

As BF keeps on running on what seemed like an endless corridor, four pairs of mechanical footsteps kept chasing at him, trying to capture him for their needs, but BF won't give in to them, not to their charms. As he got to the office, he instantly closed both of the doors behind him and in front of him, and pulled out his Anti-Horny Spray, wishing that they won't open the door, cause he only got one shot left, but he won't show weakness, ever. Out of the countless times he dies over, and over, and over again, he fought gods and very powerful deities, but he starts to struggle very hard at this, he can't complete these missions cause the girls are always there in the dining room, waiting to strike so they can take something precious from him, his V-Card.

As he starts to regenerate his stamina, both doors open, and the Anime-Tronics start to loom over BF, as he holds tight to the canister, as if it were his lifeline right now, as now he waits for one of the female Anime-Tronics to strike. The brown bear starts to speak. "Why do you keep on running from your inevitable demise, you can't run from your fate, you were destined to be ours~." BF starts to shiver in fear, as those words penetrated fear deep down in his inner soul. "Well, what is your answer sweetly, the cat caught your tongue~. She speaks again, putting more fear in your beating heart. "I can't keep hiding in fear anymore..." BF says while standing up. "What I can do..." BF curls his hand to make a fist and the girls take a step back. "Is keeping my virginity!!!" BF shouts as he sprays the two girls on the right and slides under the bunny. He stabilizes himself and went back to what he did best, running. Running from beauties and doing tasks till 6 AM...