
Surviving Marvelverse ( Hp crossover )

The last he remembered was the sound of that terrible bomb hitting the ground...then darkness. Only to wake up in another body, the body of Leonidas, King of Sparta. What are the secrets of his transmigration? And was the weird black screen telling him to collect the 22 Divine orbs and the 9 Origins? Let's join Lenoidas on this adventure as he embarks on his new life as a Warrior and an Apprentice! Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Marvel belongs to Diseney while Harry Potter is to J.K Rowlings Author note: I am trying to cover all flaws a fanfic may have in this one, so chapters will be 2-3 days

Zero_Five_7869 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
2 Chs

Survival of the Fittest/ The 21


13,000 B.C, Olympus

Lightning roared in the night sky on Olympus as Zeus had just returned from his "visiting" to a human woman he saw recently.

However, before he could go back to his room, he felt a strange pull...

'What is this?' he thought as he blasted to the location of the pull, he could tell the pull is familiar...it was similar to his and his brother Posiden's Divine power yet different at the same time...

Reaching the location at extreme speed showing his mighty abilities (the place was extremely close...) he could see a...Lightning bolt?

"What the hell is this???" Zeus asked confused wondering what to do with this thing, only to be left in place when the Lightning bolt rushed at him faster than light striking his chest at the same time that a Tarot card hit the ground...

The High Priest...

{Gongratiolations, you have been chosen by the Tyrant Orb...}

What changes will this event entail?



Laying in his weird-looking white sheets that resembled a baby crib, Leonidas had a bored look a child of that age could never have, he was born a week ago, and since then he only did 4 things: eat, shit, sleep, repeat.

He was beyond bored at this point, his biggest problem was that he was different from most people, he didn't try much but he knew, if he wanted to, he could stand, run, and even talk...

With the influence of being a Warrior and an Apprentice, now he has to hide and be extra careful to not get exposed, aghh...

Turning around carefully, making sure no one is watching his hand reached inside his yet weird-looking diapers getting two cards out, the Tarot cards he had found when he was born ( it was very hard to hide them ).

The Magician and Strength.


Year 411 A.D (Earth years), Asgard

On the Grand hallways of King Oden's palace, a boy no older than 13 could be seen running, he was Thor the first prince of Asgard, with blond hair and blue eyes filled with a thirst for adventure, he left the palace in a hurry to play and fight his peers. before he could go far, however, his eyes located something at the gates of the palace.

"What a Beautiful and Mighty snake!" He exclaimed loudly then he rushed to admire its beauty.

Only to be disappointed when the once Mighty snake transformed into his brother, black-haired, green eyes wearing a black and green gourmet and...stapped him...

"Loky you dare!! Come fight me, I challenge you into formal battle" Thor screamed madly at Loky.

"You have to forgive me for declining your offer my less intelligent brother, see you at dinner" Loky said as he took off running...


Chuckling Loky went to the library to study more about illusion magic as he quite liked pranking Thor with it.

"Hmm? What is that?"

On top of a shelf, there was a shiny little thing, he couldn't see it completely so he jumped and caught it in one swoop.

It was a Crystal Monocle. 🧐

As he stood there examining it he failed to notice The Lovers card on the same shelf...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Error Orb...}

The God of Trickster just got the Potential to Become the True God of Deceit...


Year 981 A.D, Kamar Taj

The newly promoted Sorcerer Supreme was at her last wits, Yao was desperate, as defenders of Earth, the Sorcerers were never in such danger in more than 1000 years, the danger of getting fully eradicated.

The Sorcerers had only two jobs, to defend Earth from anything that breaches the barrier between Outside dimensions and Earth (demons, evil entities, Hell lords, Dimension rulers...) and stop anything in the Spiritual world to access Earth.

They never had problems regarding that as the sanctums usually were enough to stop anything too strong to get out so Sorcerers only had to take down smaller fishes that escaped the net, however, that changed 1200 years ago when the Sorcerer Supreme of the time Master Zhezhe had the bright idea of interfering with the direction The Great King of Greece Leonidas Magnus Aurelius was building his nation with, although they sorcerers had no right to interfere...that, of course, didn't go well...

It was a massive war, one in which the Sorcerers...lost, if it wasn't for the pity of Leonidas they would all have been massacred, and even so only a few survived, as for Master Zhezhe he was 'Exiled' by Leonidas into the depth of the Spirit world.

What followed was a catastrophe for the sorcerers as Leonidas severed the barrier between the spiritual world and Earth making spiritual creatures able to roam this world with unnatural ease, the workload on the remaining sorcerers was an immense amount not to mention the occasional attacks from other dimensions, it was a miracle that they survived...

This time however another problem raised itself, Hell lord Satanish's army was on its way to enter Earth, usually an impossible endeavor, Satanish first somehow got his entire army to enter the spirit world as he himself couldn't go (it is very hard to enter or out of that place for dimensional entities of certain caliber) and now there has been reports that the army was spotted in it's way to earth (directions and time are strange in the spiritual world so it will take time to time navigate the way) once they get to earth they will most likely conduct a ritual to summon Satanish!

Yao has decided to do something forbidden and frowned upon...use the Dark dimension, she has already prepared for the ritual, now only the final step was required, However, before she can begin she was enveloped in a black scarf from all directions while a Tarot card laid in the corner of the room, The Star...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Darkness Orb...}

Maybe she doesn't need the Dark Dimension after all...


1799 A.D (Earth Time)

On a faraway planet in a faraway galaxy, within a jungle, in a secret base of the most feared organization on the planet, in a laboratory, surrounded by scientists, strapped down laid an albino man.

While the scientists kept talking to each other the white-haired man opened his eyes, confused...

'What's going on? Where am I, the last thing I remembered was making a new character in 'Galaxy'...'

"Quickly, call M.s Hela, the test subject has come back to life!"

"Call the guards"

As the scientists started a commotion، Han Xiao realized he could understand them, although they were speaking in a language he never heard!

'Just what is going on...?' as that thought crossed his mind, he and all those present in the room failed to see an object falling on his head.

It was a watch, a bronze mechanical watch...

{"Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Paragon Orb..."}

What capabilities will the Legendary Mechanic have now that he has a different 'System'?


1892, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Within the room of hidden things, an Albino boy could be seen, no older than 15, with white ash hair, his left eye was black while his right eye was silver white, in Slytherin green ropes, he was looking around for anything to interest him when suddenly he heard a call.

"Gallert come here, I found something"

Heading towards the call he yelled back "What is it Albous"

[A/N: Grindelwald wasn't supposed to attend Hogwarts but I changed it for plot purposes.]

"I found a strange box here check this" replied Aldous emerging from a pile of stacked wooden carvings holding a blue shiny cube filled with runes.

(Image here)

"Wow...what a Marvelous thing" exclaimed Gallert when he saw it.

"What do you think is it I couldn't open it" asked Albous, he was blue-eyed, blond wearing Gryffindor wizard ropes.

"Well of course you couldn't open it you idiot, it is sealed by runes, let me check" said Gallert taking the cube.

Gallert Grindelwald and Albous-too many names-Dumbledor met in their first year at Hogwarts and have been friends ever since, as they both had the same general interest and ambition although very rare to happen between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.

Examining the runes on the cube carefully Gallert said: "I think I understand some words here, it reads:...Path to the Divine...seeking knowledge...Knowledge of the beyond...Race to Godhood, I can't translate the rest of it though"

"Hmm, can you open it? I tried before with magic but it's not working"

"I can try but I am not sure, go back a little I'll check something" said Gallert as he took out his wand in an inverse grip and started writing on the surface of the cube gradually.

"Brilliant I'll wait here" replied Albous unaware that Gallert had already forgotten he was there...

23 minutes later.

"I knew I could do it" said Gallert to Albous hiding the fact that he almost blew the room up.

With a click sound, the cube broke apart revealing its content to the world.


Inside the now open cube lay a Black book and a white book...

The White book was carved in countless runes, with a white Tower drawn in the middle. Next to it was a purple-black book with an Eye in the middle representing knowledge, and beneath them two Tarot cards.

The Tower, and The Hermit.

Gallert turned his head to Albous only to find him starting back.

"I want the white one"

"I'll take the black book"

They said simultaneously as they smiled at each other.

Perhaps the two lovers could find a way to beat Death.


1895, Austria

A 6-year-old could be seen on a small bed calmly sleeping without a care in the world, it was baby Hitler.

Sleeping so peacefully like the kid he was he didn't see when a golden pen went through his head nor did he hear the notification afterward...

{Congratialations, you have been chosen by Visionary Orb...}

What would happen if the nazis had a more competent leader??


1942, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The preparation we're complete, he was sure Murtle would be in the bathrooms on the second floor by herself like the nerd mudblood that she is.

He already commanded the Basilisk to get out around the same time she get out, killing her and using this opportunity to obtain his first Horcrux, achieving Immortality by dividing his soul...

Not the ideal method but it will do.

Tom was decidedly anticipating this evening in his dorm, unfortunately for Tom and fortunately for Murtle, before he could even begin his insidious plan, black goo started seeping from the walls of his room as a Tarot card slipped in, The Devil...

In his screams and failed attempts of escape a voice infinitely high and unnaturally close spoke to him...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Abyss Orb...}

Fate is such a fickle thing...


1956, Latveria.

On a beautiful thrown sat Doom. He appeared contemplating as he looked into various holograms around him that showed the state of the country.

"Sigh..." A sigh escaped his mouth, he needed to do something, he wants to improve the defenses, protect the citizens, get Susan Storm and so much more...yet he was helpless, although he had a massive amount of power, he was alone, even though his doom bots helped but he needed manpower.

'There are four of them and Doom is all alone' He is thought in distress.

He was kind of distracted at the moment, and that's why...when a Black Crown fell on top of his head, he didn't notice.

{Congratulations, You have been chosen by the Black Emperor Orb...}

What followed was the fall of two objects to the ground next to him...a letter and a Tarot card.

The Emperor.



Massive waves of flame rushed from the Human Torch toward Dr.Doom yet when they were about to hit him, the waves strangely 'curved' and blasted The Thing...

'Dammit' Sisan Thought while using all the power she could accumulate to lunch multiple attacks on Doom from different angles, unfortunately, the results were the same as before, everything they throw at him changed directions...friendly fire became so common to the degree Susan stopped attacking and focused more on defending the others from the improved Doombots...

Of all their battles against Doom, this was by far the hardest one, Ben was being thrown left and right incapable of approaching Victor, and Johny wasn't of much help, Reed...was dying... And by the looks of it, he wasn't going to survive... Susan wasn't in better shape, to be honest.

Since Doom got those strange abilities a couple of years back, fighting him became... Difficult and by that she means they barely survive each battle and most of the time they did it by luck...

'Sigh, no use thinking about it now, this is maybe where we would die...' A depressing thought indeed, but unfortunately it wasn't far from the truth.

While Susan kept thinking of strategies to get out of this situation, her brother did something stupid...again.

Suddenly Johny accelerated at an incredible speed attacking Doom while the fire around him burned so much it became scorching white.

Seeing this Doom stretched both hands, made a grasping motion with his right hand, and uttered a single word "Chaos", at the same time his left hand glowed in black light creating hundreds of mini shields showcasing his mastery over magic!

Needless to say, Johny's attack failed, no, the correct sentence should be collapsed on itself in a massive explosion that would have easily killed everyone present if not for the black magic barriers that enveloped the explosion.

"Johny!!" Susan screamed as she saw her brother's miserable death, in a fit of rage she gather all her powers and unleashed them on Doom...

Yet... Doom just 'Disoted' the attack to poor Reed, the guy... Exploded.

"Noo!!" Susan shouted once again, she fell to her knees in disbelief, they were the good guys...they were supposed to win...how could this happen...

Watching her emotional breakdown, Doom floated to her in slow motion, his head high. On the side, the Thing still didn't give up but he stood no chance against Doom so Doom ignored him.

Looking at Susan from above Victor Von Doom started speaking "It's a shame you have chosen that useless gum over Doom, you and Doom could have done great things, what unfortunate circumstances are we in today" He finished with a sigh before twisting his hand. He was 'distorting' the tubes of her heart, a perfect way to die for someone that rejected Doom.

However, before the 'distorting' took place, something fell from the sky directly at Susan, a beautiful crown made of colorful blossoms...

In a flash of light, Susan Storm... disappeared, only a tarot card left in her place.

The World.


1981, Great Britain, Devon.

Near the village of Ottery St Catchpole, a rook-like house stood tall on a cliff.

The Lovegood home.

Inside one of the rooms a baby girl no older than 2-3 months lay quietly titling her head frequently in an obvious curiosity, when she looked in the upper left she stood still as she watched a silver card moving from side to side falling slowly towards her, she couldn't see it but there was a Silver Dice on top of the card.

As the baby stretched her tiny hands to catch the card, it hovered gently into her hand as the Dice slid to her chest before melting within...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Wheel of Fortune Orb...}

When a lovely witch got the ability to manipulate Fate, Luck, and probability...


1981 (Earth years), an Unkown planet

Two words could describe what was happening on this planet.



Green armored human-looking soldiers were evaluating people and defending them from black armored 'creatures' that fell from the sky.

The battle could be traced all over the planet, however, it was quite obvious who was winning.

The black monstrous beasts ravished through everything thrown at them even the massive destruction weapons that were occasunly bombing them.


Billion Capital City.

Unlike the war around the planet, the capital was already down...

On top of the shattered Royal palace a purple two meters Titan could be seen.

He appeared to be contemplating silently as he held a Tarot card in his right hand while his left had a golden letter on it...


1986, New York.

Scott was struggling, he had fallen in love with Jean yet she...chose that hairy as*hole Logan over him...

He couldn't accept it, every minute of watching them together scarred his heart...not to mention, he was quite tired of this hero stuff, no matter how many mutants they saved, nothing changed, Scott hated that thought but...the Professor method was lacking...

So right now, standing outside the manor, holding a suitcase with all his belongings inside, he decided to leave...

They could take care of themselves...

'Perhaps, it is time for a new start, somewhere far, somewhere peaceful...' He thought. Strangely at that moment, his heart felt at ease after a long time...

Scott walked, he was heading toward the airport, he had some savings to use, and he planned to buy a house in Amsterdam and enjoy life, possibly find a wife and build a family.

'Thinking of having kids...damn, I got old' He amused himself.

Scott walked quietly within this lonely evening, he was relaxed for the first time in a while, living in that mansion where every Sunday an attack occur was... exhausting...

In his relaxed state, he was too late to respond when dozens of spiked chains raised from the ground, they enveloped him fully and pulled him to god knows where.

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Chained Orb...}

What will this hated character do?


1991, Malibu, Stark Mansion, workshop.

21-year-old Tony Stark could be seen working tirelessly on various machines, doing what he excels at to distract himself about his parents' death...

The investigation was at its peak right now as although his parents' death was assumed to be an accident, just in case it wasn't the military started a big investigation.

Tony was devastated...

He had left his uncle Obediah to take care of the company while he drowned in working and drinking...


At the same time high in the sky above the USA, something strange was occurring, a Black Inverse Cross was standing still in the air.

The Cross was like a snake, extremely still when suddenly like it noticed the enemy flinch, the Cross attacked!

Faster than light The Inverse Cross fell at Tony phasing through everything in its path...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by The Hanged Man Orb...}

Sacrifice...such a strange word...


First-person P.O.V

2001, Canada, Secret Mutant Lab

This is SOME REAL BULLSHIT, here I am strapped to a bed getting tortured by a French cucksocker who doesn't feel shit.

"Having any regrets Mr.Wade?"

"Nah bitch I am cool, I do hope they blocked the pain to all your nerves cause I am gonna be looking, on another note if I cut your d*ck and stick it up your ass you still won't feel a thing?"

"Well Mr.Wilson I hope you enjoy your evening suffocated"

Smiling that bastard left me here choking for hours, hours I say!! as he was probably going to ruin some other motherfucker life.

'Hmmm, I know I should be out of breath but is it getting hotter here?'

Before completing that line of thought everything caught on fire as a flaming sword broke the protective glass and impaled me...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Red Priest Orb...}

By Patrick Stewart's bald head, Fuck!


2004, Kamar-taj

Hector was sitting in his room in a meditating posture when suddenly the colors around the room became alive?

Red became blood red, blue changed to azure, and black and white blended into something new...

Opening his eyes, Hector immediately released high levels of energy from a dimension he was connected to, to escape this phenomenon, unfortunately, he failed as felt isolated from the outside world even his bond with the dimension was off...

Making a decision in a split second he attempted a forbidden spell to 'break' space around the area to run away.

Too bad for Hector his luck wasn't that good and a projection of an Inverse Pyramid penetrated his chest from seemingly nowhere...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Death Orb...}

What effect will this variant of Eidolon have in this reality?


2009, New York, Stark fair.

People fled in all directions as dozens of robots got into a frenzy randomly attacking all life nearby...

On another side of the fair, a kid no older than 9 could be seen, he was wearing an Ironman mask, holding his hand in a shooting motion to one of the Bots nearby...

As he just 'shot' the robot, an elderly woman was running towards him, she grabbed him and quickly ran away not noticing the fact that the mask on the boy was no longer an Ironman mask but a golden laughing one...

{Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Fool Orb...}

It was time for Magician Spiderman to take the lead...

