
Surviving World's Edge Expedition Troop

Adam returns after being trapped inside the Eden's portal, A training ground for those who wants to become an awakened. Strangely, Not only did he returned empty handed, he lost all memories he had from when he was inside the portal.

Skeed_Dee · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The destined 3-man Explorer

Another misty night in the abandoned Eden depot, the eerie silence in the compound wraps its hands and choke anyone to death, - that is, if anyone would even go near this land.



A low sound transmission coming from the black box of an eden capsule, Power still runs. Strangely, it still run despite all power cables was cut off after the disaster 9 months ago.

"Verifying mana reading…"


A Kilometer from the capsule was the security tower, although there's a significant distance between the tower and the capsule, the blinking red light is easily visible from the deck.

"Ei.. sir Ed? Why do you think they still want this area protected?" Jeffrey said.

Name: Jeffrey Solomon

Age: 23 years old

Affiliation: Tower Security, FoodieGrab Service Inc.

Awakening Class: Attacker

Awakening Level: Level 12

"Huh? Didn't you hear the briefing on this area?" Ed replied.

Name: Edwardo De Chavez

Age: 45 years old

Affiliation: Tower Security, New World Veteran, Atlas Collection Merchant Guild

Awakening Class: Defence

Awakening level: Level 50(+35)

"err, sorry I just really needed this job" Jeffrey answered back. He fixes his tie as he glimpsed his senior officer waiting for his response. "I wanted to join the exploration group, buuuuuut they say my level's too low! Can you believe that??"

Ed looked at him dumbfounded, shook his head and just continued spinning it between his finger liked a spider winding it's thread.

"ehem" Jeffrey coughed "well… wasn't this place originally owned by Eden's Guild?"

No response from ed.

Jeffrey frowned from the lack of expression he is getting from Ed.

"Geez, another long night I guess" Jeffrey signed.

After couple of hours.

Ed was answering sudoku from his E-Pad, and Jeff was walking around the observation deck just a couple meters away from him. He checked his phone to see the time, -2:56am.

"Time log, 4 minutes before the 1st sun" Jeff was recording on a phantomized familiar shaped like an owl. It's eye blinks as Jeff talks, It acts primarily like a cellphone powered by mana reserved either directly from a person or a device.

"5 more hours before changed shift! Man this is boring…"

Jeff looked at the north eastern side of the tower as he anticipates the movement of the 1st sun,


"Jezuuus Sir Ed! You scared me!" Ed shouted, "why do you walk like a freaking.....!"

"Why are you so jumpy?"

"Look at your familiar, you messing it up" Ed pointed at the owl with his pouted lips, His eyebrows still give off that military strictness of a general, although he is not that old, his face was already carved with experiences, mostly from all the expedition he joined for the last 10 years.

44 seconds before the 1st sun rises.

Ed took out a 12-inch knife from his inventory and started pouring mana on it. Solid red light coated the blade and extends it's reach about 3 inches.

"Err red? ….so you really think we could do some mob mining here sir?" Jeff asked.

"Maybe…" ed replied back.

"Alright, I guess it's time to earn some beans!" Jeff started pouring out his mana, -2 colors.

A light orange first coats his body, and a Red light started forming a double blade in his hands.

"so you gonna tank or attack?"

"Tank? In this dead zone?" Ed gave him a doubtful look. "Nah, we just need to kill everything on sight."

10 seconds






1. -1st sunrise

A huge beast from a far appears from their sight, It's bigger than the moon and shaped like a snake. It illuminates everything from it's path like a sun.

"Bakunawa," Ed whispers, he grins as he tightens his grip on his knife as he prepares to jump. "get ready, we only have 10 minutes before that beast disappears."

"First come first serve!!!" Jeff swooped and jumped from the 30 ft tower. "Daaaaaaaaaaayymm Old man! For a dead zone this is a lot of money mine!!!"

A sea of slime type creatures appears as the light from Bakunawa touched the ground. These creatures are also called Gyro Mortem. It usually appears on young or dying portals, Although it's appearance can be similar to slime, It's nature of origin are fundamentally different.

Slime are physical in nature, although it's evolutionary and exact origin are not yet understood clearly, it can be concluded that slimes are birth from decay. Usually from creatures that discharges mana, although there are discoveries that some slime can be found on dead trees which harness mana. A Gyro Mortems can only be found during the rise of the 1st sun, It manifest a physical structure like a slime however it is wrapped with crystalized mana and it's core is considered as a B-Class item.

"Old man!!! These are a year worth of slimes!!" Jeff shouted as he slices through the Gyros. "Yo! Old man!! What the hell are you doing?!"

Jeff stopped as he saw Ed's face. The strict unmoving face of Ed is now covered in fear. His eyes wide open, his pupil dilated like a pumping shotgun as it stares from a far. His legs are shaking and his throat are dry like a sand.

"Er… sir Ed?" Jeff confusedly asked.


Ed's eyes started to focus. The red light that coated his knife now turned to blue.

"Not again!!!" Ed shouted. As he slammed his knife down to the ground, a prism of light surrounded the two of them. Around the lights are 3 towering statue of light stands. 1st was a dragon, 2nd was a serpent and 3rd was a glass lizard.

As Jeff turned around, he saw a dark cloud circling around them, devouring every gyros within sight. Not only the creatures are being devoured, The light emitted by Bakunawa cannot penetrate the dark clouds.

"This was supposed to be a dead zone?!" Ed shouted! "why? Why would a creature like his exist?!"

"whats going on sir ed?" The menacing eyes of jeff disappeared as he felt a presence quite more fearsome than the mythical Bakunawa.

"Brace yourself" Ed tried responding calmly. "Pray that we won't be seen by that prying eyes of the ancient bei…."

The dark cloud consumed everything around the tower, trees started to decomposed, and the security tower collapsed as if it was decayed by time.

Time 3:23am. Around 20 minutes after the two of them passed out. The cloud started to disappear, the once decapitated land starts to blossom. Green grass started growing in a fast pace, and trees started to arch up turning the land in a new forest.

Jeff slowly opened his eyes and saw a slime sitting on his chest. He jumped up and swings his sword.


"The heck? It's an ordinary slime". He downheartedly whispered. As he looks up, he saw a young man, probably around his age, standing in front of him carrying Ed. He has a short messy hair as if he has been in bed for weeks, he looked like an ordinary person aside from the scarred eyes and the red viper pupil

He has.

"Uhmn sorry, isn't this the eden group's compound?" the young man asked.

He was wearing an old Eden's uniform for walker's union in the Eden's group. It's a 2-piece uniform that resembles a prisoner's attire. And on the right side of the top he was wearing was a nametag.

"Adam…?" Jeff responds, "shit dude?! You still alive???"

Name: Adam James Santos

Age: 25 years old (+10 years)

Affiliation: Eden's Groups

Awakening Class: Production

Awakening Level: Level 36

"Sorry, but do I know you?"