
Blazing through Columbia

(Alexander Pov)

We arrived at the order of the crows, I left Elizabeth behind the airship. And somehow I get a feeling of rage against them using Corvus Corax images as they are simply just KKK segregationist with a bunch of feathers stuff into them. They noticed my approach to their Temple.

"Kill the Twilight King! Protect the Sanctuary!" One of the cultist yelled.

"I am not a freaking vampire!" I yelled as I fired upon the cultists with my bolter. They disappear into a flock of Ravens. I growl as I unleashed lightning on them, the bolts of electricity connected all of the ravens as they fried inside out...

One of them stood up shakily as he held his club against me... Defending Infront of a overlaid giant door that is filled with carvings.

"I...must...protect...the Sanctuary." He gasped as he looked me into the eye in defiance.

I sighed as I place a shell into his skull... His zeal is perfect... Had he not been brainwash by the elitism of this city... He would have made a pious Guardsman I would have eager to recruit.

I looked around in the battlefield and saw several mosaics of US presidents that is depicted as wrongly... Abraham Lincoln got a Demon horns for wanting to move the slaves back to Africa and Wilkes Booth is depicted as a Saint for ending him? Abraham looks better as a Vampire Hunter to be honest... And George Washington as a Leader to revere to because he own slaves?

I shook my head in disgust of rewriting history as I head to where they are defending the so called Sanctuary... It's no better than the reverse that Blacks made China or Japan culture as their own about some samurai...

I found several Vigors tonics in a Storehouse

that was meant for initiates, it allows to summon crows upon testing one out... It was interesting that my crows is warp based that is laced with fire and lightning and they are alive in a sense... I would make a joke if I fed one of the Murder of Crows vigor to Konrad Curze or a gift to Corvus Corax... Would they summon Crows? So Giving Corvus Corax summoning crows is awesome... But giving it to Konrad... That would be hilarious, Warhammer Batman summoning crows to judge the guilty.

I shook off my thoughts as I met the so-called Sanctuary. I knocked it and found that it was made by metals that didn't belong here.

It was heavily locked by their standards. But they didn't met Mr. Melta Charge and Miss Plasma Explosive. The door was breached and I enter it...

I found something is off...

It was a chamber that would have been the size of Leman that is able to fit in, if he was in a drunken rampage. There were several computer like machines that is surrounded a coffin, their casing is so withered by the massage of time. I examine them and found that there are several technologies that is beyond the means of humans creation of thos era...

There is a Plaque nearby, concerning me.

" Here lies the visitor from beyond.

He have been guiding us to our right as Gods children, he bear a warning.

Beware the Twilight King.

He comes in a gilded armor and a Sword of Flames and accompanied by a Staff of Vengeance to judge the sinners

For he is the Herald of the Golden Lich that descends from the stars to purge the lands in holy fire.

May he rest in peace that shared across Columbia"

Great... Someone make a hoot of a prophecy to me... And the emperor.

I looked at the Coffin and just kicked off the lid.

"What the Fuck is happening?" Was my words as I looked at the contents of the coffin...there was a Deceased Makyr from Doom draped in ceremonial clothing and there are tubes that connect to the corpse linking it to the computers on the outside.

That would explain their paranoia.. seriously I am not that infamous than Booker Dewitt?

Why did a Makyr arrive in bioshock? And is this creature is related to the Numbers?

I looked at the Computers and tried to observe it and it held a journal of some sort, I bought a language pack from Theseus... And I could get the gist, it was trapped here, and seeing that it was low on health and finding not much Argent energy to rely on, he gave the technology that allows Columbia to stay ahead in the arms race... And there was some hint that he had corporation with the outsider and assist in making the Songbird more dangerous than before...

"This world is much more complex than we thought..."

I muttered as I clean everything in this chamber as Mortarion could discern where this creature comes from...

"How much is their body count..."

<Heh, your bodycount of corpses is in the Quintillions.>

"Why thank you Theseus, at least I not that horndog to collect women throughout the multiverse! Five is already a handful. And having more than 900 daughters is hard enough. I rather fight onwards."

[Saying that made Khorn pleased. He request more skulls to his throne.]

< Uhh, thy words have summons a good impression of the God Of Blood...>

"Are you a Fae?"

[Khornate armor is able to summon Greater Khornate demons.]

So do I have to aid Doom slayer In his rampage?

More enemies and more skulls to collect...

Skull for the Golden throne and Blood for the emperor I guess?

I headed out the ruined chapel and Elizabeth smirked at me.

"Seems like you done with the place?"

"Yup, we have a Lamb to free from her Cage, now let's go Captain Elizabeth, to the Songbird Keep." Elizabeth smiled as she cranked the ship to the tower.

(??? Pov)

A Great rebellion was spread across the city in Alexander wake, A Man was panting as he head towards one of the headquarters of the rebellion.

"Ma'am I got a message from someone. And Jeremiah Fink is dead." The Man handed a Letter to a Woman that is looking at a planning board. Daisy Fitzroy turned around and gave a smile.

"I know Charles, now let's see the message" she unfolded it. She looked at the content with a smile on her face.

"Alright, Contact anyone that is near the Order of Crows and see if the letter is correct." She yelled at one of the dazed men beside her.

A few moments later another of the rebels brought a great news to them...

"The Order of Crows have been destroyed. We already found traces fighting in their sanctuary."

"With that order down we could take the city more easily now, and some stranger have crippled most of the police department manpower. So we have to be wary of the Holy Child of Comstock and that Songbird." One of them is excited.

Daisy smiled as she looked at the letter.

"I guessing now the man that caused this chaos have already heading towards the tower. We have reinforcements." As she spoke Several Crimson Robed men arrived to her hideout.

They were wary of the strangers.

One of the robed man spoke out like some broken radio.

"++Daisy Fitzroy?++" The woman stiffen but remembering the letter she step out.

"That's me? Are you the reinforcements that Alexander Solair have sent?"

"++Affirmative, The Emissary have sent us. We will be assisting you until this place is secured. Do you agree with the terms he sent?++" The glowing eyes shiver deep into her core.

"Yes, I will allow samples of Vigors and Technology to be handed over for your assistance, in exchange for liberating the city and maintaining it."

"++We will set out now, don't back away from the agreement. He is vengeful if you do so.++" The robed men left and Daisy felt her back sweated a bit...

What are those things? She wondered...

"That is some fine diplomacy you have there..." One of her men chuckle.

The rebels began to coordinate with their newfound allies.

A Legion of Skitariis now ventured across the city.

They took defensive position as they combed the city slowly but steadily, Techpriests arrived just in time to "borrow" some of their Technologies in this realm, they raided much of the institutions that provide anything to progress their beliefs of the Machine God... They even bring back destroyed Firemans and Automaton Patriots back into Alexander realm. And another team managed to repair the city as promised.

(Alexander pov)

We arrived in the tower. Seems like Songbird is a bit preoccupied.

"Come on Alexander, when we reached there you must get the flute to control the songbird."

"If that fails, I simply have a friendly bout with that feathered bot."

As we both ascended on the tower, I found something strange... There were laboratories and reports as if she was a specimen to examine.

Heck there was a One sided glass for them to peek at her showering... I am not sure if Comstock is that crazy or is he insane...

I crashed into the room making Elizabeth or Liz as Elizabeth pointed out.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" She question as she raised a book at me.

"I am Alexander Solair, I am here to rescue you on behalf on your Alternate self." I gave a courtesy as she was confused.

"My alternate self?" Liz was confused.

"That would be me, Younger me?" Elizabeth appeared by my side making her more confused.

"I am old? How is this possible?"

"Well miss, if you living in a City that floats in the sky, that have people that have power beyond humanity grasp and you having Rift powers, and you being saved by a Alternate version of you that is accompanied by a Multiversal traveler, can you not imagine it that is the case?"

"Fair point... But I must say that you better hurry now, the Songbird may have been alerted to your intrusion." Liz sadly spoke.

I found the Flute to control the bird locked in a safe, might as well smashed and grab.

I could hear it's cries... Shit. I played the flute, it doesn't work.

"Elizabeth, Take her to the Airship while I buy some time fighting the Songbird! " I yelled at her as she hurriedly grab Liz as she escape.

"You sure you can handle it?" She asked.

"I make miracles and this time is one of them.." I readied my flaming sword as the room where Liz lived most of her life now crashed by the Mechanical beast. It looked around and saw me. It sat out several tentacles towards me.

"Theseus what is that thing!?" I yelled as I burning them with lightning.

<Scanning...complete >

[Corrupted Makyr Songbird]

A Unholy combination of Argent technology and Chaos God Warpsmith have graced this creature to use weapons that is able to deal with Warp based entities. Using the flute to control it is no longer feasible as there is a daemon stuffed into it.

"So I am on the menu?!" I yelled as I swung my sword burning it.

<Yup... You are on the menu. Bye now time to look for a new partner To be with.>

"Frak you!"

God dangit this room is not fit for a fight, time to head to skies outside.

I readied my sky hook and enter a shooting match between Me and Songbird.

It constantly regenerates like crazy as I blasted it off. And everytime when it tried to go after the Airship, I Blasted it with Murder of Crows at it.

"Not enough damage... How about this!" I readied a Missile launcher locking toward the songbird.

<You sure you want to use a Anti-Matter Misslie?>

"Theseus, what I learn in warhammer... There is no such thing as overkill." I pulled the trigger and several missiles laced with purity seals flew out. Exhaust from the missiles exploded behind me as they flew like a arrow reaching its prey.

Songbird realize what is chasing after him. It tried evasive maneuver and it was confused. Chase after it's captive, attack the one that hurt it or avoid the missiles chasing after it. Just as it ponder, one nearly grazed it, the missile exploded into a miniature void killing it. And the blast from the missiles have shaken Columbia into silence. But the Skitariis ignore it as they continue their objectives. Capturing the city little by little.

Alexander arrived in the airship with two shocked woman of seeing his arsenal.

"I didn't know you can make that!" Liz yelled.

"Well, I got it from a world of technology. It is a world where I had my lovers from."

"Really? Is there such a place to go home to?" Liz eyes beamed with excitement.

"Yup, I suppose so."

"Can I ask a question? Is there a Paris In the worlds you entered? Are there worlds beyond the places I imagine Mr Alexander?"

I pondered about it.

"Yes, there are worlds that have Paris, one of them is in a highly technological world, a world that is a bit modern than this place and there are many places filled with wonder and mystery." I spoke tales about my journey in Cyberpunk. She gleamed in living in such a world. I shook my head a bit.

"After this I am planning to go there. But you need to know safety as what you learn in the books may not be able to comprehend the nature of the place." I popped her dream a bit. I am not crazy to sent a 19th century minded person to the futuristic Earth immediately, I may have already control it but it just generalized location. I do have troops stationed there. But I need them to survive their own. I think my Wondertainment branch would love to have a few Secretary and Front desk jobs.

But I remember the current situation now.

"Tell me Elizabeth, what are your plans about Comstock?" I spoke to Liz.

"My father?"

"Yeah, he would not let you go and seeing how long you are kept in that tower like a specimen to observe for who knows how long. I want to ask your opinion."

"I know that... So even if I leave this place... He would do whatever it takes to find me..." Liz looks sadly.

"And your definition leaving means he must die?"

"If that must be so... So be it."

Our group felt something was wrong as the cloud cover something began to surface....

A Fleet of Airships began to surround us and a big one bearing the Hand of the Prophet now hover above us.

"Daughter, come home." A elderly voice spoke.

"I will not be locked up again!"

"So be it... Men, get her from the Twilight king before he made her path more strayed."

Several harpoons rammed into the hull of our airship and scores of fanatics now slid their way down towards us. The Bolter Turrets came to life and made the intruder life miserable.

The Metal Storm bolts have released flak of metal shrapnel into the soldiers, if they weren't killed by the blow outright, then they would fall to the surface below giving them a more ghastly fate. And vengeance bolts and Krak missiles have ripped all the airships surrounded us.. making the Hand of the Prophet the last airship standing. I didn't destroyed the impaled harpoon leading to that ship.

I took the sky hook and ventured towards the ship and end it all.

"The Twilight king has arrived to finish me off." The man spoke with a tinge of madness.

"You should have been a better man Booker, but you gone insane for any normal conversation." I readied the Revolver that Jack would have used to end it all, no fancy weapon to kill a guy that lost it all. His crew that remain on the ship stopped me by the dozen. A few headshots and tossing them overboard does the trick.

I met the Comstock himself, standing Infront of his baptismal basin when I ended him... A Man that raised a city to the skies. But in his hubris that he wanted his daughter from a alternate version of himself by using the Lucetes experiment of Reality travelling to assure his barren wife... Is sickening.

His scars of the war he fought have warped his personality, I been to war, I seen it all, but it didn't warped my thinking... When I returned where Rapture is located... I probably give Andrew Ryan a Coffin along with his son... He were some of the people I know that I could warrant respect regardless if he Is a big villain... A man wanted to be free from government, from communism hypocrisy and Capitalism backstabbing dealings...

A actual free market without regulations from the government.

But his idealism betrayed him when Frankie become his adversary by using Adam and the poor to riot. And he became the monster he hated the most out of desperation... But Comstock? He was the worst father of the year. Trap the stolen child into a tower and made the people revere her as the child of God? Have scientists observing her without a fatherly affection?

I didn't give him any mercy... I tossed his corpse overboard, into a lake that was below us. I wonder as I looked at the corpse that raised this city fell 15 thousand feet into the earth... Would he be reborn again?

I heard a scream and gunfire from where the Two Elizabeth are and as I arrived, the Botler turrets was destroyed and there was a Winged figure holding Liz neck. And nearby Elizabeth is fainted and her hands still gripped the revolver.

"Get your hands off me" Liz yell as her hands flung wildly.

"No... Your Father told me that you are my bride and even if he is dead, I will get you Elizabeth Comstock." The winged figure hissed at her.

I jumped down from the Hand of prophet and landed on the airship. I shot my revolver at him and it didn't take damage. But... I got its attention.

"Oh? Well if it isn't Midas? I thought it would be Booker killing himself?" The Angel tossed Liz aside as it turned towards me. It had three eyes glaring at me.

"And who the fockin hell are ye? Ya Wanker?"

"I am Cassius the part of the Numbers ... And seeing my failed predecessor unable to stop you... I am impressed."

"You mean those failures that send after me? Try harder."

The angelic figure gave a laugh that is horrifying as if he wasn't concerned about the kill count.

"Hahahaha, you mean our First failed Pet project of using reincarnated individuals to conquer Warhammer? At best they are just invaders to another realm supply his endless armies, at worse... They are nothing but cannon fodder. He dissolved them as he knows you gained their strength from them. And graced us with their powers."

"Oh, I gunna bashed your bloody brains ya wanker." Alexander gritted his teeth as he readied his Faithblazer and a Rivet Gun. To what Cassius said it was not good news as without those ego filled bastards I could probably used their powers against them...

"Let me show you why the dregs sent after you is but a distant from our power... You uncouth savage that used my Brother Skin..." Cassius disappear from my vision. I raised my guard and realized something, part of the ship is breaking apart as reality breaks down.

The scenery began to peel off from reality as I watch the two Elizabeth is whisked away.

Standing on a ocean that is so cloudy and a sky that is dark.

"Seems like you keep Elizabeth away from this place." I mocked him to get his bearing s but this realm is as if it was all of him.

"She is my investment, Midas, she is my payment from that old man for making Columbia the way it is. She would forget about you. And she would be mine." His grating voice echoes around me.

"Nah, I enjoy having her as my Employee as I Scouted her in the first place." I shot my Rivets to a place where his voice is the loudest. His wings prevent the rivet guns from piercing his body.

"Tsk, Tsk, Midas... You can do so much more than that." The voice sounded as if he was bored.

Something gave chill on my spine and I place my sword from behind and a blue blade glowed clashed against my back and the clash with my sword sent me barreling across the empty ocean like a skipping stone.

"Why retain your humanity Midas? You know that pretending you aren't ain't going to kill me." Cassius kicked me in my stomach sending me flying into the sky.

"Or is it... That you couldn't do so?" He kicked me towards the ocean with such force as if I was stuffed into a railgun without any protective clothing.

He appeared behind my back and held my head as he whispered in my ear like death...

"You just a fake...wearing my brother skin. You are not worthy of my blade."

I felt somehow burst from my chest... I found his hand pierced me with my heart is in his hand.. he gripped it until it exploded.

<Alexander! >

Ah... I died again?

I felt the gravity taking hold of me as I was dragged to the ocean... In my dying eyes... I see the endless corpses that hidden in this accursed sea that swarm over me... As they want to drag me to bottom....

"Alexander! Stand up and Fight!" A familiar voice echoed my mind... I slowly found myself in the training camp in the Imperium... A female Guardsman stood before me...

"Ezrai..." I mouth those words...

"Didn't you promise me that day? That you will get rid of all the Pirates in the galaxy so that they would not harm the people of the Imperium?" She sternly looked at me with her purple eyes...

She was... My first failure... To save someone important to me...

"How do you think I can handle the Foe before me Ezrai? He bested me in four blows..."

"Don't give me that excuse Hyde!" She yelled at me for the first time.

"Remember the Guardsman Quotes, Don't Tell me that you forgotten about it!?"

"To each of us falls a task. And all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand in line, and we die fighting. It is what we do best: we die standing. That's what you said to me..."

"Look at you now Hyde, you accepting death willingly? You are not the man I once loved... Grab your weapon and fight that bastard even if you used your own teeth, remember your training Guardsman... don't make the people that still alive waiting for someone that never comes back..."

Ezrai clung to me, my eyes was tearing up... I remember when I was just a mere Guardsmen, when I was weak.... I failed to save her from a pirate attack that attacked our training camp... Her position was overrun by those bastards in human skin... When I arrived to reinforce her position... I found her defiled and her head was impaled on a stake... I vowed that no pirates would ever step foot in my path... Even if I ripped their souls and fed it to demons if I had to.

"Will I ever meet you again?" I clung to her nonexistent body...

"Only in death... Does duty end... I done my part. So I be cheering you on from heaven that the God Emperor have given me. Hyde... I am grateful that you kept the times we spent together alive...but you have people that is waiting for you to win." She turned my head in the distance, where I saw the people I care about...

Emperor... My brothers... My family... Ephritta, Dimh-Yriel, Sasha, Judy, Rebecca....

"Oi, Alex don't leave us alone. Where shall I shoot the bad guys?"

"You want me to be alone in night city Alex?"

"You promise that you will be alive Alex! You promised that you will meet with my grandparents again!"

"Alexander... Please return home beloved..."

"I swear on Isha I definitely bring you back from the dead... Please don't die on me.."

"You are a Son of the Emperor are you not? At least do this much and kill that bastard... At least I brag to my peers that my Ex boyfriend is a Primarch. Keep on winning and don't look back. I will be watching you..." She gently placed her lips to mine, giving a brief spite...

I found myself floating down in a throne room that is covered with cobwebs and dust... A single prince figure sat on the throne.... He noticed me as I descended and landed Infront of him.

"Hello... Brother..." The figure spoke.

"Who are you?" I asked, the figure looked as if he is pondering something...

"I am you but not you, I am whole, but incomplete, I am part of your flesh but yet different ..."

I ponder what is his line of thought and remember something...

"You must be Midas?"

"Correct but incorrect at the same time... We already merged together as we are now one... Alexander Solair."

"Then you know what happened to me right?"

"You fell into a trap."

"That is harsh... Assessment. Have any ideas how to kill that astrayed brother of ours?"

"And we could defeat him by embracing the fragments of me..."

"What would happen to me then?"

"Painful, if we failed then our souls will be destroyed in the process, making revival impossible, but if we merged successfully... You gain a standing to defend yourself...I will not vied for control on your body, only defend you when it is impossible... Or at least I think most of me would have agreed?"

"What about you? Surely you have to meet mother?"

"You given me a family Alexander... Time I shall do the process...."

A Pentagram circle surrounded me with arcane arts I don't know...


"Tell my mother... I missed her, and if done successfully... Tell her that I still remain alive...within you..." The prince smiled.

Memories of him began flooding into my mind... His joy, his sadness, his fury, joining with mine... I am Alexander Solair... Yet I am Midas, Herald of Order, the forgotten dreams of humanity...

(3rd pov)

Cassius watched the place where he dropped the abomination into the Dead Sea. He kept it to hold all the dead and the dammed to be drown to eternally until their souls faded away... He would have left to claim his bride immediately, but something in him gave him a premonition that Alexander is still alive...

The Sea began to boil... And the cloudy sea that is fill with the dead now clearing up, the Dark Skies began to rushed towards the location where Alexander is slained...

A Golden light erupted from the ocean and Clearing the darkened Skies until it turn cleared...

Cassius eyes widen as a Golden armoured Suit stood on the surface... It held a Flaming sword and a Burning cape draped behind it and the sea water boiled at his feet... A halo emerge from the figure head signifying someone with importance.

"How is that possible!? You already merged with my brother!?" Cassius screamed.

"Ex brother, he already disowned you for betraying father will of bringing order to the Multiverse. I simply am a vessel of his vengeance... Your time is up Cassius."

"Haha, You may have merged with him is but a mere fragment of his self, I am a God, I rule the Waves." He raised his hands and the oceans have burst a endless fleets that touched the horizon.

Each of them was corrupted and broken down from years if not millenia of not maintainence but their weapons aimed at Alexander...

"If you rule the Waves and turned your backs on our Creator... I bring order to chaos, I herald his vast Armies to give our Father his vision for humanity to be saved from the darkness that you and your cursed brethren embraced."

"He fed us lies! We are made for grander things in life than being shepard of a race of failed experiment that is selfish, uncaring and evil from the moment they are birth into this world! You should have known how they always bring wars, madness and insanity!?"

"But nevertheless... We are guardians of Humanity are we not? That is what we were created for... Cassius?"

"I will personally kill you again and ripped that loyalist corpse from your body! " He rushed forward as he clashed Alexander sword.

The broken fleet immediately opened fire on Alexander, from the massive skeletal dreadnoughts unleashed their Cannons to a Destroyers launched Missile attacks that enveloped the two.

The skies around them shot beams of light as it destroyed the attacks, Cassius looked up and growl making Alexander laugh.

"Well then brother... If you control the seas... I simply lead the might of the Imperium glory" He laughed.

In the skies ships of gothic designs appeared behind Alexander....

"Well then... Time to make this place on even grounds..."

Cassius eyes widen as he found himself in a land filled with war.

Sound of Artillery and whistles was heard in the distance... Titan shadows moved slowly in the distance.

"How on earth you take my realm away from me!"

"This realm was made by our creator to understand humanity in their deepest core of nature, not your that stolen from his corpse... War is always in our blood... No matter how he made us to become gods... He imprinted humanity to our souls...You betray him... You broke our covenant... You join the traitors when we need you the most..." Alexander voice sounded weird...

He raised his hand towards the profusely sweating angel...

"Brother... I bring you the courtesy of inviting you to our world." Cassius eyes widen as a Titan Legion noticed the enemy the Golden man pointed and immediately opened fire their Volcano cannon and Apocalypse Missiles, Macro Bolters, Battle cannons and Plasma shots rain on the figure. Cassius defended his body with his wings and he ended up in to the ground, making a crater in his wake.

"Welcome to the Grim darkness of the Future... Cassius.."

Cassius flew out of the crater. Making Alexander a bit impressed.

"You took a barrage of the Legio Titanica? Bravo, but wait there's more." Alexander swung his sword and bash the Deranged angel into the crater.

The skies began to glow red as the Imperium Fleet station in orbit began to launch strategic Lancer strikes turning the land into a superheated molten rock. Artillery from arsenals of Imperium Hardware began to join in. From the Humble Griffin mortar that join the Grand Crusade to the Basilisk that Workhorse of the Artillery in the far future. The vehicle barrels launched shells at a rapid pace that their tubes began to glow red. Making the Crater even bigger.

Cassius roared in anger. Pressure waves began to emanate from the crater.

"Stop this idiotic weapons! They are just a annoyance!"

"Ready the Deathstrike Missiles, lock on target on my body. And I mean all of them." Alexander commanded the soldier nearby as they agreed silently and rushed to the launchers.

No questions was asked. If a regular human couldn't defeat a god.. might as well go crazy.

Cassius lunges out towards Alexander as he clashed once more. The attacks made by mere mortals is already shown. His wings is damaged and his third eye is sweating with blood.

"Even a God do Bleed, Well I will teach that in science class-" Cassius punched Alexander away.

"So uncivilized... You hear it... The sound of your doom?" Cassius pricked his ear and he found several missiles heading towards them. He tried to escape but he was blocked by Alexander from doing so.

"You want to drag me down with you?"

"Oh... Let's have a Family reunion on the other side eh?"

The missiles rang true and the two was envelope by the blast that made everyone that watch it become temporary blinded. And after it disappear two of them was heavily injured... Cassius lost his wings and his face... Or what's left of it is melted away. And Alexander is just as worse. As the armor is barely clinging on to a thread, and in his helmet is his face cracked.

"Damm you, I made this body so I can get to Elizabeth!?" His facade of a angel slipped away revealing a Eldritch like being and in his chest was disgusting beyond belief... In his chest cavity held many faces of Elizabeth showing a shocked face.

"You..." Alexander felt more disgusted towards Cassius.

"If you hadn't get in my way... I would have claimed the perfect Elizabeth!"

"Our creator gave us gifts and you... A more psycho than the numbers they sent against me."

"Humans are no longer worth protection... They are our amusement and you destroy the delicate balance in the great game."

Alexander is silence, but he burned the faces off from Cassius chest.

"My collection!?" Cassius flailing wildly as to get the flames from his collection.

"You are no longer human..." Alexander raised his sword and lopped off the head of the preoccupied Cassius. His eyes widen as his body was engulfed in flames.

"Curse you Alexander!"

"I do hope that your Curses are contagious... I always willing to share your misery to our wayward brothers...Goodbye Cassius..."

The flames engulfed the Eldritch being leaving Alexander alone in the battlefield... He turned around and faced the soldiers that helped him...

"Thank you for your service. May you fulfill your duty in the next life..." The battlefield slowly faded away and the soldiers turned to mist, leaving Alexander alone on a tranquil ocean that held a clear blue skies that stretch the horizon...


(A/n): it's been a while... Sometimes I wonder if I am going insane... I finished watching the Acolyte star wars from beginning to the end and So many incident happened outside... Watching the Assassination of a Certain Orange man, on live and the madness of people wishing a opposite political party to offed himself and Olympics degeneracy... And a Assassin's Creed shadow debacle.

The world I want to belong no longer exists... I am wonder how much do they have to beat dead franchises to push their agenda. Everything is so censored that not a fan service is allowed these days.. this world we live is in one giant echo chamber... I am glad I went Into farming... Nowadays getting a job is next to impossible as I seen job applications nearby want to hire Gen X or Boomers... So much for earning a living wage.