
Bai Ye Revenge

"Finally!,You are MINE" Yang Long hugs her

"You damn man!,I told you that I am married!" Jia says but in a low voice

"come on,I am sure you can't wait to see me act!,Let's start!" Long smiles as he pulls her to the set

"are you the director or ME" Zhang Zuo says as he goes into the set.."Action!, Scene 5,Act 1"

Mo Yin!,watch out!,there is a trailer!"Jun You as Yang Long shouts as he runs to hug her and the trailer hits him

"Jun You! wake up!,you said that our love will never die!,why are you the one to die first!,I can't live without you!you're my only reason why I still live!" Mo Yin as Lu Jia cries out as Jun you dies..."why does life have to be so harsh on me!,I lost my mom and now my love!,I can't take it anymore!"

"Cut!,that was lovely!, good job Yang Long even better than the original male lead,do some remake up and meet me at the cemetery!" Zhang Zuo says as he goes into the office


"Yuan?,its me!,I am currently going to the cemetery!, hope you dont mind" Jia calls Yuan

"where I'll drop you there!" Yuan answers"why at the cemetery?, that's not the script!"

"he changed it because the male lead got involved in a scandalous news of illegal drug taking and he got replaced"Jia lowers her head

" How come I wasn't informed!I own the movie!I am the biggest contributor to that damn movie!,where is Zhang Zuo?" Yuan grins" and who is this damn new person?,does he have a good background? "

"Have you forgotten me? cousin!" Long collects the phone

"why do I know that voice!,Yang Long!,what are you damn doing there!,aren't you meant to be running the Yang company!" Yuan grits his teeth out of annoyance "this guy is testing his limit too much" he thinks inwardly

"I want Jia and I'll get her if I want her!" Long cuts the call

"You a**hole!!,how dare you hang up on me!,Andrei contact the cemetery attendant and tell him that we are shooting next week"Yuan speaks as he continues to work

" okay boss I'll do so!

Meanwhile in the Ye mansion)

"What do you have? Hannah!,speak!" Bai Ye rudely asks her maid

"Ma'am!, I found out that Yuan wife is Lu Jia,she is a rising star and she is starring in a movie called 'Shades of loves'" Hannah replies

"You damn Witch!, you'll pay for stealing what's mine! everyone do!" Bai grits her teeth as she dials a number

"what do you need I am in the mood of acting" Gao meng answers as she drops the script

"Gao meng!,I have a favor to ask for!I want you to make Lu Jia life a LIVING HELL!" Bai smirks

"I could get in trouble for this! and beside I've done Soo much for you and you've not paid me" Meng whispers

"Dont forget your dads life is in my hand if you dont agree then say good bye to HIM!" Bai grins evilly

"Dont you dare use him against me!,he is innocent, I'll do it!,you want Lu Jia I'll help you!,but keep paying my dad's bill" Meng pleads

"whatever and dont be noticed or else I'll make your own life a living hell!" Bai warns before cutting the call

"Bai Ye!,you son of a bitch!,I'll make you pay!" Meng grits her teeth and goes to the prop planner...."Here is 50000$,help me tamper with the props and make Lu Jia injured!"

"hmm,consider it done" she pays the money and goes to tamper with the props

"we've received a news regarding the scene at the cemetery and we can't do it today maybe next week Soo let's do with the one we can!" Zuo announces the news..."Scene 5 Act 2,Lu Jia and Yang Long!,get up on the stage!"

"coming" Lu Jia climbs the stage and a light stand starts to fall

"Jia watch out!" Yang Long screams as he sees the falling stand

"Aaah!" Jia screams as the stand falls on her arm...."ouch it hurts!"

"Get her from there!".. Zuo screams as he imagines his body been slaughtered by Yuan Shuai .they help her up and notice her scratched elbow

" do you need to go to the hospital!, you're bleeding!" Yang Long helps her with a tissue

"I'm okay?,see just a scratch, just need bandage!,I hope I can still act with this hands"Jia stares at Zuo

" yes you can that's if you know who allows!"Zuo excuses himself and goes to the bathroom


"I did Bai Ye!,now can you keep paying my dad's fees" Meng reports to her

"Good job Meng!,I'll keep paying his bills,once you're done delete this call and dont let anyone trace it to me got it!" Bai cuts the call

"I heard what you two just said!" Eula says as she walks out from her hiding spot

"you were eavesdropping on my conversation!, I'll sue you for invasion of privacy!" Meng breaks out

"dont be Soo stupid Gao Meng!obviously this was a planned accident and since I hate Lu Jia then I'll happily congrat you on your first work!" Eula stretches her hand..."and if I am not wrong!the master is Bai Ye huh?"

"how did you know all of this" Meng knees starts to be weakened

"I am stupid like YOU!,you left the message about your plan with Bai Ye!,I wanna meet her!" eula threatens her...."I should be angry about that since she is my step sis but I HATE her Soo much and I want to form an ally with those who will teaches that slut some manners!"Eula smiles