their father's throat and blamed Father Henry for it. She also cried at how much she didn't want to leave Prophis. She begged Ambrose to do anything to save her from the arranged marriage. However, the next day, early in the morning two servants knocked on her door ready to prepare her for the journey.

Katarina, King Castellan and few lords of the palace saw her off at the harbor as the royal ship awaited to take her to Loni, distant island hundreds of miles from Prophis. Princess Thelma was in tears saying goodbye to her brothers, Prince Ambrose and Frost. She wept at how much she didn't want to leave the capital. Castellan showed no mercy to his sister's tears. He screamed at the captains. "It's freezing outside here, board her in the ship and leave!" He demanded.

"Castellan..." Katarina reached out for her husband's hand but since they were putting on a show for Thelma to see, he pretended to not wanting to be consoled. Ambrose looked at Castellan and then he bit his jaws, there was nothing he could do to save Thelma.

"Write to me often sister, I will visit you in Loni when I have the time." Ambrose hugged his sister, they were both crying.

The captains helped Princess Thelma inside the royal ship. Katarina walked to Thelma and kissed her cheeks. "Journey well good sister, we will see each other again." She said pretending to cry, while all the time it was her idea to send Thelma away. Princess Thelma held on to Katarina's arm until the ship was ready to sail. There were no goodbyes between Castellan and Thelma, the bad blood was intense between the two.

As Princess Thelma sailed away to Loni. Prince Ambrose took off the next day and left Prophis, he journeyed with two thousand men loyal to him and their horses. He was aiming to Maldonia with hope that Lucian Mithandir will allow him to join his army so he can fight against his brother's throne. The snow was deep but the horses of Prophis were adapted to travel in cold conditions and in haste. By the time Castellan found out about his brother's departure, Prince Ambrose had already traveled a big distance between him and the capital, the King's City.