
Swapping Identities

She was being followed, she was certain of it. Charlotte, a regular college student working at an ice cream shop, never expected to be tracked by someone. Prepared to escape before danger arrived, she was surprised to find that the person following her was a wealthy heiress who looked exactly like her. The heiress, having forsaken her family's honor for love, was now compelled to succumb to wealth to fund her daughter's cancer treatment. When they found Charlotte, she could hardly believe it. How could someone forsake wealth for love? For Charlotte, choosing honor and wealth over love was a no-brainer. Every second of hesitation, to her, was a lack of respect for money.

DaoistasPURs · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Claire, look over there. That's the parenting channel."

Charlotte follows Léa's gaze and sees a stylish dad taking photos with a child around five years old. The mom beside them is looking at them with a happy expression.

"Do they look like a couple to you?" Léa mischievously asks this question before Charlotte can respond. She smiles and then pulls Charlotte toward the filming area.

"Their channel has six million followers, but they are not a real couple, and the baby is not theirs; it's one of our child stars. However, they have a strong fan base, and the channel is growing rapidly. It's one of the celebrities we've created at our company."

Léa, sensing a change in Charlotte's expression, quickly speaks, "I know, I know, I know what you're thinking, Claire. You want to say that we're deceiving, misleading fans, cheating consumers. We know, but we don't see it as deception. We prefer to call it dream-building. It's the internet era, and we're weaving a dream for everyone. They open their phones and see someone living the life they want, having everything they desire. We're just showcasing another side of the real world on the internet, making their dreams more complete and real."

Léa's words completely struck a chord with Charlotte. Before becoming Claire, she was immersed in this online dream. She had also benefited from the dream they crafted. Despite life's hardships, she persevered, hoping that her efforts would lead to the life she dreamed of. How ironic it all seemed now.

Léa continued with the tour and presentation, but Charlotte no longer had the mood to listen. Even when Léa offered her half of the company's shares and decision-making power as a gift, Charlotte didn't show much excitement.

Luckily, Léa didn't notice, as she was deeply immersed in the satisfaction of showcasing her professional achievements to her good friend. She remained absorbed in the pride she felt for her accomplishments.

Back at home in the evening, it is the routine weight and body management session again. Unconsciously, Charlotte has been in this house for two weeks. In these two weeks, the worldview and values shaped over her 23 years of life are crumbling every day, as the perspectives and values of the wealthy class are being vividly constructed before her.

She gazes at the myriad stars in the depths of the night, as if searching for answers within her soul, contemplating where she should go and what path she should take in the future.

In fact, in the future, Charlotte will adapt quite well.

She will gradually assimilate into this social class, accepting and embracing their values.

She will marry the husband praised by Claire's parents, and after this wedding, the family business will become even more extensive, solidifying the family's status and influence. With Léa's trust, she will take over the management of the company and, within a short span of two years, will expand the company's scale threefold.

During this period, she will finally catch evidence of Camille stealing business secrets and hand her over to the police. Camille will spend the rest of her life in prison. Meanwhile, she will fulfill her promise to Claire and Antoine by transferring two million euros to an account that cannot be traced via IP every month.

One Christmas, with heavy snowfall outside, she once again received a letter from Claire and Antoine. Inside the envelope were pictures of the child. The child was very resilient, enduring all the pain and torment of illness and treatment, and now she can go to school in good health. The letter mentioned that she is very intelligent and liked by teachers and classmates.

Charlotte tossed the letter and photos into the bonfire, gazing at the white snow outside. Her heart had never felt as calm and peaceful as it did in this moment.

The floor-to-ceiling window reflected her beautiful face. Perhaps those blue eyes would accompany her into the coffin and rest eternally beneath the ground.