
Swallowed Star: Signing in for 30,000 years

Our main character traverses to the Swallowed star universe and got a sign-in system. Tragically, he descended into the core area of the Beast universe when he first arrived. But thanks to his first sign-in, he was able to strip his soul and reincarnate into a human boy who is also named Zhou Hao and belongs to the same time range as the original protagonist, with his progress being faster than anyone on the planet. He cultivates this clone as his main body. hey guys I am just posting here so I can listen to it while I do things. I got it from Novelhi/com The original author of this fanfic according to that website is Xi Ai Chi Huang Gua

smart999time · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
270 Chs

chapter 49

The stronger the opponent, the faster they fought.

The shorter the time it took to determine the winner.

But Zhou Hao was in a rush to complete the mission, so he did not rush to use the advanced version of the Soaring Shuttle's final form.

Although Hong had a domain, he had too little experience fighting a star traveller spirit reader of the same level. Therefore, it was rare for him to meet such a strong spirit reader like Zhou Hao. Although he was excited, he did not unleash his full power.

So the two of them chased and dodged, sometimes their weapons clashed.

It looked like an intense battle.

But in reality, they did not use their full power.

The battle between the two had attracted the attention of many representatives who had rushed over to watch. After all, such a scene was rarely seen. Although everyone knew that the eight crystals floating on the underground river would eventually belong to either Zhou Hao or Hong, and had nothing to do with them, but still, no one left.

Peng peng peng!

The short clash of weapons caused the air to reverberate with the sound of thunder. The underground river was even more turbulent, and large amounts of rocks were shattered, falling into the river.

Hong's arms were slightly numb, but his face was filled with joy. Ever since the Grand Nirvana ended, he had not fought like this for a long time.

Zhou Hao's head was also buzzing. Every time Hong attacked, the Soaring Shuttle's reaction force would be transmitted to his sea of consciousness. After tens of times of accumulation, his head began to hurt, and his control of the spirit weapon slowed down.

But he kept an eye on the time.

"Soon, there's still tens of seconds until two minutes!" Zhou Hao endured the pain in his head, gritting his teeth.

There was a loud boom.

The Soaring Shuttle's form disintegrated, but Hong did not take the chance to get close to Zhou Hao. Instead, he smiled and said, "You and I have sparred enough, it's time for me to experience your strongest sword attack. Thunder lost to this move, so I want to test its power!"

As he spoke, he stared at the spirit weapon that was gradually condensing.

As his voice fell.

The other council members all looked at Thunder God in shock.

Thunder God rubbed his bald head and stared back, "What are you looking at, even the Beast Emperor died to this guy, what's so strange about me losing to him?"

The Frost Emperor who was still feeling a little sullen suddenly felt relieved. Even Thunder God lost, it was not a big deal that he lost.

As for Bing Shan, Liu He, and the other councilors, their hearts relaxed.

Zhou Hao floated in the underground river passage that was even wider than before. He smiled and said, "Alright, since Hong wants to see it, I'll fulfill your wish!"

What the hell!

The metal gathered by the curved blades collided with each other, and the fan-shaped shape of the Soaring Shuttle soon appeared on the turbulent underground river. The 72 golden lines were very conspicuous in the dim passage.

Hong's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

He knew that the Beast Emperor had died under the might of this attack.

He gripped the spear in his hand tightly, and the black domain around him shrank. His eyes flashed with madness. "Come!"

During the Grand Nirvana period, the reason why Hong was able to rise so quickly was not only because of the ruins of the ancient civilization, but also because of his own pursuit and obsession towards martial arts.

"Be careful!"

Zhou Hao shouted in a low voice as 72 streams of spiritual power shot out from his sea of consciousness and quickly extended toward the golden lines.

As the golden lines shone.

The complex secret patterns on the 1,008 curved blades instantly connected into one.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Like a rain of swords, the 72 small golden swords of the fan-shaped Soaring Shuttle swept towards Hong like a storm.

When the small golden swords pierced into the black domain, it was as if they had entered a swamp. Their speed rapidly decreased, but they still pierced forward with incomparable speed.

Dang Dang Dang!

Hong held the spear with both hands, and his entire body was like a sturdy mountain, blocking the small golden swords formed by the curved blades.

But every time he blocked a sword, his shoulder would tremble a little.

When it came to the 51st sword.

Hong's body began to retreat uncontrollably. The web between his thumb and index finger was torn open by the violent impact, and fresh blood kept dripping.

"As expected of the strongest sword light that could kill the Beast Emperor, powerful!" His voice was loud and clear, and his forehead was dripping with beads of sweat. It was obvious that he was clenching his teeth and persevering.

Boom Boom Boom!

When it came to the 68th small golden sword's impact.

Hong could no longer withstand it, and his body was sent flying dozens of meters away.

A figure flashed out like lightning, blocking in front of Hong. A burst of purple lightning flashed, and the remaining four small golden swords were all sent flying.

The one who made the move was Thunder God. He stared at Zhou Hao, as if to say, you little guy don't know how to save your strength.

Zhou Hao also flashed forward, and said embarrassedly: "Once I use it, I can't stop."

"Cough cough … puff!" Hong coughed and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. He stretched out his hand and said: "It's okay, I'm okay. This time I lost. I didn't expect the secret technique of a spirit reader to be so strong!"

Zhou Hao's mind suddenly rang with the system's voice, "Ding! Special Sign in Mission completed. Reward: Flame Domain Level 1, Flame Law talent! "

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at Hong who stood up, and hurriedly said: "If you had used all your strength before, I wouldn't have had the chance to use this attack."

What he said was the truth.

Hong, who had the light domain, was already fast. Under the domain's enhancement, he could catch up with Zhou Hao in the blink of an eye.

Once close combat.

Zhou Hao could only passively defend.

Of course, there weren't many people in the universe who could use the final form of a spirit weapon as a star traveller like him.

If he had two spirit weapons, Zhou Hao could still defeat Hong.

Hong shook his head and smiled, "A loss is a loss. Now you are the strongest person in the world, and also the first chairman!"

Thunder God was speechless: "I just watched the show, and now I'm the third chairman!"

As he said this, he looked at Zhou Hao and lowered his voice: "Little guy, the fight we agreed on, let's not fight for now. Wait until I've become stronger, then I'll find you!"

"Up to you." Zhou Hao smiled, and then flashed to the Mu Ya Crystals and stored them in his space watch.

Hong and Thunder God looked on enviously.

That was eight Mu Ya Crystals!

The other representatives were also jealous, but Zhou Hao defeated Hong, so they didn't dare to say anything.

"Everyone disperse, let's go find other Mu Ya Crystals!" Thunder God shouted.

Jia Yi and the other representatives didn't stay, and quickly disappeared.

Hong needed the Mu Ya Crystals very much, and couldn't help but say: "My Dojo of Limits headquarters has many good things, you can come anytime."

Zhou Hao laughed in his heart, the Dojo of Limits headquarters was almost emptied out by him, even if he went, he wouldn't be able to exchange for anything good.

But he still replied: "Okay, I'll go. Good luck, I'll continue looking for Mu Ya Crystals."

With that, he quickly walked along the wide tunnel.

Thunder God looked at Zhou Hao's back, and felt a toothache: "This little guy's strength is rising too fast, I'm afraid it will be hard to beat him in the future!"

Hong nodded and smiled: "As long as you improve step by step, there will be a day when you win."

Time slowly passed.

From dawn to five in the morning, no one found a single Mu Ya Crystal.

But most of the representatives still didn't give up.

Zhou Hao was one of them, but his goal was different from the others.

Zizi ~

The curved blades cut through the thick rock layer like tofu.

Zhou Hao knew that Babata must be using the ship's telekinesis to influence him, so he relied on his intuition to walk along the rock tunnel.

After walking for about half an hour.

He suddenly felt a pain at his feet, and his heart jumped, and his eyes quickly looked down.

Sure enough.

Where he stood, there was a blood-red fragment the size of a palm.