
Chapter 9: Contact

Dawn on Mountainous regions of Mina


As a Platoon of Guardsmen is Climbing up a Canyon Overseeing a Checkpoint

"Believe in Captain Alex you said, you will be Fine you said, Scout the Canyons ahead he says, I didn't Sign up for this" As A Groaning Guardsman as he is walking up the Canyon.

"Well Sarge, we did Survived the Last Waaagh by Following his orders?" As a Rookie questioned his senior

"And waking Us up at the crack of dawn before Breakfast is not a way to start a day..."

"He did say we will get extra Alcohol rations if we return alive..."

"If one you Bozos Die, I am taking Your Share of the alcohol to Commemorate Your death."

"You really want to die huh?"

"Bah When he did Get Cocky? Giving us Orders? Hah, What did he done for us?" As the Dissatisfied Sarge Spat out

"Well, we are respected by the people because we joined his Ork Hunt?" as One Guardsan is holding a necklace of Ork teef

"And we will not be Gunned down by the Commisar?"

"All the Ladies enamored with us?" a Guardsman Opened his Flak Jacket showing Vox Numbers of different Female Voxcasters to the Sarge

"And we Get Newer Weapons?" As a Heavy weapons guardsman is Holding a Plasma Gun

"And Our armor is Fresh from the Forges, not Hand me downs?" As a Guardsmen Patted his Carapace armor

"And our families are assured, they are taken care off when we die?" As a Engineer got a Picture of his Family from his Helmet A wife and 2 Kids smiling in it. As he looked Fondly at it

"And Besides, we all saw you were Crying your Balls Out, when a Ork was about to Sicc ya with a Big axe, "Mommy I am Scared" Until Old Cap't to Save your sorry ass?" Another Chimed as the rest of the Guardsman Snickering

"Shut up or I put All of YOU In Latrine Duty." As A flustered Sarge Stuttered

"All Of You Shut up!! We are close to the Canyon now, that's where all the Units lost contact, And Cap't Need Confirmation whether if the Survey Group and the Platoons is still alive or not?" An Exasperated Vox Caster rolled his eyes...

As they reached slowly and cautiously to the edge...

"Well... We did Found the Units... Or What is left of them..." One of the Guardsmen Remarked

Below the Canyon Bodies lying in Blood and Burnt out Husks of Chimeras littered in Canyon

"I Better Contact Cap't" As the Vox Caster Begin Operate His Vox Comms to contact Alex

"This is weird, this area is Ork Free Zone... We Cleared it Out a Month ago..." Muttered the Rookie

"This is not NORMAL" As Sarge began Using a Binocular.

"The Head Cuts and Stabs Are Too Clean to be an Ork, They Smashed us Humans into a Pulp when in close combat, And even if there was a Feral Orks infestation, the Survey and Patrol Groups has enough Firepower to Kill any Stragglers... And this area doesn't have the metal to even make them a Hot Weapons..." As Sarge Began Adjusting his binoculars...



At a Briefing Room

"Remember, Men There are Few Xenos out there that Use Melee, Orks, Eldar you commonly face. Orks, You are well aware of the Xenos that attacked your Home, Greenskin and Brutal they don't care of the Corpse is even alive, they will play your Corpse and desecrate until they get bored... And Eldar a humanoid Long eared Xenos that Prioritized in Efficiency as they dispatched their foes, and they Don't Bother Burying the Body as if they are a tradition..."

"Are they Beautiful?" Snicker one of the Soldiers

"Beautiful that they will murder you for looking at them...With Your Head Lopped off as "Payment" Cleanly and Precise Corporal.." The Captain silencing the Corporal

Laughter is heard around the Horny Guardsman as he blushed in shame.

"I am telling you about this information from the Wisdom of the Veterans before me, that there will be no more deaths of Failing to Misjudgment."

"And Remember, The Emperor Wants you to Live to serve, No Use if you are all dead to me, when you are unable to Protect the People you Care about...There Won't be anyone to Remember you if you Fell and the ones you love and care about is butchered to the last child. Would you Like that?"

Silence Pervaded the Room

Now I will show tactics and strategy to keep you alive....[Voices Fading away]


"Vox Caster, tell Cap't, Eldars are here!!" As He remembered the "Teachings" Cap't said...

"Got it!" As the Vox Caster not wanting to Wasting time For Clarification

"Men Dig in!!, we are in "deep Territory Protocol Scenario" and protect the vox caster!!"

the Guardsmen Grabbed their Shovels and Began Digging Trenches in record time and Guns facing Outwards with the canyon edge behind their backs while the Engineers Began Placing Specialized Mines and the Vox Caster managed to Contact Captain.

<Tzzzh..... Capt We have news. Over>

<Tzzzh..... What is it? Over>

<Tzzzh..... The Survey and Rescue Platoons are dead At Canyon Pass 2 at Mina Mountainous Road Over>

<Tzzzh..... Dammit... Anything else? Over>

<Tzzzh.....Sarge says Eldar Presence is in the area Over>

<Tzzzh.....Hold Tight for 25 Minutes while we reached you... Over>

As the Vox caster Finished his Message, He Heard Wailings in the Distance....


"Driver!! Overclock the engine and Double on the throttle!" Yelled Alex

"Gladly" As he was used to Overclocking his engine Under Alex Command...

*Vox Speaker Turning on*

"OverClock your Engines men!! We have Some Guardsmen to save their sorry Asses!"

As Four Chimeras, Eight Sentinels and three Griffon Mortars Rushed toward their Endangered Comrades... The Embattled Guardsmen are having the Hardest time of their lives. As Figures holding Swords are Dashing through the MineField the Engineers Placed, Seeking their Blood, as the Guardsmen Assorted Weapons began open firing at the Flashing Figures, Some Were taken down while a single one were nearly at the Trenches only to get Blasted with a mine nearby and got Flamed in the Face, As It was Screaming in pain, it looked through the half-shattered Helmet in Rage as the Engineer fell down holding the still Burning Flamer, Only for the Xeno To be Gunned Down By a Plasma Into the Face...

"Get YOUR Shit Together Engie!!" As the Heavy Specialist Shot another Plasma Bolt into another Sword Wielding Xenos about to hit Sarge and it was Thrown off by the Force of the Blast grabbing engineer up

"Al-Alright " As the Engineer regained his Focus and Continues to assist the Squad And continued to Burn to deter and tossing Grenades toward the Xenos...

As Explosions from Mines and grenades, Mixture of LasGuns, Plasma, and Flames and Shards of Lights became the Main Characters on this Field of death and a Lightning tried to strucked them only Sizzled out in a few seconds before reaching them... The Vox Radio Rang to Life Giving Hope to the Battered Squads

<Tzzzh.... We Are Coming at Eta 11 Minutes, and You now have artillery Support.. Point the Location and we will Rain Fury of Shells>

<As the Vox Caster Managed to give the Coordinates to Alex>

A Familiar Sounds heard in the distance...

The Enemy that is entering the battle Sensing Something was off, Fled Whence they came, before a Shower of Shells Was dropped on where there are still enemies still insist on fighting, are only Smoking Craters Remained to tell the tale...

*Hahahaha* As A Guardsman collapsed laughing seeing they were saved, As in the Distance, A familiar vehicle was in the Distance, Shooting Enemies that heading their way, Kicking Up a Dust Cloud Behind them.

"We are Saved!!"

"Thank the Emperor, He truly gave us a Good Cap't"

"Anyone Dead yet? I will get your Alcohol rations." Said a Still Hopeful Guardsman wanting an Extra Alcohol Rations..


"Shut up, all of us Are Accounted for..."

As Alex Manages to stop the Chimera Infront of the Trenches, He Got Down...

"Congratulations Men, You have Survived, and Faced The Odds...And managed to remember what I said..." Remarked Alex as he Observe the Scratches, Dirt and Soot on their faces.

"We are Still In Danger..."

Mutiple Groanings Can Be Heard

"We must gather all the Bodies, weapons that you can find and Dog tags if you can't find the body"

"What about the Xenos?" As One Guardsmen Kicked a Dead Body

"Lined them Up and Don't pry anything off, Lest you Doom us all, Hurry and On the Double!!"

The Guardsmen Scattered and Gathered what they can Find, Broken Lasguns and equipment that could be repaired by the local Techpriests, Bodies are Piled on the Ammo Carts of the Griffon Mortars and Dog tags were carried by the Fistful, Being Placed in a Ammo Box for Safe Keeping

"We will Head Back while the Sun Is Our ally, The Longer we Stayed here for the Night, we will be Picked off Clean" As Alex Anxiously looked at the Sun now in the Sky at the Brightest

"Sir, We Fended them off?" A Guardsman was Baffled why His Captain is so Serious.

"This is a Scouting Party, And You Have Met their Vehicles yet?"

"No Sir..."

"Then We Better Hurry"

As Alex Glanced at a Wraith Sword and a Long slender Eldar rifle

"A Howling Banshee and a Ranger huh?"

A Guardsman Saluted

"Sir, We Lined them Up, What are your Orders Sir?"

"Cover their Corpses"

"Sir, They Nearly Killed us!!!"

"But You are Alive are you not?"

"They Are Warriors and they would not have their Honor Sullied."

As they Managed to Finish their Task

All of them Convene to meet the Captain.

"Now All of you Are Wondering why We Shouldn't Loot these Xenos?" Alex Calmly Stated the Question is on their Minds.

"Here Is One of the Reason" as Alex Held Up a Jewel like piece showing it all...

"This here is so Valuable to these Xenos to the Point, they will Kill those Whoever Has it..."

"If it is so Important, why we do not destroy it?" said One that is Concerned

"They Will Not Hesitate to Kill Whoever Crushed this Jewel, and they will Send all their Forces they have available to Butcher us all that is present that witness it..."

"And These Xenos? They are a Mere Scouting Party, and they have Heavier Armor Coming up, No way our Armor can handle them, and if these Xenos can make you have a hard time, what else if they can make your life lot harder if they come in armor, Our Artillery ammo is halfway spent and there is no way We can't dent their forces, we should return to base and Warn the Marshall so that at least we have a chance of survival."


"This are not Orks Men, They are not the ones that blindly Charge at you wanting to rip you into two, This Are Eldar that will Plot you to die a Hundred times the Moment you touched their interests, that even High Lords of Terra Don't know, Best we leave before they will kill us all..."

As the last Word left Alexander Mouth, Made all of them Agreed and as they Headed to the Chimeras and some Rode in the Ammo Carts of the Griffon artillery, Alex looked at the Corpses of Eldar, And Muttered "I really Hope, I am not in the Eldar Mindgames" And he Put the Jewel On his Hankerchief and left it on the Ground as His men Covered the Bodies in a Tarp to prevent A Xeno Infections due to extreme heat...

Alex Left as Fast as he entered...

And Two Figures were Watching Him leave in a cloud of dust...

Hours after Alex Left


"Sister Laaraywal Vesh you said there were no Mon'keigh Coming here?" As One figure Robed dictating of a High Figure as it Picked the Jewel that was Clothed with Alex Handkerchief.

"Forgive me Sister Dimh-Yriel, I did not Expect these Mon'keigh to get Pass our Detection, They must have Found a Way to Bypass it?" Exasperated as One Swing Her Sword In frustration

"There must be Very Powerful Psyker for a Monkeigh to Cloud our Visions?"

"No... I sense they were Empty in the warp...." As the Noble Figure Checked the jewel For Damages

"Impossible!! that Many at Once!? We Must Get ready to Kill them all!!"

"No Sister Laaraywal Vesh, By the Looks of things, that Mon'keigh Leading that group is well aware of us, If He was any other Mon'keigh, He would be Looting Our Dead... and Did he not? Give Our Warrior a Decent Honor?" as the Figure gestured her hands toward the Tarp that covered the dead With the Weapons lined up beside them

"We Better Leave this World Soon, The Mon'keigh that are not reasonable as him will swarm this place..."

"I always did tell Sister Rhath-Shaie that she should keep her head Cooled down, and not rush into things, Besides We already Got what we needed for..." the Jewel Came to Life as if to Protest her comment.

A Group appeared Behind them with a Grav Carrier, as they Carried the Bodies into a Grav Carrier, Sister Dimh-Yriel Looked at the Handkerchief that Bears Alex Name (AN: Sucks on You Alex) and wondered.....

"Alex Hyde... I Wondered if Fates would let us meet again..." As the Group Disappeared as If they never Existed in the First Place



"Achoo *Sniffles*, Is Someone Talking about me?"

<??? Is interested in you>

"If it's Slannesh, I rather Chew a Astartes Minotaur Bolter and Have Him Blasted my skull than Meeting That!!" As Alex Mentally Screamed

"We are Almost Visual Range of the Base, Sir"

"Carry on, we Better hurry while the Sun is still Up" Alex Calmly Stated as the Sun is nearing to end as the Vehicles approached the Gates... A Sense of Security washed over the group how Miniscule the Walls may be... at least the until the Supposed Eldar Arrives...

A Grimm Silence pervaded the Streets as the Griffon Chimera Ammo Cart was Filled with dead PDF Troopers was Passing by, A Child no younger than 5 Stood in front of the Convoy...

Alex Sighed as he stepped down his Chimera and looked at the kid.

"Where is Mommy?" a Child whose Innocence question Hurt Alex than Him Being Tossed Naked in a Ork Waaagh which he could get out alive but this...

"Your Mother has Gone and Meet the Angels Of the Emperor" Alex Lied perhaps a White Lie more toward himself than the Child.

"Mommy Promised, She will Make my Favorite Porridge tonight!" As the Child Began to cry...

"Don't worry, I Sure that your Mother will Be watching you among the Emperor Chosen..." As Alex Holding Back his tears, Not letting His Tears Breaking apart..

"Excuse Me Sir" As a Hospitaller approached Alex

"Hospitaller Ephritta Blaze what can I do for you?" As Alex stood up

"Umm, Can I ask if This child Parent is..."

Alex Slowly nodded as he Confirmed the condition...

"I see..."

"I would see to it that this child would be taken care of..."

"Is it Possible If I see this Child later?"

"Of Course, You are always welcomed at the Orphanage" as the Hospitaller as she led the Child away,

This Meeting As the remembrancers recalled, the Birth of a Legend, As the child Was Adopted By Alex Hyde the youngest Militant General and Became the Adopted Daughter Of Hyde, Taught her everything He knew about war and Spends time like a normal Person, like you and me would consider a family, not bound by The intricacies Of a Nobility and their politics, Not related by blood, When she became the Leader Of Alex 69th Dust Hounds After the former left for promotion and She became a General And Gave Victory after Victory For the Imperium as if, She was Blessed the same way as Alex Hyde, No losses certainly she had a few near defeats only to saved by Alex Hyde, Her Name is... Kara du Mornaal Hyde, She never Erased her old name nor Did General Militant Alex Said Anything about it, For reasons unknown, he Disappeared from The Imperium, Only Appears Publicly when she needed help the most in her Dire straits like the Living version of the Legion of the damned...But Privately, Only General Kara knows where he is, He is Not Found in T'au or known Eldar Space, Perhaps General Kara knows where is the Ever elusive Militant General, Despite the fact he Disappeared, He is Still Labelled as "Active" In the Military Roster Like Ciaphas Cain, But She will Deny to record her daily life story with the Militant General... Last of her known Whereabouts is in the Planet of Mina where they met...

-Iago Wol (Remembrancer)


Hello Author here managed to Steel Rain the Chaos God Writer block, Alex will transition to The Starship troopers Universe in the next Two Chapters, A really crappy book for a crappy author like me... I wanted to pour in some life into the men Alex lead, "69th Dust Hounds" is the Nice Company Name since Alex Constantly Over Abused The Overclock Function I Gave him, Causing the Chimeras to Run like hell to the point that there is clouds behind them that is Mistaken for a Waagh by the Orks....

Why it it not op Like the 590x Ammo

or He Hunkered down and Fight the Eldar?

Nope Realistically even if he did Spent all the Mortars it's is just HE Shells for Ork Crowd control, not AP shell like Medusa Have.

And Unlike the Orks which he knew, he doesn't know which WraithShip the Eldar came from that attacks his troops, and he more worried about his men than chasing a goose hunt for the Eldars in the mountains, and Like he said, did they met any vehicles? If they See a WraithLord or even the WraithKnight, they are Screwed whether they like it or not, even with Chimera and Sentinel support, Alex covered them In a Blank Barrier that's why the Eldar were Unable to detect them and only sent their Fastest warrior to intercept them, If the Slower Ones Come up... Yeah.. No matter How Much a Near Unlimited 9mm, it doesn't Deal Damage to a M1 Abrams and they were on a Rescue or Salvage mission and If they Hunkered down For the night, they would be Killed off One By One by the Specialized Night Stalkers Eldar can field..... And the More he Killed, the More chances he Get Ire From the Eldar and they have more ways to Kill Alex than he ever does to a Ork Waagh.

I am Alive

One chapter for him to return to Starships troopers, another to get used to his daily life...

though my writing will get much more slower than before.... I ain't someone that can Whipped up a chapter in an hour Like the Professionals, I'm Just a Amateur Writer that will at least takes Hours to visualize the darn thing... I write to Enjoy, despite It's still horrible, I will not Put it behind a paywall, that I will assure you...

this chapter is a trial run for all the battle scene...

Lee_Kahcreators' thoughts