
Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife

*Love doesn't always bring the best person into your life, sometimes, love brings the worst people into your life. ~ Caroline loves money, an ambitious woman who will do anything for money. She come from a poor family background. Envious of her twin sister's good fortune enjoying a happy and secured life with her wealthy husband, Caroline believed that she must also be granted with the same amazing fate as her twin sister. She knows that money always comes with a heavy price... she's willing to pay any price! Meet... Mr. X... aka. Alex...he's upbringing isn't something that he can be proud of. He had a hard time trusting anyone. He rose to power, fame and wealth not because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but because it's an inheritance bestowed to him from the wealthy man who adopted him. When these two people meet... What's gonna happen? Will there will be sparks igniting between them? How about attraction, is it possible? And how about love? Will love bring the best or worst out of them? ~~~ ( Excerpt from the novel: ) Maybe she already developed tender feelings for him, but it's not yet on the same level as her feelings for her husband. But she thinks that if she stays longer in Alex's side she will eventually fall in love with his wonderful personality and his expertise when it comes to giving her mind-blowing pleasure every time they have intimate moments together. When she was with Alex, there is no awkwardness between them as if they have known each other for a long time. Any woman who can capture Alex's love and affection...she will be a lucky woman! Honestly, if she didn't meet Mike and she met Alex first, she will fall for him hard 'coz he is easy to love, maybe because they have good chemistry together? A smile appeared on her lips. That was also the time Alex glanced at her. He was looking at her tenderly, loving her smile. Their eyes locked for a few minutes... their gaze spoke volumes. Alex stood up, he went to her side, he whispered in her ear while nuzzling it, licking it lightly, producing arousing tingles on Carolines' body. "Let's make love after we're done cleaning the kitchen," he suggested naughtily. Caroline giggled. "OMG, you're so insatiable!" Alex grinned. "When it comes to you, I'm forever your slave, willing to bring pleasure to your body, anytime and anywhere," he winked at her and began kissing the exposed skin on her neck. ~All rights to the cover belong to the owner. *** My other novel on this site are the following: * Hot Romance With The Vampire~ Completed * The Beauty And The Wolf~ Completed * The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny~ Demons, Vampires, Shapeshifter~ Completed. * Hidden Husband: Beloved Wife ~ Completed~ Contemporary Romance * The CEO's Painted Skin~ (Completed) Contemporary Romance~510 chapter. * The Last Embrace~ ( Completed) Fantasy Romance~ Vampires Love~ 472 chapters. * The Tale Of Three Sisters~ (Completed) Fantasy Romance~ Adventure.

Lizabelle88 · สมัยใหม่
341 Chs

You're So Mean!

Allison was staring continuously at the steamy photos on her laptop.

She lay down on her bed waiting for her brother to come to her house.

She called the maid on her phone. "My brother is coming into the house, open the door when he arrives," she ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am," the sleepy housemaid replied.

Allison picked up the laptop and brought it into her minibar. She placed the laptop on the bar counter.

She grabbed the bottle of red wine and poured a small amount into the glass.

He would be furious, of course, he always is.

They don't always agree on everything but she loves him so much, he's the only family she had ever known.

Thirty minutes later.

She can hear her brother's heavy footsteps on the stairs.

He finally arrived!

He's been ignoring her lately and she doesn't like it when she only wanted to help and lend her expertise to him.

The door to the minibar opened.

"Brother Alex! I thought you were just joking, but here you are at last! I miss you!" Allison said fondly.

She was about to hug him but he avoided her hug. Instead, he went to the laptop and scanned the photos, with clenched teeth he deleted the lewd photos one by one. He snatched Allison's phone and deleted all of Caroline's photos there as well.

He was about to check the contents of the USB, but Allison stopped him.

"Bro. Please, don't delete the photos! We can use it when nothing else works! It will be our last resort," Allison insisted.

He glared at her. "Have anyone of your minions penetrated her?" he asked sending her a death glare.

Allison shakes her head vigorously. "No! I didn't order my minions to do such thing, we just took pictures and nothing else..." she responded.

He breathed in relief.

"From now on, do not touch her! I told you to stay away from this. I told you that I will do it my way. You don't have to help me. I know what I'm doing," he released a deep sigh of frustration.

"But...you're too slow! I'm just trying to help you. Your time is running out! When are you going to make a move when everything is already too late?" she asked him.

He shut his eyes for a moment struggling with something...

"I'm working on a solution. That person we are talking about has a life of her own. She is not an object that has no emotion. I don't want to force her. I have to be slow with her," he said.

"Brother, I have to remind you. You have to do it fast! Before it's too late. Considering that she already had a boyfriend. She will never agree to anything that we will offer her. Unless...unless we have to blackmail her to do anything we required of her. It's the only way to make her follow all our wishes," Allison explained calmly.

He scanned the contents of the USB. He was about to delete it but he was hesitating for a moment, he ejected the USB and put it in the pocket of his trouser.

He looked at her. "Ali, you don't have to help me," he said. "I'm afraid that if you do something on your own accord, you will only mess up with my plans. Don't mess with her! You got me?"

Allison pouted. "B-but I like Caroline. She's a nice girl. Don't worry, I won't do something bad to her anymore," she was trying to convince him that this time...her intention was pure.

He took a deep breath, he doesn't trust her a bit. Allison always does outrageous things for him. It's kind of crazy and dangerous how she acts and thinks of a solution to problems sometimes. "Have you taken your medicine?" he asked.

Allison nodded her head. "Yes!"

"Be a good girl, Ali. I have so many problems lately. Please, don't add to my problems and worries, okay?" he said in a gentle voice.

"Can I make her my friend? I like her. Don't worry I will no longer do something bad to her," she said in a serious tone.

"You promise?" he asked.

"Yes, I swear to God. But I want to play with her and make her my doll," she pouted.

His eyes widened in frustration. "If you do something bad to her, Ali. I swear, I will bring you to Dr. De Guzman again and he will send you back to the mental hospital. You understand me, Ali?"

By just the mere mention of the mental hospital, Allison trembled and began crying, fat tears rolled down her face. "You are so mean, brother! I don't want to go back to the mental hospital! I'm not crazy! I'm just a genius! I'm already cured!" she shouted.

He was shaking his head, feeling a painful headache coming to pound on his head.

"If you keep giving me problems, you know that I will call him, and he will send an ambulance here to bring you back to the mental hospital again. So, you'd better behave and avoid angering me, okay?" he said in a gentle but cold voice.

Allison wiped the tears from her eyes. She should behave and show his brother that she is not a crazy woman. She is sane! She's not crazy! She immediately took medicine from the drawer and popped it in her mouth.

Then she looked at him. "Don't worry, I won't hurt her."

He looked at her face intensely doubting if she is capable of honoring her words. "You'd better do that, sister. And do tell your minions that Caroline is off-limits for them! If they touched Caroline again I will chop their fingers and shoved the severed pieces into their mouth. You understand...Ali?"

"Okay, I understand," Allison answered.

"Good. I'm leaving now," he said.

"C-can I visit him?" she asked.

"Not now. I relocated him somewhere," he replied.

Frowning, Allison asked, "You don't trust me?"

He sighed deeply and shrugged his shoulders. "How I wish I can trust you, Ali. You made a big mistake with Catherine before. I don't want the same thing happening again. How can I trust you this time?"

Allison bit her lip, she was about to cry again but prevented the tears from falling from her eyes.

"Go now brother, I'm feeling sleepy already," she shooed him away.

"Alright, I'm going home now. Don't sleep late. Don't plan another scheme behind my back. Or else...you know already what's going to happen if you give me another headache," he warned her and walked towards the door of the minibar.

Before his brother can get out of the door...

"Brother, can you put me to sleep before you go? Just like before? Promise I won't hurt Caroline. I will be a good girl," she assured him.

Allison left the bar and went to her bedroom.

He sighed and followed her to her room.

Allison climbs the bed and he positioned himself in the bed. She lowered her head down on his lap.

He runs his fingers on her hair and gently massages her scalp to calm her nerves like he always does when they were still younger.

Allison's eyelids began dropping. She's falling asleep fast.

Thirty minutes later. Allison had finally fallen asleep.

He gently eased the body of her sister in the bed, covered her with the blanket and get out of the room quietly so as not to awaken her.

He went downstairs and nods at the housemaid that patiently waited for him to get out of the house.

He boarded his car that he parked in front of the house and exited the gate which the guard had opened for him a few seconds ago.

Then he drove away from Allison's mansion, going home.

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Stay home.

Stay safe and healthy.

Let's keep the faith alive during this turbulent times.

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