
Surviving the Deadliest Magic Academy

When Dariu's village faced an Elder Beast's attack, the villagers began offering a monthly human tribute to appease the creature. Grieving the loss of a friend and troubled by the village's plight, Dariu chose to join Arcadia Academy to master Lojia and gain the strength needed to defeat the Beast. Yet, Arcadia is no ordinary school; it's a perilous place where only the strongest survive. Now stuck in a deadly battle of survival in Arcadia, Dariu must conquer its challenges, graduate, and ultimately rescue his village from the clutches of the relentless Elder Beast.

Gardbet · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Through Hell's Gates III

Beyond the entrance, there was a vast hall with white stone pillars and wooden beams supporting the ceiling. Chandeliers hung from above, casting light across uneven stone floors covered by a large red carpet. At the end of the hall, a big staircase took center stage. The hall also contained hundreds of students at that moment, most of whom were gravely injured.

"Are you well?" Dariu asked the blond-haired boy, still flat on the ground.

"I am, thanks to you," he replied.

"Here," Dariu said, his arm extended to help the boy stand up, "I'm Dariu."

"I am Naylu," spoke the boy, his hand grabbed by Dariu, who assisted him to his feet," you have my deepest gratitude, sir Dariu. I would have died if it wasn't for you."

"Don't mention it," Dariu said, shifting his gaze to the black haired boy who had just risen.

"What's your name?"

The boy, with sleepy eyes and an icy expression on his face, regarded Dariu briefly before responding, "Silas."

"You have my thanks, Silas."

"Keep it," he coldly uttered before walking away.

"What on earth was that?" Dariu exclaimed in frustration.

"God... This is tragic," Naylu remarked in a sad tone, prompting Dariu to join in observing the various injured.

Amidst the chaos, dozens of students screamed in pain from every corner. Some had lost limbs, while others displayed torn flesh and exposed bones. Blood dripped wherever Dariu's gaze fell.

So, this is Arcadia, thought Dariu. He had finally witnessed the source of countless horror stories—the academy that devours lives, the end to all dreams and ambitions.

"Everyone, let's attend to the injured!" Shouted someone.

The source of the sound was a man with short black hair, a well-toned physique, and broad shoulders. A bit older than Dariu, he appeared to be in his early twenties.

"Let them be! It's their fault for coming unprepared," yelled a redhead girl nearby, it was Hena. On her side stood her sister, Rena.

"I believe none of us were prepared for this," replied the man.

"I was," siad Hena, pointing to the glove on her right hand, "and so were you, apparently," refering to the man's gloves.

"You think some Nymph stones could've prevented this? We were ambushed."

"I think a Dhoshyl and a Dhormu could have made a difference, yes."

"She has a point," Dariu intervened, "I think this was mostly an elimination process, they wanted to get rid of the people who could not at least perform basic spells."

"Are you saying that justifies their deaths?" Questioned the man, in an angry voice.

"No, nothing is deserving of death," responded Dariu, "I will help you with the injured."

Suddenly, continuous claps echoed across the hall, prompting everyone present to turn their gaze toward the source. The applause came from a man positioned atop the staircase. The man had short black hair that was neatly combed, and a mostly gray full beard. Resting on his face were round glasses, with small, circular lenses. Lastly, he wore a black tuxedo with a pair of white gloves, each adorned with three medium-sized Nymph stones.

"How noble of you," remarked the man once he ceased the applause, "however, I advise you not to wate your energy on mere weaklings. After all, they will be expelled sooner or later."

"Who are you?" Asked the broad-shouldered man.

"My name is Rinus Marlu, your illusory spells teacher," he bowed, then rose up again,"I came here on behalf of headmaster Kornos to give you further details regarding your classes."

"What classes?! You expect us to stay after what happened?!" Yelled someone, setting off a chain of furious shouts:

"You are murderers!"

"Let us go!"

"You took my eye, you filthy monsters!"

The hall was soon filled with the frustration of hundreds, each voice screaming in retaliation to the mass murderer that had occurred.

"Moro Tarlus Nara," Rinus intoned, accompanying the words with a sequence of hand movements that concluded with a hand clasping, "Yadaishi," a multitude of small cyan orbs materialized above him and in front of him.

"Silence, please."

The hall fell silent briefly until a boy stepped forward, pointing at Rinus.

"You're bluffing, we haven't broke any rules!"

In an instant, a cyan projectile pierced his hand, utterly obliterating it. The boy collapsed to his knees, unleashing a deafening scream.

"Let me make something clear, I may not be able to expell you unless you break a rule, but that doesn't mean I couldn't give you further injuries."

That's Yadaishi? Dariu asked himself. It was his first time seeing an advanced spell right before his eyes. Although Arsel taught him only the four basic spells, he had shared with him tales about the various advanced spells he witnessed in his days as a Bellius.

"Now that I have your attention," said Rinus, tapping his fingers and causing the orbs to vanish, "the classes usually begin at the break of dawn, but seeing how it is your first day, we will meet here instead to divide you into different sections."

He then turned toward the large door behind him, opening it to reveal a long hallway with several doors on the sides. The hallway extended to two turns on both sides.

"This is your lodging for the night. Each room has four beds. You can select any room you like; it's entirely up to you."

Rinus descended the stairs and advanced through the crowd. The students parted, creating a passage for him, and he came to a stop upon reaching the entrance.

"One last thing: there are monsters under the beds," he announced before venturing out into the dark.

The hall kept quiet for some time before the broad-shouldered man broke the silence:

"Everyone, listen to me. My name is Bartus, and I want to help the injured. Please, if you want to assist me stay here with me."

In a rapid motion, people filed into the chambers, disregarding Bartus. Only a handful, mainly the injured, stood still amid the commotion.

"Have fun," Hena said to Bartus as she made her way to the room alongside her sister.

"Hena!" Her sister scolded her.

"I almost forgot, here is your stone back," said Naylu, who stayed put, handling the Nymph stone to Dariu.

"Not many uses left in this one," Dariu remarked.

"I feel like I should thank you once more, sir Dariu."

"Drop the sir. And I'm glad to help Naylu. You should go rest now, Naylu," said Dariu.

"It's alright, I wish to help. Also, I'm not sure I could sleep after what happened."

"Me neither. "