
It's You Again??

???...No you Again?!!!.. Jia gives a faint smile

Miss Jia....shouldn't I be the one shocked to see you here,anyway let's get on with this!!!.....I am Yuan Shuai you're new boss...."Yuan smirks

Yuan??..wait you mean Yuan Yuan??.."Jia opens her mouth in disbelief.....Wait!!!

Surprised??... Now you see why I didn't want you to soil my name Miss Jia ..".Yuan continues to smirk

You owe me...my car eehm..you didn't seems like fixing it??..."jia glares at him

What an attitude you have Miss Jia,Soo Bold...let's get unto business..Andrei!!!...Yuan calls Andrei and he walks in

Miss Lu we meet again??..Andrei smiles and goes to sit

Soo tell me how are you gonna compensate me for my broken car??...Yuan continues with his work

Well since you're rich that's not a problem!!...but what about mine it was a gift from my grand father!!!..Jia replies

Hmmm.....if I start to cost you that car you won't be able to buy it in a lifetime!!..Yuan Smirks and looks at Andrei

should I call the numbers!!!...Andrei asks

What did I call you here for,to look at me!??...Yuan Looks at him

Sorry Boss....Lu Jia because of your reckless driving you've cost Mr Yuan ¥3000000 for all the damages...Andrei keeps talking

All that money just for a car!!!..unbelievable... Jia replies

I am such a gentleman I decided to take the cost upon me!!!...but I have a little favor from you...Yuan smirks

Yay!!!!....Mr Yuan wants something from me...I am not a wh*re who sells my body for money Soo hell NO!!!!...Jia says

I thought you were smart Miss Jia.....dont have a dirty mind if I want to be satisfied why would I look for you..."Yuan stares in her eyes

Hmm..then if not that then what??....Jia raises her brow

Dont ruin the fun Miss Jia ..guess would ya..anyways I want you to be my Girlfriend!!.. Yuan stares at her eyes to see her reaction

I am flattered Mr Yuan but Hell NO!!!.....get a good offer!!!..Jia smirks

I knew Miss Jia was this stubborn but not Soo arrogant... Andrei get my lawyers!!!... Yajn looks at Andrei

Scaring me with a lawsuit huh??...not gonna happen I am not dumb!!! I have my own lawyer....Jia responded as she glares at him

Didn't know Miss Jia was this rich to get her own lawyer....Andrei do you wanna get fired!!!!..Yuan shot a glare at Andrei and he gets up

Fine I agree!!!....Get your ass down on the chair!!!...I agree but how much will I gain from being your girlfriend... Jia admits in defeat

now that's a good girl....Well for now you'll get ¥3000 monthly till you pay off your debt...Yuan explains more to her

won't your dad get pissed off when he finds out that I am not your girlfriend...Jia smirks as she thinks she has won

Babe that's my business to worry about not yours Soo get your mouth out of it....Yuan glares at her

Ooh is Mr Yuan angry with my question if yes then we call of the bet.....Jia glares back at him

No Darling, I am not angry just thinking of how you'll be on bed...Yuan broadly smiling at her which made Jia flinch on her seat

Sh*t!!!!...I am your girlfriend not your bed warmer!!!..." Jia grits her teeth

dont curse here Sweety,I just wanna hear you scream my name...Yuan Laughs at her

In your Dreams!!!!!.. Jia shouts