
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Chapter 8 - Conversation with a Spider

Leaving the Tour Booth, I checked both ways before I slowly started to run out of the square.

I could practically feel my heart beating out of my chest. I tried calming myself by taking deep breaths, but never stopped my moving legs.



I heard a distinct sound similar to someone dragging a rug. I wanted to run faster, but I knew if I did, I'd alert whoever was making those dragging noises.

"Itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out!" A somewhat seductive voice was singing

"Hah, humans are so creative with their songs, too bad we have to kill them." The seductive voice said in a somber tone

"But then again, we were allowed to take a few as broodmares. Maybe I should take some musicians for my own?" The seductive voice asked

"What do you think human?" The seductive voice suddenly asked.

I stopped in my tracks. My clothes stuck to my back from my cold sweat.

I slowly turned my head around to look at the owner of the voice.

A few meters away from me stood a woman whose body was the definition of seduction, curvy hips, small but perky breasts. The only thing that wasn't attractive was her bottom. Connected to her rear was a large spinneret that she probably uses to to make her silk as well as her 6 long spider like legs.

I didn't know if I should be entranced or nauseous. So, I stared at her, dazed on what to do.

"What's wrong, honey? You see something you like?" She asked while crossing her arms emphasizing her petite breasts.

Although I couldn't see her face, as she covered it in her silk-like webs. I could almost see her teasing smile.

When I still had my back facing her, I thought she was talking to someone else but after I turned around and saw that we were the only ones here, (if you exclude the people wrapped inside the webs) I knew I was probably the one she was talking to.

"Y-you, what are you?" I asked

"Not very good at talking to woman are you?" She said teasingly

"If you want to know a lady's name, you should tell her yours first" She then said

"Well, since I don't have to worry too much on food or my 'quota' I guess talking to someone would help pass the time." She unhurriedly spun a web from her spinneret, attaching her new catch to the rows of silk in the air.

"So. Let's chat." She said, creating a throne for herself out of her silk.

I continued to stand still. Unable to understand what was happening right now. Instead of trying to kill me or try to capture me for her supposed 'quota' she decides to start a conversation?!

"What? You'd prefer to continue standing?" She asked, looking at me with mild curiosity.

"N-no! I'll sit." I hurriedly said, afraid she'll change her mind and decide to attack me.

"Good boy." She said with muffled laughter, thanks to her mask.

Watching me as I sat down, she said.

"I'm sure you and your kind are wondering why we decided to invade your planet, right?" She asked when I sat down on a broken ledge of a bench.

"Yeah, but since you said "your", I can assume you aren't from here?" I asked after composing myself.

"Correct! Except we aren't just from a different planet but we're actually from an entirely different galaxy!" She revealed

"You call yourselves the 'Andromedas', are you from the Andromeda Galaxy?" I questioned

"Yes and No." She answered

"Hehe, seeing your confused expression makes me want to gobble you up!" She exclaimed with teasing laughter.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but." She stayed silent after that.

Hearing the silence, I understood. The fact she was about to reveal this information meant that she wasn't going to let me leave this place alive.

Seeing my expression, she continued "You see we 'Andromedas' don't actually live in the Andromeda Galaxy. But rather a different space connected to it."

"It was said that our ancestors used to live and explore the vast universe, we lived free lives! But that was until our kind had offended a very powerful existence, an Immortal. For fear of our race's extinction, our ruler, the emperor, sealed us inside a pocket dimension, where we lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

"And it was only after the Great War between the 3 factions inside, that the dimension where we were kept inside of had finally cracked. We finally had a way outside of that suffocatingly small world."


I kept quiet, listening to her story. Although it was very informing, it wouldn't be of any use if I couldn't get out of here. So I, as quietly and discreetly as I could be, took out the lighter I found just moments ago.

Although it'll be hard to do any damage to her if I didn't use the air freshener, it'll be good enough for a distraction.

Tearing off a leaf from the large plant behind me. I set it on fire and flung it to a grounded web.


"I really have no idea why we have to work with those apes and fish-" She suddenly stopped her story when she noticed the sudden fire.

"AGGHH!!" She screeched before glaring at me like some sort of loathsome worm.

"YOU!! AFTER I GAVE YOU THE HONOR TO SPEAK TO ME!!" She suddenly lunged at me.

I had already started running out of there as soon as the fire started spreading as I knew that these creatures aren't the type to go easy on you when they're angry.


The bench where I previously sat on was demolished from her sudden assault. And thanks to the spreading fire and smoke she wasn't able to immediately find me.

I ran for my life, if someone saw me right now they'd think I'd ran for 100 miles. I was gasping for air despite having only ran for 2 minutes.


Ooh! Some backstory on these aliens. Hope it wasn't too soon to reveal this tho. Thank you for reading!

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