
Swayed Offcourse

The road to success needs focus but when you change path in an attempt to follow friends, you might fall into a massive ditch. That is exactly what happened to Seyram, a student on scholarship to study in Harvard. How will she find her way back to the path of success.

Maria_Dey · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Chapter 10

I brought the test out with streams of tears falling down my face like waterfall. How did I come from a young innocent dreamer to a pregnant young lady? I showed Becky the positive results with the two lines showing clearly that an embryo is currently growing in my belly.

We went back to the counter with mournful looks on our faces . She could see the dislike on our faces about the result. 'Things didn't go well right?' the pharmacist enquired. I nodded because no word could flow out of my mouth. 'Does the father know about it?'she further asked.


A long pause.

'I don't understand. We used protection every time we had intercourse and I made sure of it. From condoms to after pills and I even spent my allowance going for advice from doctors.

Contraception are not a 100% effective. Even contraception with 99.9% effectiveness still have the tendency of failing you.

I handed her the money and then we walked back to the hostel. 'Are you going to call him and tell him that he is going to be a father?' she asked just us we were about a few meters away from the gate. 'I most definitely will. Actually I can call him and tell him to meet me at the Randolph Court'.

'Okay, I will be going to the library because I have a group assignment I won't contribute to'.

I took out my phone to make the call. 'Hello Richard ', I said between sobs trying to make myself audible enough.

'Hi Seyram. Are you crying? Are you feeling better now?

'Can you meet me at Randolph Court right now if you are not busy'.

'I will be there in twenty minutes. I am currently running an errand for my mother ', he answered.

'I thought you said your parents don't have time for you ', I giggled.

'Yes but my grandparents are staying with us for the week and she wants me to get some groceries so she can cook some Mexican food for them', he explained.

'Well then if you are that busy then we can talk tomorrow'.

'No worries, if it's urgent then I can stop by real quick'.

'If it won't bother you then see you soon. I ended the call. I took a shower, washed my kinky afro hair and tied it into a ponytail. Then I rocked a short plaid skirt, a pair of beaded slippers and a red fedora hat and a tied crop top which was fitting around my bast and exposed my cleavage.

Then I left Becky in the room who had blasted music in the room with her Bluetooth speaker.

As I walked towards the Randolph Court I pictured the reaction of people who are dear to me and how they would digest the news of my pregnancy. My parents would be angry to death.

I felt really cold. Who told me to wear crop top when it's almost dark in the night and a cold one too. I waited for close to twenty minutes before he arrived.

'Hello babe', he kissed me on the cheek I can't explain the burning fire that was ignited in my heart. 'What did you want to tell me that you needed to call me urgently?

Can I just take a moment to explain how breathtaking this man looks this evening. He is my man. Yes he is. He wore a long sleeve shirt and black trousers. He also looked like he had gotten a haircut and the style suites him so well. The moon is up and bright red today. He also smells heavenly. 'You look dressed up. Is it for your grandparents?' I questioned.

'Yeah, my mom forced me to dress like this. I even had to drive to the grocery store for the food my mother will cook for them. They love their Mexican cuisines they won't settle for anything else'.

'That's cute. It reminds me of my parents. They pick Ghanaian food over burger,fries or any foreign food ', I added.

'Really, my grandparents don't even like when we speak English infront of them. They always want you to speak Spanish', he further explained.

'Mine too, we speak Ewe to them even though they can speak English perfectly. They would get angry if they talk to you in Ewe and you reply in English. It's like an insult to them'.

I wanted this conversation to continue because I am worried about how he would react to the news. I needed time to arrange the words on my tongue.

'Speak Spanish for me'.

'Te ves hermosa esta noche mi amor',

I giggled because his accent sounded hot. 'What does it mean?'

'You are beautiful this evening my love'.

I felt my cheeks heating up. They wanted to just burn off my face. I am blushing and it made my heart skip a beat. This man is smooth with his words. That's one thing I have noticed about him since we started dating. He knows how to melt a woman's heart and he did that to me so many times.

'So what did you want to tell me?' I have to get home quickly. My mother needs the car and I want some quesadillas. That and tacos are my favourite Mexican foods. I really hoped this wouldn't come up. I wish I could avoid it but of course my 360 rotation has brought me back to zero.

'I can't even find the words to begin with', I said nervously. 'You can tell me anything', he smiled from ear to ear. He is making matters worse for me.

'Its about my... sickness earlier...' he cut in.

'Was it serious', he sounded concerned.

'Depends on how you take it. I am... pregnant Richard', I stammered.