
Sweet Animal Stories

Story of The Tortoise, the dog and the Farmer

Once upon a time, there was a famine in the land of the animals because the dry season had extended more than usual. There was no rain in the land and every animal was looking rather thin and unhealthy because very limited food was available. However, the tortoise observed that his friend, the dog was looking very fresh and healthy. He wondered what the secret of the dog's well-being was and decided to find out.

next day, the tortoise decided to pay his friend, the dog a visit.

On getting to his house, the tortoise said, "My good friend, you know we have been friends for a very long time, please tell me the secret of your rosy cheeks and your bulging stomach, despite the famine throughout the land. I need to know so that I do not die of hunger."

The dog replied, "There is no secret to it my good friend, it's all my hard work that has paid off."

The tortoise was not fooled by the dog's reply and he decided to press further. He said," My friend, I know that you have found a way to beat this famine, please tell me, I will keep your secret." The dog however denied that there was any secret behind his well being. So, the tortoise thanked him and left, but he could not get the issue out of his mind so he came up with a plan.

The next day, he decided to shadow the dog's movements. He hid behind a tree and observed the dog leave home very early in the morning with a basket. He tailed him all the way to the neighboring village, making sure he was at some safe distance behind the dog all the time.

The dog made his way to a farm and, after looking around to make sure that no one was watching, started harvesting yam off the farm into his basket. The tortoise then announced his presence to the dog. The dog was shocked that his friend would go to that extent to find out his secret, but there was nothing he could do. He decided to let the tortoise in on his terrible act of stealing from someone else's farm. So off they went on the next day, and the next, and the next ….

Each time they went, the tortoise took a little more than he did the previous day. It then occurred to the dog that the more yams the tortoise added each day, the longer it took them to get back home, so he decided to caution him. "My good friend tortoise, the quantity of yam you take home each day is becoming too much. Yesterday, we left for home at 5.45pm. The farmer may catch us and then that will be the end of us." The tortoise replied nonchalantly, "Don't worry my friend; I'm storing enough yam at home for the rainy day. The farmer will never catch us."

"I don't think you should be greedy; you could get us in trouble if we harvest too much yam than we can carry easily enough to escape being caught by the farmer," said the dog worriedly.

So the next day, at 5.30 prompt, the dog announced that he was leaving for home. But the tortoise pleaded for some more time to harvest yam. Shortly after, the dog put his basket on his head and started heading home. The tortoise noticed this and shouted after the dog.

"Dog, wait for me, wait for me, I can't carry my basket alone, it's too heavy, please help me,"

The dog however refused to listen and made haste to avoid the farmer. The tortoise pleaded for hours, but the dog by then had long gone. The farmer arrived on his farm and found the tortoise with a basketful of his yam. He handed him over to the king's men and the tortoise was brought to justice. When the dog saw what had happened to his friend tortoise, he was afraid, he then realized how unfair his actions towards the farmer had been. From then on, he decided that he would never take whatever did not belong to him so that he would not get himself into trouble like the tortoise.

The Story of the Tortoise and The Lizard

Once upon a time. The Tortoise and the lizards became friends. The Lizard was one of the King's aides and was in charge of the treasury. The Tortoise had made attempts to know where he kept the keys to the King's Treasuries but no avail.

One day he got the Lizard drunk and extracted all the information he needed. The keys to the Treasury was a necklace worn by the Lizard! So the Tortoise took the key and stole gold from the Treasury. He hid the gold in his farm, but before he could return the key, the Lizard was conscious. The Lizard pretended to be sleeping as the Tortoise returned the access to his neck.

The Lizard knew well not to make many muses, he had no proof to nail the Tortoise.

After some days, the village gong rented the air. The King's Treasury had been robbed and a search was announced for the lost gold. So when the search began the Lizard spied on the Tortoise. One day the Lizard followed the Tortoise to his farm and there he saw the missing gold stacked under a pile of wood. The Tortoise never knew he was followed.

Now the Tortoise had a habit of chewing meat and dried yam on his farm. So as he sat preparing to cook his food, the Lizard came towards him. "I knew you took the gold!" the Lizard yelled. The Tortoise turned in surprise, he knew he has been busted and the best thing to do was to find a way out.

"Ah, my friend! You never cease to amuse me. So you followed me down here. Haha, but we can have some breakfast together if you don't mind."

"You can't bribe me with your food" the Lizard responded.

"Who talked about bribing? Don't you share my food before now? I don't care what you tell the King about me!" the Tortoise replied.

"Really! Okay, I will take a bite"

"Of course, for old times sake, we can even feed each other"

As the Lizard agreed, the Tortoise took a long bone from the meat and as the Lizard opened his mouth to be fed, pierced the Lizard's tongue. The Lizard tried to talk but he couldn't, all he could do was a nod to everything the Tortoise said. That's why Lizards only nod and can't talk. So anytime you see the Lizard ask him about the King's Gold, he would just nod.

Lesson: This is an issue of trust. You have to know the type of people you confide in. It is better to have a frowning enemy than to have a smiling bad friend who will betray you.

The story of the lion and the elephant

Once upon a time there were two animals, the Lion and the Elephant and they were great enemies. The Lion was the king of the jungle and had strong powers to do anything.

Because the Lion hated the Elephant it would not invite it to any meetings. When it was time to do work, the Lion always would give the elephant the hardest which was always tiring. Despite of all the pain and hatred the Lion showed toward the Elephant, the Elephant was patient and obedient to the Lion.

One day the Lion's Cub was in the forest, accidentally a very big tree fell on it. It was heavy and the Cub couldn't lift it over itself. So the Cub started crying out loud pleading for help and when the other animals heard him they all hurried to help.

Many animals tried to lift the tree but it was so heavy and the Cub was almost dying. Luckily the elephant showed up and on seeing what was happening, it felt pity for the Lion's Cub despite the hatred that existed between the two animals, the Elephant decided to lift the tree from the Cub and saved it's life.

So when the Lion heard that the Elephant had saved his son's life, the Lion felt so happy and was thankful to the elephant.

The Lion asked the Elephant for forgiveness and immediately the Lion appointed the Elephant as the prime minister of the Jungle and they became good friends.

The moral lesson from the story; never hate your friend or anybody else because he/she might be the one to help or save you when nobody else can't, and if someone hates you, please don't hate them back; instead love that person more and more.

The story of the lion and the tortoise

long time ago, a lion and tortoise lived in Rwanda. The lion name was Leo and the tortoise was simply called Mr. Tortoise.

One day they were walking along the path and they were conversing about different things. Then they started arguing.

"I can run fast," said Leo the lion.

He looked at the tortoise and said, "You have very short legs, but look at my leg, ehh! they are very long and very strong." They walked on without a word and at that time Mr. Tortoise did not like Leo very much.

Leo the lion had hurt Mr. Tortoise's feelings and he did not realize it. Instead he kept on boasting.

"No animal can run as fast as me,' said Leo "I am the best!"

Now Mr. Tortoise was angry.

"I can also run fast!" he shouted "you are not the best!"

Now Leo the lion and Mr. Tortoise were not very happy friends. Leo said he was sorry for saying hurting words to Mr. Tortoise.

After this they laughed and talked about other funny things as they walked along the path. They stayed good friends for a long time.

The story of the Tortoise and the bird

A tortoise was resting under a tree, on which a bird had built its nest. The tortoise spoke to the bird mockingly, "What a shabby home you have! It is made of broken twigs, it has no roof, and looks crude. What's worse is that you had to build it yourself. I think my house, which is my shell, is much better than your pathetic nest".

"Yes, it is made of broken sticks, looks shabby and is open to the elements of nature. It is crude, but I built it, and I like it." "I guess it's just like any other nest, but not better than mine", said the tortoise. "You must be jealous of my shell, though."

"On the contrary", the bird replied. "My home has space for my family and friends; your shell cannot accommodate anyone other than you. Maybe you have a better house. But I have a better home", said the bird happily.

Moral: Better a crowded hut than a lonely mansion.

To give human Amusement and happiness

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