
Words of Comfort

Jason: Will you model for us?

Mia: What?!

I'm absolutely dumbstruck. He wants me to do what now?! I don't even have an appealing body or appearance and not to mention that all the Seven Seasons's models are top-notch in every way!

I remember, Cindy's also a part-time model, why don't they ask her?

Jason: Please, you're the only one I can ask.

Mia: W-Well, what about your sister?

Jason: The outfits were prepared according to fit her size and Cindy... doesn't exactly have the same build as the one who we had hired.


.... Based on the way he said that, he's referring to the chest area, isn't he.

Jason: Please?

He stares into my eyes earnestly. Wh-What the..! I'm almost hypnotized by his gaze by the time I look away.

Mia: I-I don't know, I don't have any experience or anything.

Staff 3: We'll help you!

Staff 7: Yeah! Just help us out!

I don't even know these people and yet, damn it, peer pressure!! But, if I agree to do this, there's no way to say that I'll be able to return in time before the bank closes.

I can't bear to see him at a loss and want to help him but I need to pay my bills too. What do I do? As I am struggling in my dilemma, Jason's voice snaps me back to reality.

Jason: Just this once, we'll pay you too!


They'll actually give me money? Well it's better to earn my money rather than withdrawing it! I look back at Jason with determination.


Mia: I'll do it!


Everyone looks at me, surprised.

Jason: Really?!

Mia: We don't have time to joke around, do we?

I smirk confidently at him and his eyes go wide for moment before squinting slightly. We exchange a smile and relief spreads over the staff.

Jason: Come with me.

We walk out with the required staff following us and file into the cars.

About an hour later...

I look back in the mirror and blink in surprise. Is that really me?! I almost never apply makeup, now I can see what they mean by "Makeup can do wonders". And it's just about the makeup, this outfit is so... I don't even have exact words to describe it! It's so cute!

They're making a new Winter line collection for which the photoshoot is for. Hmm, I really like this coat and scarf.

I'm fiddling with my scarf's loose yarn when the door opens. A staff member tells me that I need to go outside and that's when it hits me.


.... Why didn't it strike me then?! The whole city is going to see this magazine!! What if I mess up and everyone goes judging me on the streets?! I'm so nervous, my heart starts beating so fast that I can hear its thumping ring in my ears.

I'm certain that I won't be able to do it, why was I so impulsive? It's always been like this, I fail and become the laughing stock, just like that time....

Students 1: Pfft, look at her.

Student 2: Heh, silly.

I am walking down my kindergarten's corridor with everyone pointing fingers at me and giggling. What did I do wrong? I just got nervous and made a small mistake when the teacher asked me a question, is that really something to have a hearty laugh about?

Just then,

Jason: That's enough!


He walks past me and peels of a note that was stuck to my back. When did it... He crushes the paper into a ball and tosses it in a dustbin nearby. I never got to know what was written on it but it definitely wasn't a praise.

Jason: Tell me, who did that?!

He grabs my shoulders and peers into my face, his expression stern.

Mia: I don't-...!

I'm about to tell him that I had no clue but, a realisation hits me. After the class, my classmate, Winnie Wilson, patted my back to cheer me up. Was it her who did this? It makes sense, she doesn't like me because I'm so close to Jason. But, I can't just rat her out, she'll hate me more.


When I don't say anything, he gets angry. He forcefully grabs my hand and marches away. He takes me behind the building, near the meadow, one of my favourite places to be.

He lets go of my hand and I sit down on the grass, hugging my knees. Why does this happen to me?


Jason: You could've told me who it was, I would teach them a lesson.

He's right but..

Mia: What's the point? You can help me now but you're going to elementary school next year. Who's going to do it then?


He doesn't say anything and I bury my face in my knees. What am I supposed to do? Just then, I feel a tingling sensation on my ear.


I look up to see Jason gently smiling at me. He had put a flower behind my ear. I gently touch it with my fingers.

Jason: You like daisies, don't you?

Mia: Oh.

He kneels down in front of me and extends his hand to me with a tender look in his eyes. The sunlight strikes his figure from behind making him look as though he's glowing. For some reason, my heart beat picks up pace.

Jason: You don't have to worry about anything, I'll always be at your side....

Staff: Miss?


The staff member's voice snaps me back reality. Right, the photoshoot. What should I do?! I can't back out now! I'm at loss when someone appears behind him. Jason!

Jason: What's wrong?

His eyes slightly wide when he sees me, his cheeks tint pink. However, he quickly picks his posture and turns serious.

Mia: I...

I look down at my feet, not being to say anything. What do I tell him? I purse my lips and fiddle with my thumbs.

Jason: Heh.


I hear him chuckle slightly and look up at him. Hey, where did that staff member go? Jason warmly smiles at me and extends his hand to me.

Jason: Don't worry, it'll be fine. And even if anything were to happen, I'm right here.


It's just like that time. I know for sure that he's not only talking about the shoot. I took his hand then, but he didn't keep his promise. Should I trust him this time? 'Taking his hand' means much more than just holding hands in this case.

He lied to me, I should hate him and yet... Still not knowing what compelled me to do it, I lift my hand and place it in his. I'm doing the right thing, right..?