
Finding A Job

As BF started life as a rapper, he beat Daddy Dearest, Skid and Pump, Pico, Mommy Mearest, Daddy Dearest, and Mommy Mearest again, Tankman, and Senpai in a rap battle for GF love, soon he started to battle other people's mods like Sonic.EXE and others. Soon his popularity exploded, as he faces new challenges and opponents on a stage, or in a different realm or dimension. BF's fame has reached so far, that it reached its climax, now he is almost broke, lost GF and popularity because of time. Now BF is at rock bottom, but yet he won't cry for other people to notice him, he will pave his new path and now, he sets on a journey for cash and getting his life together.

The former "Greatest Rapper of All Time" known as Keith( I gave him the name, I don't want to keep calling him BF all the time! ) was taking a stroll on a random street to his apartment, as he was losing faith that he won't fix his life and wants to die in a hole, a newspaper landed right next to his original red shoes, as any person with curiosity, he picked it up and read it. "OMG, is this a job opening?!" He thought, " No way that I just found a night guard job. The chances for me to have this opportunity are massively insane!" He dances in victory while people were eyeballing him like he's a crazy man. Soon he ran straight home for his phone and called the number on the newspaper in his hands, slowly ripping out of the excitement that he has right now. Soon enough the dial was ringing.

"Hello? This is Fredina Fazclaire's Nightclub, how may I help you-" "Ok, so, is the night guard job open? I want the job super bad!" Keith says while cutting off the caller. "Yes, the job is open. So before you cut me off again, why do you want to work here?' The person asks, "Well, I read from the newspaper that you need a night guard to work her right? So I am here to take that job because I need the money, I don't care how much money I get, I need cash badly." Keith says. "Alright, reasonable answer, meet me here at 5:15, and not any later than that, cause another person is asking for the same job, so I better hurry if I were you." the caller says. "Alright be there at 5:15, bye!" As Keith ends the call, he yelled in excitement. "YES, I got an interview, wait," Keith looks at the clock. "Holy crap, I need to hurry!" Keith soon ran into his bathroom so he could take a shower, then puts on his best clothes. Soon he finishes, he ran out the door, stopping so he won't run into his landlord. "What are you screaming about Keith!" He yells in a booming voice, trying to act tough, and took a bite of an orange slice. "Sorry landlord, I just got an interview today and I don't want to be late, gotta go!" Keith says while zooming through the stairs like Sonic. "You better give me my rent!" The angry landlord says while eating another orange slice.

~End Of Chapter>:D