
Surviving Ragnarok with Beast Contracts

Life was boring for Jay, the main protagonist. Until a big change happened to his world, all of the nearby buildings changed, as if the whole school transfered to another world. Filled with magic and monsters, Jay gained the Class Beast Contracter while his friend gained the Class Bard. Can Jay and his friend Louis survive the apocalypse with their new found powers?

llama_god · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Chapter 20: Is a Peaceful Life Too Much to Ask for?

"Kill him!" the young noble yelled. The knights were conflicted, how could they kill their savior? If the trio didn't come out and help, their blood would all have been sucked dry. The knight captain, who was a man in his early forties, walked over to their master. "Young master, they saved us all by defeating the death bat, we shouldn't kill our saviors," said the captain. But this angered the noble more, how could he, such a highly being be saved by a demihuman. "How dare you commit treason! I ordered you to kill him!" screamed the boy. The captain didn't put up with the boy's attitude, he knocked him out cold with the hilt of his sword.

"Oh god, won't you get in trouble?" asked Louis, concerned if the captain would get punished. Jay was holding his stomach, barely holding in his laughter. Seeing some who he was going to rip to shreds for trying to kill his son get knocked out cold was something he didn't know he enjoyed. "I'm very sorry for my young master's behavior, discrimination for demihumans is a corrupted custom of our country's nobles. And as for your question, no, I work for his father, Earl Rais, who asked me to keep his child at bay," the captain replied, as he bowed to show his gratitude. "May I ask for your name? I'll ask for some compensation from the Earl," asked the captain. "My name is Arthur, and this is Connor," said Jay, pointing to Louis. He didn't want to take any risks of the young noble learning his name. "I'll engrave your names into my heart," said the captain, bowing once again. Although Louis felt bad for tricking the honest looking captain, he went with Jay's plan. The captain gathered the corpses of the dead knights, after he placed the young noble in the carriage, they set off. In the carriage, the young noble's eyes immediately sprang open, he was just pretending to be knocked out earlier. "Arthur and Connor huh, I'll remember you for the rest of my life," he grinned, completely falling for Jay's trap.

The trio got back to the inn safely without encountering any monsters. Wen went back to leveling up alone. When they arrived at the inn, it was already dusk. Only a day left until the entrance exam. Fen already fell asleep in Jay's arm. Jay carried him back to the room and tucked him in. After putting Fen to sleep, Jay and Louis began packing their stuff. From the money they have, clothes they wore, and other little things, they neatly packed all of them into different bags. In one of the bags was the materials they got from the double headed snake and the fangs and pelt of the bat. "Perhaps we should sell these," said Jay, dreaming about all the money they would get by selling the materials. "We should ask Muramasa to craft armor and weapons for us," said Louis, suggesting a better alternative. So they decided to head to the blacksmith's workshop, they arrived when the sun was just right above the horizon. Fortunately for them, Muramasa was a hard worker. He was already up and was hammering away on a piece of metal that Jay couldn't recognize.

"Mr.Muramasa, can you craft us some armors or weapons with these?" asked Jay, as he put the bag of materials on the counter. Muramasa was just about to yell at the rude customer that ignored the large sign that said closed on the front door, but he noticed it was his benefactor that could wield the cursed sword. He managed to suppress his anger. "What do you want?" asked Muramasa. "I want a dagger and perhaps some armor," said Jay. "And can the dagger be finished by tomorrow?" he added. Muramasa just stared at Jay in confusion, "What do you mean by tomorrow?" he asked. With a wave of his hand, the materials started to deconstruct right in front of him. After deconstructing, the pieces of the materials began merging together to form various armors. "Done," said Muramasa, he didn't even break any sweat. "Holy, how did you do that?" exclaimed Jay, bewildered of the spectacular feat that happened right in front of him. There was two daggers on the counter, and two sets of armor, completed in less than one minute! "Crafting magic," said Muramasa. "Only ones who completely memorized every property of the materials can master this skill, I combined the fangs of two creatures into an alloy like bone, then manipulated its shape into a dagger," he explained. "That's cool, how much for the crafting fee?" asked Jay. "I get to keep the rest of the materials, Amphisbaina skin is perfect for some treasure graded artifacts, robust and strong, and I'm also running low on these bones," said Muramasa, pointing at the stack of leftover materials. Jay immediately agreed with the deal, the items that were crafted were clearly top notch. He didn't even need Appraisal to know that they are very high quality. "Thank you," he said, as he and Louis left the store.

[Item: Scale armor of a lesser dragon

Rank: Treasure

Category: Armor

Description: A armor crafted by combining Amphisbaina scales on bat skin, creating a armor that is tough but also light and flexible.

Will fit perfectly on anyone due to some enchantments. Such an incredible feat can only come from beings close to the realm of gods.


[Item: Twin Fang daggers

Rank: Artifact

Category: Weapon

Description: Two daggers that are crafted with the fangs of the Mayan Death Bat and the Amphisbaina. The percentage of fangs used are perfectly balanced, creating a bone alloy that is on par with mithril. One dagger has a higher concentration of bat fangs, resulting in a life steal attribute, while the other contains a poison attribute due to the higher concentration of Amphisbaina's fangs.


There were two sets of the armour, so Jay decided to give one to both Louis and Fen. He believed that he could dodge most attacks with wild instinct, so Louis and Fen needed the protection more. The daggers where obviously for Fen, whose old daggers where quite dull and crappy. They waited for Fen to wake up, it was time to head to the other part of the city. Louis and Jay were both excited for the entrance exam due to various reasons.