
Surviving the Deadliest Magic Academy

When Dariu's village faced an Elder Beast's attack, the villagers began offering a monthly human tribute to appease the creature. Grieving the loss of a friend and troubled by the village's plight, Dariu chose to join Arcadia Academy to master Lojia and gain the strength needed to defeat the Beast. Yet, Arcadia is no ordinary school; it's a perilous place where only the strongest survive. Now stuck in a deadly battle of survival in Arcadia, Dariu must conquer its challenges, graduate, and ultimately rescue his village from the clutches of the relentless Elder Beast.

Gardbet · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Through Hell's Gates I

Beyond the gates, the crowd walked along a wide cobblestone path, flanked by the skeletal remains of trees. The trees standed above a sea of tall dried grass. The neglect in the air painted a picture of a place that had not seen care or attention in a very long time.

Not too different from the outside, remarked Dariu.

At the end of the path, a substantial elevated stone platform marked the center of an intersection. On the platform stood a figure in complete stillness, and just behind him, a couple hundred of meters away, lay a sizeable old building.

The crowd came to a halt as they reached the platform, collectively lifting their gazes toward the motionless figure.

The figure atop the platform was an old man donned in a sizable, tattered black robe. His weathered face bore deep wrinkles, and his pointed brown eyes gazed sternly. Above his head, a large omega sign adorned his bald scalp, its endings extending just above his eyes. A lengthy gray beard, neatly tied, cascaded down to his belly.

"Ah, the arrival of new students always brings forth immense joy," resonated the old man, his voice deep and tinged with a sense of relief. Simultaneously, he raised both arms, causing his sleevs to fall down, revealing wrap bracelets around his wrists adorned with cyan-glowing Nymph stones.

"My name is Kornos Hapla, I am the headmaster of Arcadia, and it's a pleasure to meet you all," he bowed.

"There is something wrong about this man," Dariu said.

"You don't say," giggled Luca.

"I'm not refering to his looks. The sun is positioned directly behind us, and there he stands gazing into its direction, completely unbothered by the light."

"He's a Lojius, brother!"

"Or he's blind."

"I realize you may have heard unsettling tales about our Academy, and I commend you for joining despite them," said Kornos. "Allow me to assure you that all the rumors you've encountered are mere fallacies. We are but a humble school dedicated to shaping proficient Lojius."

"What I told you?" Said Luca, a grin on his face.

"However, you may perceive our policies as somewhat strict. It is in our utmost interest to cultivate only the mightiest Lojius. To achieve this, our Academy upholds certain rules that cannot, under any circumstances, be defied," said Kornos with a serious voice, placing strong emphasis on the final words.

"Behind you stands our groundskeeper, he shall provide you with a sheet detailing the list of rules."

All turned around to catch a glimpse of the groundskeeper, yet the intense orange glow of a sun on the verge of setting obscured the figure. Only a silhouette emerged from the luminous backdrop. The darkened form held something in one hand, and with the other, he separated a portion and extended it toward the others. It appeared to be a paper, presented for them to take.

One girl at the rear of the crowd chose to approach the groundskeeper. As she drew near and glimpsed his face, a scream escaped her, prompting a hasty retreat a few steps back. The groundskeeper then extended his hand, signaling for her to take the sheet. Terrified, the girl swiftly grabbed the paper, then hastened back into the safety of the crowd.

Witnessing the strange interaction, the crowd stood confused, hesitant to approach the groundskeeper.

"Go on, there is no need to be afraid," Kornos assured them.

The crowd began to slowly advance towards the groundskeeper to grab a sheet, each one of them always having the same terrified reaction as the girl. One boy even succumbed to nausea, causing him to vomit his insides out. Eventually, Dariu's turn came.

Dariu grasped the paper and, driven by sheer curiosity, stole a glance at the groundskeeper's face. Instantly, he swiftly lowered his gaze in utter shock at what he witnessed. Instead, he chose to fixate on the groundskeeper's pale, slender, and veiny hand. He retreated upon snatching the paper, and his breath gradually slowed down.

"That's one hell of a face he got," Luca remarked, attempting to mask the tremor of fear in his voice.

"That's an understatement," replied Dariu.

The sheet in Dariu's hand seemed ancient, Its surface had a warm shade of brown, and the edges were filled with crinkles. The paper contained five rules written in bold black ink:

[First rule: all students must return to their respective dorms before sunset, failing to do so will result in expulsion.]

[Second rule: all students must attend their classes in time. Tardiness or absence from class will result in expulsion.]

[Third rule: students are obliged to successfully pass each administered test. The failure of even a single test will result in expulsion.]

[Fourth rule: duels are permitted on school grounds on the condition that all parties involved are consentual to the duel and its terms. Any act of causing harm to a fellow student outside the confines of a duel will result in expulsion.]

[Fifth rule: once the gates are closed, students are prohibited from leaving school grounds until graduation, spanning a period of four years. Any attempt to escape would result in expulsion.]

"What's with these crazy rules?" Complained Luca.

This is madness, Dariu thought, enforcing these would expell more than half of us in no time.

A wave of discontent spread among the crowd like wildfire. Noises of frustration and complaints could be heard throughout the entire assembly.

"Everyone, please," Kornos tried to calm the crowd, "I understand your frustration, but our decrees are a necessity. They serve as the very means through which we sculpt only the most magnificent Lojius."

Dariu's gaze remained fixed on Kornos until it descended to the sheet held in his hand. Suddenly, as though struck by a revelation, he gasped.

"Luca, the sun."

" What of it?"

"Don't you see? It's about to set!"

Luca turned around towards the sun, now hidden behind the horizon, on the verge of setting.

"Oh, the curfew? Don't worry, I'm sure they aren't going to apply it in the first da—"

Mid-sentence, Luca was struck down by a swift blur, leaving blood splatters on Dariu and those nearby.

No one had yet realized what happened, it was too quick. Dariu stood frozen in shock, his eyes wide, as he beheld the horrific spectacle of the man he had just conversed with being consumed by a nightmarish creature.

The creature, nearly human in size, moved on all fours with two abnormally long arms and two short legs. Its slender form revealed bones beneath purplish skin, and its head, reminiscent of a human's, featured a mouth protruding outward. The creature had tall, disheveled hair, obscuring most of its face and cascading down to its belly.

"What a rather unfortunate sight," Kornos commented, "it is always saddening to witness a student's expulsion."

Shortly after, a multitude of creatures emerged from the shadows, initiating a relentless onslaught that sent the crowd into a frantic spiral of panic. Those desperately seeking refuge towards the still-open gates encountered an escalating blockade of these ominous entities.

It was in that crucial moment that the harsh truth struck Dariu: expulsion within Arcadia meant death.